1) If only, if only, if only... if only you could put an ounce of the passion you have for bearing arms, D-Rock, into opposing the other "obviously wrong" things that are happening *right now*. Guns are not being outlawed, there is no slavery. But freedom of speech is limited in the media, and we are illegally invading and murdering people. If only that were as obviously wrong to you, and if only every other person in America that feels as strongly about the right to bear arms, could take just a portion of that passion and put it towards the other things that are obviously right and just, or against the other things that have always been wrong, that are happening as we speak.
2) In any case, it's pretty hilarious/nonsensical to hear someone from the place you're from - the place that invented the modern form of western media brainwashing, and the place where it works the best, talking about brainwashed Europeans. We have a lot of different beliefs in Europe in large numbers. The media has much less effect and is much broader across the spectrum, as free media surveys confirm. There is no rallying cry that 95% jump up and agree with, like "support the troops" or "trust the dusty documents". Or "live free or die". Or "home of the free land of the brave." Those archetypal universally agreed upon pieces of propaganda don't apply in Europe. There are some rallying cries, but only a portion believe in them.
3) That's why I always say America is so brainwashed. It's not a diss. It's not meant to be. It's just blatantly obvious. I mean, when 90 plus percent of a population believes in certain ideologies, which are repeated in every school on every tv channel and in every mainstream media outlet - then you know something very very very weeeeeird is going on. I wish all'o'yall good'ol'boys could see through it.
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:
"From bondage to spiritual faith;
from spiritual faith to great courage;
from courage to liberty;
from liberty to abundance;
from abundance to selfishness;
from selfishness to apathy;
from apathy to dependence;
from dependency back again into bondage."
4) AGREED! But can't you see, that's what's already happening here? It's a new form of dependency, a new form of bondage, and we're surrounded by apathy. We're practically alreasy there! They're using our trillions for their oil wars so they can raise our own oil prices... I mean we are SO there. It'll only get worse, really. And guns have absolutely absolutely absolutely nothing to do with it. They're not gonna save us, they're not even a real issue right now, it should be a community decision not a nationwide one anyway. But there are SO many ways we're being tricked back into a modern form of bondage. And the only thing people seem to jump to their feet about is whether they can hold a gun... and what the dusty documents say. The dusty documents have been torn to tatters by our leaders and misused and manipulated by them a thousand times. THEY DON'T WORK. Not today.
Which is why I said in confusing times - no-one really knows wtf is going on - they cling to guns and dusty documents. Neither will save you from the bondage. Or help, even slightly. Your leaders, our leaders, know ways around both. They already have you getting ready to aim those guns at the wrong people (immigrants and the poor).