I think people are incorrectly casting this as a racist issue or not. It's not a racism issue per se. The concern I suppose some have has more to do with her suggesting it's okay to use terms in a racist manner just because others use it in a different context.
She may be right or she may be wrong. However, she doesn't simply answer for herself...she answers for the people who employ her as well.
Master Yoda?
Honestly, I haven't even listened to the audio of the show in question, nor read a full transcript (just haven't bothered so far), but I can guess about what it would be like...
Something probably indicative of her racist beliefs but only hinting at them, not revealing them explicitly - stemming from a phone call from a listener in an unusual situation. She got her jollies finding a plausible opening for saying "******" over and over again, knowing that if she left her show because of some backlash to the remarks then her uber-loyal fans would scream like stuck pigs.
And she could take the early retirement from a job she was getting tired of anyway, and live in comfort with less "work" to think about, all the while playing some victimized martyr role. Entirely bogus, of course, but quite effective, particularly in an idiocracy.