Paranormal Activity

Anybody seen it? I'm going tonight. I love horror movies and I've heard it is supposed to be really scary. I have a feeling I will be disappointed though. What else is new?

The trailer looks fucking stupid, but a lot of people are saying...

"it's the scariest movie I've ever seen."

"I almost had to leave the theatre because I was shaking so bad"

"I felt like crying it was so scary"

These are quotes from people calling into a local radio show here and talking about the film. I don't expect to be scared shitless, but I'm hoping it's at least a decent movie.

I'll update you all tomorrow with my thumb up or, or thumb down.
Yeah, the hype is so intense, it's hard to imagine it actually living up to it....

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
My brother saw it and he said it was pretty intense. He wasn't scared, but some of the other people were. Also, before the film started, a man in suit came down and told everyone that they could not be texting or using their phones during the movie or they would be removed without a refund. Security guards patrolled and actually removed people who didn't follow the rules. This hasn't happened during other films at this theater, it's unique only to Paranormal Activity. I don't know if they were trying to stop people from filming it with their phone, but I think it's a great idea. You don't need to constantly update your Facebook status or text your girlfriend when you're at a movie.
I do want to see this movie, but I will most likely wait until the DVD comes out ...

Mydaughter saw it and it scared the living shit out of her.....I will also wait for the DVD release as well. Good reviews and comments from those who saw it.


Postal Paranoiac
There's some paranormal activity going on in my beer right now...I think...:rolleyes:


Bet you its shit , all these movies with the hype are shit they know they are shit so they need a marketing ploy , how anyone can be scared by a movie is beyond me ?

You know you are going to see a movie which has been made , so how anyone can get scared is just bullshit!!

Now if it had actual real life footage then thats something else then people could have genuine fear from , but its make believe so it will be bollocks

Remember the Exorcist = Shit , Blair Witch Project = Shit , SAW = Shit , Texas Chainsaw Massacre = Shit

Hype = Shit , get what Im saying? Save your money for something else

The way tension is build up before something happens is well done but I didn't think it was scary. If you liked The Blair Witch Project you'll probably like Paranoral Activity as well. Make sure to see the theatrical verson tho, it has a better ending.


The reviews haven't been bad, particularly for a film that cost a mere $150,000.00 to make. :D
Any movie that ranks among the top 5 over the weekend (last week), that's not bad !


Member, you member...
I saw it before it was released everywhere.
The place was PACKED - I had not been to a movie that was full in a long time.
Have you seen Paranormal State on A & E? It's shot in a similar style, making it
more believeable because it's mainly two characters.
Yes, the crowd reacted to the surprise scenes and the most exclaimed words
were "What the fuck?"
There were mainly younger people there - as I understand, the hype was passed around on Facebook and Myspace.
If you go into the theater thinking it will be stupid then you've condemned it already.
See it on the big screen.
The anticipation of something going down is what did for me, including the
hair on the back of my tingling. lol
I recommend it, but that's just me.
Just got back and it was a complete waste of my fucking tyme! Ive seen two versions of the movie. the original ending is so fucking stupid. the ending now in theatres is even more fucking stupid. im glad my gf paid for this shit. :mad:
I'm conflicted :dunno:

well don't be, Horror movie suck. ever watched one without the sound. the Sound is what makes a shitty horror movie. If you hear a door shut in THX surround sound out of the blue, your sure to jump. thats what this movie was about, the fucking sound was ridiculously loud at tonites theatre :mad:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Unfortunatly since this isn't some huge Hollywood Blockbuster that cost millions to make, we've been thrown back into the dark ages and have to wait until sometime before the New Year when it comes to the dutch theaters.