Parolee kills 3 Oakland Police officers

yeah, it fucking sucks. and they wonder why some white people are still racist :mad:

I'm an immigrant and growing up in "the hood" and moving out to a whitebread area made me racist. I saw how horribly whites were treated in black neighborhoods and than saw how blacks were treated in white's a huge difference. When I hear liberals who grew up in North Dakota (really) or in some upper-class all white area crying about evil white people...I just shake my head. They have no idea what it's like, and they don't want to know.

I think a lot of them don't really care about eliminating racism or peace in the country, they just know that the black americans are a great source of votes and want to keep them loyal to their agenda no matter what. Republicans do the same thing with white southerners.
at least this is not as bad as the gang violence in Vancouver Canada

I'm surprised this is Sikh kids doing this. I've heard that there are problems in UK with Bangladeshis and muslims but this is interesting. Are you familiar with Surrey in Canada? I know a lot of Sikhs say that is problematic and you get a lot of Indians trying to emulate "gangsta" b.s. from America. I guess they'd be called Wiggers here in the U.S. or Chavs in the UK. A few morons get a hold of a gun and decide to kill someone? Idiots.


Fourth officer dies after deadliest day in Oakland police history
Oakland Tribune
Updated: 03/22/2009 01:34:19 PM PDT

OAKLAND — The number of officers who died in Oakland police's deadliest shooting grew to four this morning when Officer John Hege was pronounced dead.

Hege, 41, of Concord, was pronounced dead about 11:30 this morning at Highland Hospital, police spokesman Jeff Thomason said.

Three other officers died Saturday: Sgt. Erv Romans, 43; Mark Dunakin, 40; and Sgt. Dan Sakai, 35.

Hege was in grave condition Saturday night after a traffic stop with a parole violator left three officers dead in two related shootings.

Lovelle Mixon, 26, who was wanted on a "No Bail" warrant for violating his parole for assault with a deadly weapon, was shot and killed by SWAT officers.

Lock 'em types up and keep 'em locked up !!


Unfortunately there are plenty of black supremacists in Oakland and that's why they taunted the police after the 2 officers were killed.

Look up the Zebra murders of the 1970's. California is a hotbed of black extremism.

I don't know that there's an organized "black supremacy" movement in Oakland when they're blowing each other away all of the time. Sure, there's thuggery, drug distribution, drive by shootings etc. in Oakland, but it's more or less concentrated within the Oakland, Richmond and Hunter's Point (Bayview - South San Francisco) area communities.

People that live inside of these communities simply say that it's all just a matter of survival, a way of life, if you will. Church groups along with local cities and other non profit groups have tried their darnedest to instill a sense of tranquility, moderation, faith, work ethic etc. for years, only to be defeated by the drug pushing and the ensuing violence that comes with it.
Need I say that it'a sad state of affairs.

Speaking of "black supremacy", it's sorta funny how ex black pantherette, Angela Davis is the Chancellor of UCSC, as well as a devout Communist Party member radical to this day, although I think that she's calmed down some. :uohs:
I don't know that there's an organized "black supremacy" movement in Oakland when they're blowing each other away all of the time. Sure, there's thuggery, drug distribution, drive by shootings etc. in Oakland, but it's more or less concentrated within the Oakland, Richmond and Hunter's Point (Bayview - South San Francisco) area communities.

People that live inside of these communities simply say that it's all just a matter of survival, a way of life, if you will. Church groups along with local cities and other non profit groups have tried their darnedest to instill a sense of tranquility, moderation, faith, work ethic etc. for years, only to be defeated by the drug pushing and the ensuing violence that comes with it.
Need I say that it'a sad state of affairs.

Speaking of "black supremacy", it's sorta funny how ex black pantherette, Angela Davis is the Chancellor of UCSC, as well as a devout Communist Party member radical to this day, although I think that she's calmed down some. :uohs:

That's an interesting run down on things. I would say that the liberal, self-hating white enviornment of the Bay area seems to foster, not discourage black supremacists. If you look at Southern Poverty Law Center's website where they track racist/supremacist groups, the largest cluster of black supremacist groups are found in Chicago and California.
Originally Posted by Facial_King View Post
Sign up to be a cop, understand the risks that come with that line of work - even if they are statistically lesser than those of other professions! (fact)

Same goes for fishermen.

Well, that's only half-true, because comparing fishermen with cops, the more deadly job is that of fishermen.

I already saw an article where the father of one cop said that his son loved the "excitement" of police work. But, as this horrible event shows, excitement does often come paired with danger.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Well, that's only half-true, because comparing fishermen with cops, the more deadly job is that of fishermen.

Compare the danger of a fisherman and being a cop in California.

If you look at just the deaths, you don't get a valid representation of danger. There are estimates that smoking kills over 400,000 people each year, but you can't say that someone who smokes has a more dangerous life than a police officer. You know?

I already saw an article where the father of one cop said that his son loved the "excitement" of police work. But, as this horrible event shows, excitement does often come paired with danger.


Unfortunately, that's true. Most thrills can kill you. Sky diving, drinking alcohol, drugs, driving fast, etc. It's almost as if we, as human beings, are programmed to flirt with death just to get our kicks. Thanks a lot, JESUS. :mad:


If you look at Southern Poverty Law Center's website where they track racist/supremacist groups, the largest cluster of black supremacist groups are found in Chicago and California.

I never knew that Mo Deez (chair attorney or was st SPLC) recognizes the fact that there are other than white supremacist groups in the world. I'll be damned, I'll have to go check out the site again. :dunno:
Don't they have an assault rifle ban in Cali? And yet this rat bastard cop killer criminal still managed to get one? So much for gun control working. :rolleyes: And yet, the gun grabbers will use this to fuel their fire even more. Fucking turd brains. :rolleyes:
Don't they have an assault rifle ban in Cali? And yet this rat bastard cop killer criminal still managed to get one? So much for gun control working. :rolleyes: And yet, the gun grabbers will use this to fuel their fire even more. Fucking turd brains. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah - watch out!!!! Obama's coming for your gun!!!!



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Horrific. What a you prevent this shit without keeping everyone who gets convicted of a crime in jail FOREVER is beyond me. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. Brave and innocent protectors whose lives were wasted so frivolously.....ugh!!! What a sickening story.
I never knew that Mo Deez (chair attorney or was st SPLC) recognizes the fact that there are other than white supremacist groups in the world. I'll be damned, I'll have to go check out the site again. :dunno:

He does it to deflect a little of the criticism that comes his way. Also I would say that as African Americans gain more mainstream power in this country, black men in particular are getting scrutinized for straying outside the p.c. lines. I really don't get any schadenfreude out of it though, even if it's fitting to see black guys getting hit over the head with the same p.c. bludgeon everyone's used on white males for the last few decades.

I'm thinking of the Grey's Anatomy psuedo-scandal where the one african american actor used some slurs about his gay castmate. I think they've found out that there's a hierarchy to the "protected classes" in this country, with gay men being more protected than black men. I don't know how the rest of the stack goes.


Oh yeah - watch out!!!! Obama's coming for your gun!!!!


Well, yeah, he is:

Horrific. What a you prevent this shit without keeping everyone who gets convicted of a crime in jail FOREVER is beyond me. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. Brave and innocent protectors whose lives were wasted so frivolously.....ugh!!! What a sickening story.

Better yet, lets call for the head of the POS who parolled him. Somebody out there let'im go.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Shit makes me sick. I feel bad for those fine police officers and everyone that they knew and who knew them. :(

Everyone assoicated with the hunk of filth, meaning his family, should pay for his decisions, and their obvious misguided raising of him.



Lovelle Mixon, a parolee on the run, already had shot Oakland police Sgt. Mark Dunakin and Officer John Hege. Then, as the two men lay on the ground, Mixon stood over them and fired again.

But the ex-con wasn't done. He ran around the corner to his sister's apartment and waited — SKS military assault rifle ready — for the officers he knew would come after him.
Shit makes me sick. I feel bad for those fine police officers and everyone that they knew and who knew them. :(

Everyone assoicated with the hunk of filth, meaning his family, should pay for his decisions, and their obvious misguided raising of him.

So, you would be in favor of a (new) law, allowing such punishments for parents of adult criminals?

The parents of Jeffrey Dahmer and Timothy McVeigh - watch out!!