Part-Time/Full-Time/Ex-Weed Smokers

Cannabis doesn't make people stupid you retard! Also doesn't make people lazy. Learn some facts before you speak dumb ass.


Closed Account
Its not because the person in question is a drug smuggler the same as others are drug smugglers. It might have been better to use different breeds of apple rather than two different types of fruit with different properties (taste, colour, shape etc)

I didn't claim that you think all drug smugglers are legends. But you said that one of the reasons you think Howard Marks is a legend is for smuggling cannabis. But you also say that you don't admire or condone drug smugglers! :confused:
Clearly you do.
Albeit only one.
Namely the aforementioned Howard Marks.

Firstly, whether it's a type of apple relating to liking all apples, or liking an apple relating to liking all fruit, it ends up meaning exactly the same thing!

I'm happy to debate this, I think it could be really interesting, however, arguing over this metaphor being correct or not, might be an indication that it might be best to consider leaving it.

Now, there are aspects of admiration I have for Howard Marks which inevitably involve smuggling 'drugs'... However, what I admire, is the balls it takes to keep it together while driving ton's of contraband across a border, the brains it takes to organise and keep everything on track, although inevitably that didn't always work out. Finally I have to admire the fact that he spent seven years in America's toughest prison. I admire his character, though it does inevitably relate to smuggling 'drugs'. Hence:

For smuggling drugs?!? :confused:

Not exclusively, but among other things, techincally yes, for smuggling Cannabis!

Also, this doesn't mean I admire or condone drug smugglers because I believe Howard Marks is a Legend!


Howard Marks is a twat!

You've already established that you dislike everything EVER, so it's not at all surprising.

I personally like the guy. Not just because he "smuggled drugs" but because he is a great character. There is a lot more to him than just being a criminal.
Weed has nothing to do with making you dumb or unmotivated. It's the person who chooses this path. 4 out of the 6 4.0s in our hs smoked weed. Maybe not like a pothead, but I smoked with one on occasion.

It's about controlling yourself and making yourself happy. Not always about being the smartest.

BTW, I've seen more dumb people drunk then I have high. Being drunk makes me want to do stupid things. Being high makes me very motivated.

I have no idea who this guy is though. Sounds like another dumb political view for pot. People should stop trying to make political views when it comes to weed both sides look equally as dumb.

Moderation is key to anything.

I am merely speaking on my personal reason of never having smoked or any of that sort. It was because of the ones back in school that did and could hardly keep up with a conversation that did not deal with what time is the party and who is bringing the beer and weed.

If others do, whatever, if they are successful and do it, it's not like I never heard of that one. It's all about moderation and how much you use. Can either enjoy it here and there or get burnt out and 24/7 it up.


There are posters on this site who claim to not smoke, and we all know what fools they are from their words and ideas in their posts.
I have been in many countries where smoking is traditional, and as many where alcohol is likewise. A dumb drunk ain't much different than a dumb doper, but a drunk is a lot more likely to beat the shit outa his wife and kids than any pothead ever would be...
A good hookah of hash and some hot tea, passing a night with friends playing cards and buzzing is a good is a BarBQ, beer, a good game, and a few shots.
Those who say they don't smoke but have an opinion on smokers and smoking are so lame as to just be ignored.
A drunk is a specific creature, and has nothing to do in reality with some fine wine, a good Tequila, or some aged Scotch.:thumbsup:
Everyone has an opinion, if we went by the if you aren't apart of or partake in it you shouldn't talk about it at all whether it be praise or negative.

I mean, where would that leave us on all the political and science threads on here? As far as I know none of us are within government on any level (let alone military, congress, or house to get into some of the opinionated debates that happen on here) or science fields to voice our opinions. Yet we do, and there are always a myriad of opinions, and there are debates, but no one in there says if you don't partake in it you needn't speak about it.

Leave that reply for the folks who say nanner, nanner, nanner poopy pants or insulting name that ends with McGee.


Closed Account
I knew a guy who smoked weed, usually with his friends. He was usually quite unapproachable, even dangerous, however, after his nightly joint he was one of the friendliest chaps I knew.


Re: Part-Time/Full-Time/Ex-Weed Smokers

'Hated the stuff & haven't touched it in eons. :hatsoff:
I still like to drink in moderation after work is done or on weekends... sometimes. :beer::glugglug:


Everyone has an opinion, if we went by the if you aren't apart of or partake in it you shouldn't talk about it at all whether it be praise or negative.

I mean, where would that leave us on all the political and science threads on here? As far as I know none of us are within government on any level (let alone military, congress, or house to get into some of the opinionated debates that happen on here) or science fields to voice our opinions. Yet we do, and there are always a myriad of opinions, and there are debates, but no one in there says if you don't partake in it you needn't speak about it.

Leave that reply for the folks who say nanner, nanner, nanner poopy pants or insulting name that ends with McGee.
This post would apply only if you think all things are the same, all situations are similar, and an apple is comparatively equal to a red rock.
Fucking a redhead or a brunette is an opinion thing, whatever you like better is personal and discussable. A gay butt-buddy giving his opinion in a discussion about how sweet pussy can be would just be lame and not worth paying attention to.
Hopefully you can actually see the difference between smoking reefer and ObamaCare...if not, find a caring stoner and have a toke...:rofl: