I know I'm beating a dead horse by deriding the methods of Mrs. Palin's madness.. but it occurred to me the other day that she truly was the worst choice as a republican VP because she's ultra conservative. That got me thinking.. what really changed over the years about the conservative ideal? It used to be all about wholesome values, be friendly to everyone.. a choice for families and the so-called 'Right People'. Those right people you want next door to you, and the ones you want running the schools! Not now.
So I thought about it often. (I havent been writing serious posts as of late because I had nothing to add to the banter until now.) I know exactly what it is. The ideals have changed. What once was a conservative stance that practiced patience and wisdom.. has been replaced with a reactionary stance that totally tosses anything but spontaneous response out the window. McCain chose a VP with 1 phone call. Bush went to war on a whim. Instinct has taken over reason.
Conservatives never had an appreciation for the finer things in life, mocking the ivory tower intellectuals behind their backs in closed rooms of power. But these days they're the ones who absolutely insist on everything being black and white. Right or wrong. Dont think at all, just go on instinct that the enemy is Barack Obama and every last thing he stands for. Joe Six Pack needs to be served by a proper conservative, she says. Over and over she pounds that message out there. It hit me after a while.. I mean, it's so obvious but hell, I'm an ultra-liberal so it's not a pleasant thing trying to think inside a box.
So it hits me that she is absolutely, truly prejudiced. There is joe six pack.. and everybody else. I believe they call that class warfare.. and she is ENTRENCHED in it. She concentrates on the small town, little-importance issues when she's running for a VP position where big answers are needed. She constantly vies for the attention of Joe Six Pack who has a shitty job in a shitty economy and she tells them the liberals, the smart ones, anyone else is who you have to point a finger at. McCain's thunder is gone, but Palin is rallying the religious conservatives for a war. She's not a great Politician by any means but she knows how to get what she wants and she's been doing that for awhile.
The republicans could've won so easily if it just followed the example set by the democrats.. the people want both ideologies this time around. By embracing change we can keep our lives going down the same path. That's conservo-liberal and that's the new standard.
Neverminding the fact that America is raising a generation of ultra-liberals, the media, the major cities, noone can deny it's a huge melting pot of diversity the repubs have ignored. They've pushed those free thinkers aside thoughtlessly and even their own supporters arent happy with the lack of answers. Lack of answers stemming from the blind faith methods McCain/Palin are using 24/7. He's the maverick, he's done it all. Trust him. That's it. No convincing, no real plans, just trust him. If people in a country as biased against blacks as America are swarming Obama's democratic side more and more as time draws nearer.. that should be a big warning sign that the conservative vote has to become a lot less conservative to win their own crowds over. Evolve or die.