Panama detains fomer CIA Office


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
If there were a viable third party I would be interested. I'll never vote for the current GOP's social conservative agenda, that's really the sticking point to me.

I don't need a "viable" third party since I don't consider the two major parties viable.
I was about to say...make a third party viable by supporting them. If with nothing except your vote. Here's the thing about voting third party - even if you don't agree with a candidate all that much, the vote is a signal to the main two parties that something has to change. With enough of those isn't so much about a third-party candidate winning, which won't happen for many elections, but votes for them are pressure on the main two. It shows the main two they have less 'safe votes' and actually need to do reasonable things for them. In this light, incremental percentages can count.

Do you ever bore yourself? Because you bore everyone else to tears.
Can we all just agree to put Philbert on ignore? Seriously? Many of us agree that he's an arrogant moron who contributes nothing, and yet thread after thread turns into a middle-school shit-flinging match with him where almost 100% of his responses boil down to "I know you are, but what am I?" - I know this, because even though I have him on ignore, I see his shit quoted so much by people engaging in the shit-flinging.



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Can we all just agree to put Philbert on ignore? Seriously? Many of us agree that he's an arrogant moron who contributes nothing, and yet thread after thread turns into a middle-school shit-flinging match with him where almost 100% of his responses boil down to "I know you are, but what am I?" - I know this, because even though I have him on ignore, I see his shit quoted so much by people engaging in the shit-flinging.


I would prefer he was permanently banned for being a troll, but hey, that's ok per the forum TOS, so you're probably right.


The BUTTHURT LEAGUE has joined the game! LOL
Or should I say TWO IDIOTS and A FOOL...wasn't that a TV series?

It's almost heartwarming to see such manlove displayed in public...


Keep my affection for other men out of this, Dullbert.

Says the big time homophobe...
Don't show your jealousy in front of everyone, it's embarrassing.
Give it up, you know you wanna... you have strong buttpirate tendencies and you should let it out ...methinks you doth protest TOO much, Misfire.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Says the big time homophobe...
Don't show your jealousy in front of everyone, it's embarrassing.
Give it up, you know you wanna... you have strong buttpirate tendencies and you should let it out ...methinks you doth protest TOO much, Misfire.

You just keep illustrating your incredible stupidity and lack of education, of course there's nothing surprising about that considering the low information politics you spout off. The way you obsess on others is disturbing, but again, totally unsurprising. If you spent as much time on an education as you do in your masturbatory man fantasies and grade-school flirtations You Might not be dumb as a box of rocks, but you would still be stupid, real stupid.


You just keep illustrating your incredible stupidity and lack of education, of course there's nothing surprising about that considering the low information politics you spout off. The way you obsess on others is disturbing, but again, totally unsurprising. If you spent as much time on an education as you do in your masturbatory man fantasies and grade-school flirtations You Might not be dumb as a box of rocks, but you would still be stupid, real stupid.

You're losing your grip.
Easy, little man...take a pill or something.
No matter how much Adolf has impressed you, and how much "Mein Kampf" has taught you, the BIG LIE theory only works on those not aware of the technique.
You are coming apart at the seams, being less than smart is not something you can fix. Do I need to quote Ron White for you again?
You are not now, nor have you ever been, my equal. You are not as smart , nor as good looking; I can tell you don't do well in the looks dept from your frantic attempts to bolster your self esteem.
You and zee blows chickens and Ratturd all have that in common...a definite desire to convince yourselves of your wonderfulness.
The three of you ass grabbing each other in this thread is hilarious, with Broken Wheel puppy-dogging it at your feet.
But I know you'll be right back, telling yourself how dumb I must be not to run away from you, and not to see your deep thoughts are so superior to mine.:rofl2:
(Please bear with me a moment, I'm laughing too hard to concentrate on the keyboard...OK, that's better. :DOww, my sides hurt!)
You are a sad person, and no amount of BS is gonna erase that fact.
Now go PM Ratturd and the other members of the BUTTHURT LEAGUE and come up with a better plan.:picardfacepalm:

This is for you...!:dotdot:
You're losing your grip.
Easy, little man...take a pill or something.
No matter how much Adolf has impressed you, and how much "Mein Kampf" has taught you, the BIG LIE theory only works on those not aware of the technique.
You are coming apart at the seams, being less than smart is not something you can fix. Do I need to quote Ron White for you again?
You are not now, nor have you ever been, my equal. You are not as smart , nor as good looking; I can tell you don't do well in the looks dept from your frantic attempts to bolster your self esteem.
You and zee blows chickens and Ratturd all have that in common...a definite desire to convince yourselves of your wonderfulness.
The three of you ass grabbing each other in this thread is hilarious, with Broken Wheel puppy-dogging it at your feet.
But I know you'll be right back, telling yourself how dumb I must be not to run away from you, and not to see your deep thoughts are so superior to mine.:rofl2:
(Please bear with me a moment, I'm laughing too hard to concentrate on the keyboard...OK, that's better. :DOww, my sides hurt!)
You are a sad person, and no amount of BS is gonna erase that fact.
Now go PM Ratturd and the other members of the BUTTHURT LEAGUE and come up with a better plan.:picardfacepalm:

This is for you...!:dotdot:

Wish I was still 11.


Said the half wit troll.

Does that mean you're a witless fool?:pathead: I would say... yes. Most definitely.

You keep trying to convince someone you are smart and I'm too dumb to write 10 coherent words.
Do you think anyone really believes that stupid a claim? Besides the BUTTHURT LEAGUE... does troll and Philbert even connect? Do you even know the meaning of the term?
Even using words of 1 syllable could you prove your claim of trollhood?
Try and see if you can find enough words in you vocabulary, even use a few 2 syllable words if it's not too taxing on you.
I am so looking forward to hearing your theory put into a post.
Get help with spelling and even a few big words.:picardfacepalm:
Does that mean you're a witless fool?:pathead: I would say... yes. Most definitely.

You keep trying to convince someone you are smart and I'm too dumb to write 10 coherent words.
Do you think anyone really believes that stupid a claim? Besides the BUTTHURT LEAGUE... does troll and Philbert even connect? Do you even know the meaning of the term?
Even using words of 1 syllable could you prove your claim of trollhood?
Try and see if you can find enough words in you vocabulary, even use a few 2 syllable words if it's not too taxing on you.
I am so looking forward to hearing your theory put into a post.
Get help with spelling and even a few big words.:picardfacepalm:

Do you ever leave your computer screen small one???
Does anyone ever call or visit???
Such a weak pathetic creature you are in your lonely little cave???
I hope the end comes soon for you so your pain will fade it must be such a burden???
To you I say so long as I will now refrain from feeding the troll, happy anonymity...................


Do you ever leave your computer screen small one???
Does anyone ever call or visit???
Such a weak pathetic creature you are in your lonely little cave???
I hope the end comes soon for you so your pain will fade it must be such a burden???
To you I say so long as I will now refrain from feeding the troll, happy anonymity...................

I knew you would elect to run away, before I challenged you to back up your sorry post(s). What a pussy...:rofl2:
And as you run away you throw a few perceived insults over your shoulder
Let's think I'm small, always on my computer, posting; no one calls me or comes over, and I'm sooo lonely in my small room you hope I die soon.
Did I miss anything?
You are a pathetic turd licker, truly.
So...did you actually check the times I posted or the days and times?
Or are you hoping such silliness might hit on one or 2 things?
I know you didn't actually check, just like I knew you'd run away mumbling how you had homework to do, or you were going to advise the Cabinet on important issues or you'd sure show me something, you betcha!
Too bad, wrong on ALL counts, I have a good time here in my medium size cave, and not only did I decide to take the summer months off, I am riding my bike, watching all the DVDs I want, hanging on FreeOnes, and of course eating BBQ with neighbors and seeing family. Just in general...I sleep late and stay up til I pass out.
Of course, like Ratturd, you'll not see this after you put me on ignore (better for you and your blood pressure), but you'll have to wait til someone quotes this post to read why would anyone want to...oh, yeah...Misfire the Clown may, he's still trying to win that flame war he started with me. He's not doing so well.

Well, when you do, remember this: