Part-Time/Full-Time/Ex-Weed Smokers

I never smoked weed or done any drugs; not even cigarettes. All it took for me was to see few stoners throughout school years and how incredibly stupid they were to keep me away from it.


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Reminds me of why I gave up pot, boring wankers & Howard Marks is a twat!

I'm dissapointed, and very upset, actually verging on distraught! I was hoping to spark some nostalgia amongs the ranks. It's a shame you didn't enjoy smoking, I admit things can get socially stagnant, especially if you're out of sync with others. However I look back remembering that I had alot of fun. Shame it's not not the same with crack.

And, I'm afraid I've got to say that for whatever reason you think he's a twat, Howard Marks is a legend!


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For smuggling drugs?!? :confused:

Not exclusively, but among other things, techincally yes, for smuggling Cannabis!

Also, this doesn't mean I admire or condone drug smugglers because I believe Howard Marks is a Legend!


I never smoked weed or done any drugs; not even cigarettes. All it took for me was to see few stoners throughout school years and how incredibly stupid they were to keep me away from it.

Weed has nothing to do with making you dumb or unmotivated. It's the person who chooses this path. 4 out of the 6 4.0s in our hs smoked weed. Maybe not like a pothead, but I smoked with one on occasion.

It's about controlling yourself and making yourself happy. Not always about being the smartest.

BTW, I've seen more dumb people drunk then I have high. Being drunk makes me want to do stupid things. Being high makes me very motivated.

I have no idea who this guy is though. Sounds like another dumb political view for pot. People should stop trying to make political views when it comes to weed both sides look equally as dumb.
Not exclusively, but among other things, techincally yes, for smuggling Cannabis!

Also, this doesn't mean I admire or condone drug smugglers because I believe Howard Marks is a Legend!
You don't admire or condone drug smugglers but you thing he's a legend, technically, for smuggling drugs?!? (among other things, like publishing his autobiography & doing talks at lectures where people confuse drug smuggling with being some sort of anti-establishment hero I guess?!?) :confused:


You don't admire or condone drug smugglers but you thing he's a legend, technically, for smuggling drugs?!? (among other things, like publishing his autobiography & doing talks at lectures where people confuse drug smuggling with being some sort of anti-establishment hero I guess?!?) :confused:

It's probably just the rebioulous (you don't like how I spell it then you go right ahead and spell it better) aspect of it. Your heros aren't always heros in other peoples eyes.


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Weed has nothing to do with making you dumb or unmotivated. It's the person who chooses this path. 4 out of the 6 4.0s in our hs smoked weed. Maybe not like a pothead, but I smoked with one on occasion.

It's about controlling yourself and making yourself happy. Not always about being the smartest.

BTW, I've seen more dumb people drunk then I have high. Being drunk makes me want to do stupid things. Being high makes me very motivated.

I have no idea who this guy is though. Sounds like another dumb political view for pot. People should stop trying to make political views when it comes to weed both sides look equally as dumb.

Whatever anyones opinion on Howard Marks, he mirrors what you've just said. Howard Marks got a scolarship to Oxford University, which is where he was introduced to Cannabis, and still got his degree. You're likely to know more about him I'm sure when the film 'Mr Nice' comes out in 2010.


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You don't admire or condone drug smugglers but you thing he's a legend, technically, for smuggling drugs?!? (among other things, like publishing his autobiography & doing talks at lectures where people confuse drug smuggling with being some sort of anti-establishment hero I guess?!?) :confused:

If I like the taste of an apple, it doesn't then mean that I also by default like the taste of an orange because it's also a fruit!
It's ok for every once in awhile, but if that's all you're about than that is sad. There's alot more things I would like to spend my time on than being ripped out of my mind on some good bionic. In the end it just makes me feel kind of selfish. :dunno:


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I don't think smoking weed is cool, that's a fool's opinion, my opinion is that like everything in life, it's good in moderation, if you don't like, don't smoke it. It's also my opinion that it's less harmfull than alcohol, which is legal and taxed, although it causes more violence, injuries and deaths, than I personally believe Cannabis would, and in my experience that has clearly been the case.

Also, there are many reasons why I believe Howard Marks is a Legend, despite him being a 'drug' smuggler. These reason's are likely to be lightly peppered with some residual blind admiration I had for him as a teenager growing up. This doesn't detract from the real reason's that I now largely base my opinion on, as to why he is a legend.


Closed Account
Meaningless in this context.

I think a particular person, who was a 'drug' smuggler is a Legend, This doesn't mean that I, by default, think all drug smugglers are legends.

It's a directly corresponding metaphor.


Hey Im stoned just now & most nights , when I get home from work , I like to spark a spliff up and chill out , I prefer it to having a beer
I think a particular person, who was a 'drug' smuggler is a Legend, This doesn't mean that I, by default, think all drug smugglers are legends.

It's a directly corresponding metaphor.
Its not because the person in question is a drug smuggler the same as others are drug smugglers. It might have been better to use different breeds of apple rather than two different types of fruit with different properties (taste, colour, shape etc)

I didn't claim that you think all drug smugglers are legends. But you said that one of the reasons you think Howard Marks is a legend is for smuggling cannabis. But you also say that you don't admire or condone drug smugglers! :confused:
Clearly you do.
Albeit only one.
Namely the aforementioned Howard Marks.
(in fact probably more than one, inadvertently of course, because I doubt if Marks did all the smuggling himself. I'm sure as his operation grew he had others under his employee. These were no doubt valuable contributers to the legend of Marks.)