Outlawing guns in the US ...

Should the US Federal Constitution's Second Amendment be overturned?

  • Yes, I want to bypass Constitutional process and directly overturn with simple majority

    Votes: 29 10.2%
  • Yes, I want it overturned with Constitutional process and super-majority

    Votes: 30 10.6%
  • Indifferent, but it should only be overturned with Constitutional process and super-majority

    Votes: 8 2.8%
  • No, but I'd accept it if overturned with Constitutional process and super-majority

    Votes: 21 7.4%
  • No, and I don't think any Amendments of the [i]Bill of Rights[/i] should ever be repealed

    Votes: 186 65.5%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 10 3.5%

  • Total voters

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Hate does not exist without fear.

And where exactly did I type that America should disarm? I have typed that either every American should have a gun or no one should, you hate filled nothing.

And since you hate everyone, then I assume that means everyone hates you. Your parents, co-workers and everyone you have known and ever will know.

Maybe, but I sure as hell don't fear you, chuckles.

Yeah, pretty much everyone does hate me, I'm a rotten fucking prick, I can't really blame them. My family is dead...I have no mother.

If you do away with guns, you are disarming, I told you in another thread I don't care if you arm everyone, thats not what this thread is about though, is it.

You're a funny little man, you call me names, and disparage me with big words, so it's okay? I wonder how quick I would get read the riot act, or worse have my post deleted/edited, if I called you names? I think you and that foxewhatsus are soul mates...maybe you two should marry, move to a far away land, and start a civilization of gun grabbing pacifists.


Maybe, but I sure as hell don't fear you, chuckles.
I never typed that you did. You sure mention fear allot, btw.

My family is dead...I have no mother.
I have no family either. Most are dead (including my parents). The rest disowned me because of my prior drug problems. You don't see me hating everyone because of it.

You're a funny little man, you call me names, and disparage me with big words, so it's okay? I wonder how quick I would get read the riot act, or worse have my post deleted/edited, if I called you names?
Well, I am 6' 1 1/2" and 222 pounds. Not sure now little I am.
The 'name' I called you, you later agreed with me that it was at least partially accurate. And if I disparaged you (whatever that means), I apologize - I think.
And I have been banned plenty of times around here. And I will be again if we keep taking this thread off topic - which I realize I started.
I do not hate you man (even though you hate me). And I am sorry that you have no family. But I am not about to sit around and let you say semi-mean things to/about people and do nothing. And I do that to everyone that I think is saying wrong things. I am POSITIVE you could find many members that can vouch for me on that (because they are probably sick of me doing it).

I hope one day you will stop hating everyone.

I voted to follow existing Constitutional protocol and work to overturn it. As a compromise, I'd like to ban "possession" of guns in big cities. Possession is not ownership. This country thought "Prohibition" was a good idea, then when we realized our mistake, we overturned it. I'd like to see the same thing happen with possession of firearms in "big cities" (cities with pop. 60,000+).

This is not the first part of the Constitution I'd like to "re-address." I think the part of the Freedom of Speech which talks about "petitioning government" needs to be removed from Amendment 1 and addressed in a separate Amendment. The right to petition government has evolved away from what the Founding Fathers wanted (protection from speaking out against Gov't) and, in turn, it's been used by Lobbyists to poison our government.

The access and power of Lobbyists is the single greatest threat to our Democratic Republic.

I'm pretty sure they didn't although as far as I know there weren't any restrictions on gun ownership at the time either in America or Britain.It was about being able to raise a local defence force if it proved necessary.The word "militia" is used generally to mean an official reserve force consisting of citizens rather than soldiers.

There needed to be a "militia" because there weren't enough soldiers to form a competent army. At the time of the Revolution..we had to import French fighters and we had to hire Germans to train our militias and our Soldiers.

One of the worst "offenses" that the Crown committed against the Colonies was "Quartering Troops." This was a financial savings for the Crown but it also was a way for the King to keep his fist on the necks of the Colonials. If you're housing troops you're not likely to muster a militia.

Today...we have no need for a Militia because we are under ZERO THREAT of being invaded by ground forces. We are under different "threats" and really WWIII is likely to be a ballistic missile war and a chemical war...
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IMO, a xenophobic post from a xenophobic person.

Main Entry: xe·no·pho·bia
Pronunciation: \ˌze-nə-ˈfō-bē-ə, ˌzē-\
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
Date: 1903
: fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign


Don't be judgmental ! It's not a nice thing !

What's the wrong with pro choice and diverse viewpoints ? :glugglug:

Can't we all just get along !

I don't prefer the govt.s assertion that I cannot maintain my current longstanding impeccable citizen record.

How can all these harsh critics of our govt. expect this very entity to take on any extra responsibility ? It's a contradiction, is it not feasible. It is innane !

Anti 2A guys - Didn't you ever receive an elongated gift box for your birthday or Christmas "Winter Holiday" with the letters D A I S Y printed on it ?

Would any of you Anti 2A guys shoot a firearm at a range for free if given the opportunity ?

Seems like some have simply overdosed on hysterical establishment media or are rehearsing for other worldly political careers.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I never typed that you did. You sure mention fear allot, btw.

I have no family either. Most are dead (including my parents). The rest disowned me because of my prior drug problems. You don't see me hating everyone because of it.

Well, I am 6' 1 1/2" and 222 pounds. Not sure now little I am.
The 'name' I called you, you later agreed with me that it was at least partially accurate. And if I disparaged you (whatever that means), I apologize - I think.
And I have been banned plenty of times around here. And I will be again if we keep taking this thread off topic - which I realize I started.
I do not hate you man (even though you hate me). And I am sorry that you have no family. But I am not about to sit around and let you say semi-mean things to/about people and do nothing. And I do that to everyone that I think is saying wrong things. I am POSITIVE you could find many members that can vouch for me on that (because they are probably sick of me doing it).

I hope one day you will stop hating everyone.


Dude...lighten up, I'm bustin' your stones. You can't offend me, this is only the internet. Besides, I would be a pretty major hypocrite if I pissed on your 1st Amendment rights, just because you want to complain about my 2nd Amendment rights. Pretty Ironic how that works, ain't it?


Dude...lighten up, I'm bustin' your stones. You can't offend me, this is only the internet. Besides, I would be a pretty major hypocrite if I pissed on your 1st Amendment rights, just because you want to complain about my 2nd Amendment rights. Pretty Ironic how that works, ain't it?

Bustin my stones?

The next time you are doing that, you may want to include a smilie or two, because how I can know that from your posts is completely beyond me.

And I wasen't worried about offending you. I was only worried about a fellow human that stated (truthfully or not - :dunno:) that they hated everybody.

I like offending people when I think they are acting like jerks - as long as I do it honestly.
Though I hate offending decent acting people.


and a chick with good trigger discipline is pretty sexy too.
You noticed that :hatsoff:

Our discussion foes might ask - "How do you how she pulls the trigger ?" :confused:

She's simply devine ! I wish pic was available in high res.:(

As for the stick, I'll Take mine in 6.5 Grendel . .
a change of pace . . you know . . .
Fellas...settle down.

BTW, as of right now, the poll stands at:

Yes, I want to bypass Constitutional process and directly overturn with simple majority 4 8.00%
Yes, I want it overturned with Constitutional process and super-majority 5 10.00%
Indifferent, but it should only be overturned with Constitutional process and super-majority 2 4.00%
No, but I'd accept it if overturned with Constitutional process and super-majority 4 8.00%
No, and I don't think any Amendments of the Bill of Rights should ever be repealed 32 64.00%
Other (please explain) 3 6.00%

In confusing times, people cling to dusty documents because they don't know where to turn. It's like a religion.

Let's do a poll that includes all the Americans that can't afford computers and don't have time to look at porn. The ones whose kids are frisked each morning for guns. And let's ask them if guns should be outlawed. Or if there should be healthcare for all. And if dusty documents that prevent them getting rid of those gunshots they hear every night, should be untouchable.

Once again... responsible parenting. Kids being frisked for guns aren't getting guns by going to the local gun shop and buying them. There are laws in place to prevent that. They are either getting them from their parent's who have improperly stored their guns or getting them through illegal means ("black market", stealing. etc.). Point being... banning guns that are already out of the reach of people who can't buy them legally changes nothing. It just creates a bigger market for illegal distribution. Ban does not = all guns and the means to manufacture them magically disappears.

I'm not sure how may different ways you people have to hear this for it to begin to penetrate your minds.


Fellas...settle down.
Well, 'it's' already settled. But I settle down for no one but moderators or myself.

Unless someone types 'please'.

You did not type 'please'.
BTW, as of right now, the poll stands at:

Yes, I want to bypass Constitutional process and directly overturn with simple majority 4 8.00%
Yes, I want it overturned with Constitutional process and super-majority 5 10.00%
Indifferent, but it should only be overturned with Constitutional process and super-majority 2 4.00%
No, but I'd accept it if overturned with Constitutional process and super-majority 4 8.00%
No, and I don't think any Amendments of the Bill of Rights should ever be repealed 32 64.00%
Other (please explain) 3 6.00%
Which probably means that at least 32 people who answered this poll think that George Washington was a hero. Why? Because many of the same people that bury their heads in the sand about NEVER changing amendments no matter what are probably capable of burying their heads in the sand as to the pathetic nature of the 'father' of your country.
Well, if he was a hero; he was a theiving, racist, hypocrit of a hero.
He stole from the natives for his own profit (fact). He owned hundreds of slaves and treated them like cattle (fact). And he signed a law making slavery illegal in the territiores AND publicly stated his revulsion for slavery - even though he owned hundreds of slaves until the day he died (fact).
Can theiving, racist hypocrits be heros?
Well, I guess to many of you, they can.
But I am just guessing about the latter.
In confusing times, people cling to dusty documents because they don't know where to turn. It's like a religion.

Let's do a poll that includes all the Americans that can't afford computers and don't have time to look at porn. The ones whose kids are frisked each morning for guns. And let's ask them if guns should be outlawed. Or if there should be healthcare for all. And if dusty documents that prevent them getting rid of those gunshots they hear every night, should be untouchable.

That almost sounds like a poem.



I ran out of time...BTW; I am not trying to piss off people with my George Washington bit above (I think - lol).

But my point was and is that to type that you don't want the 2'nd Amendment changed now is fine. But to type that you never want ANY amendments changed ever is - no offense - silly.
You have NO idea what the world will look like in 10 years, let alone 100. Believe it or not, some amendments may need changing one day.

And only someone thinking VERY short sighted would pre suppose to KNOW what the future holds.

That was my point.

And that George Washington was an - IMO - thieving, racist hypocrite:D. No doubt so were many of the founding fathers of my country.
But you don't see me going around calling them hero's.

Bottom line? Washington and other 'Founding Fathers' were far from perfect men.

And some of them wrote a far from perfect Bill of Rights. It had some great points and some crappy ones. The same with subsequent amendments.

Reading you people foam at the mouth when you talk about them like they were god given is like watching over zealous religious people you have giant rose coloured glasses when it comes to all things with their religion. And blind disregard for anyone that would suggest otherwise.

Your Bill Of Rights and Amendments and all that stuff is not a bad read. But it ain't perfect. Not even close. Just as the men who wrote it weren't.

Have a nice day.

Now you know why I don't discuss politics at parties. At least, not at the ones that I actually want to stay at. ;)
For centuries the foundation of science was built upon Aristotle's theory of four elements. Scientists evolved.

Put another way, how many people think extremists in the Middle East perpetuating centuries of conflict over land deemed sacred from some old books is silly? Extremists haven't evolved.

On guns. Surf the web and you'll find that after gun bans were placed in Australia and the UK, violent crimes increased. Quite dramatically in some cases. But this is logical.

If gun distribution is high, gun bans end up punishing the lawful (who turn their guns in) and empower the unlawful (whose guns are probably illegally obtained and unregistered anyway).

Counterpoint. Let's say 99.9% of gun owners have guns as a defense, collectible, or hobby, and never use them to commit a crime. That means 0.1% of gun owners use them to rob and maim and kill. Is is better to have this scenario, or is it better if there was 0.0% gun ownership, thereby eliminating gun crime?

The only way a gun ban would work is if the state can eliminate the distribution of new illegal firearms and seize old illegal firearms. Or at least work towards it. Sadly, in a country like the US, this may be an impossible task. I believe in harsher gun control, but I also think the US is past the point of no return.


I believe in harsher gun control, but I also think the US is past the point of no return.

I agree. It's probably gone too far now, unless some incredibly harsh penalties came into effect. There are just too many guns on U.S. streets now - IMO.

Very good post, again IMO.
Outlawing guns is not going to solve the problem. Already controls are in place to make it difficult to obtain a gun by legal means. And what many people do not realize or want to accept is criminals obtain guns in an illegal manner. Just banning them is not going to stop a criminal from getting their hands on one. Too many times people are looking to blame something for the problems that are currently happening. How about this? how about solving the issues that lead those to committing crimes with a deadly weapon instead, or would that be too easy?
Too many times people feel totally banning something is going to resolve it, uh hello look at history-we could learn a lot from it. Its very obvious what happened during Prohibition while the liquor was outlawed
Cause they would probably lead to some sort of social responsibility and tightening of the reigns on behavior, and it's easier to point fingers at the fire arms instead of admitting something is wrong with how people act towards on another.

<.begin inflammatory statement mode please do not take the following seriously>

Well, they took prayer and spanking out of the public schools. Yep. And they put in shooting sprees!

<.end inflammatory statement mode please do not take the preceding seriously>


Staff member

Xenophobia is right. Hate is right. Fear is right. These threads really take off don't they. If I posted a "genocide in darfur" thread, it might not get off the first page. But you start a debate on gun control and WHOOSH.
When the arguments that are given by some people with zero experience with gun ownership/use, it adds a lot sense to the conversation ("sarcasm"):scream: :lame: You gotta be kidding fox. You think too much like the hippies of the 60's with the peace and love era without knowing the subject.

I like to throw a little fuel on the fire in these kinds of threads myself.

True and I couldn't agree more.

I think the AR15 with an Ace Ltd. AFRX skeleton stock, an M203-style handguard with barrel shroud, and Aimpoint Comp ML3 with magnifyer and a chick with good trigger discipline is pretty sexy too.

That ar 15 is nice and so is that chick ;) but I wonder if she could shoot a target with a m1a1 over 800m distance with the heaviest loads.
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2 "Rules," plus 2 Considerations ...

I started this thread. While I'm not going to state opinions here, just some considerations.

1. The poll is open to everyone

I just want to know how you think the US Constitution's 2nd Amendment, the Right to Bear Arms, should be addressed.

2. Please drop the "Xenophobe" and other non-sense

Some Americans are merely stating that since you are not an American, you are far more likely to not have certain perspectives that an American does. At the same time, there are plenty of American citizens who are wholly ignorant of American civics and show no respect for the history behind our government, so I have to say it doesn't always matter. I.e., both (among other) viewpoints have their place, but don't drop to calling it "hate" because I find most people who complain about "hate" are actually ones who use it as an excuse to "hate" others. So drop it.

Now for 2 further considerations ...

A. The people I've heard defend the US Constitution's 2nd Amendment the hardest in my last 10 years have been immigrants -- including an active British national (not a US citizen, he just works here), and the other being a Lithuanian immigrant.

B. I'm still amazed how many people who commonly complain about "Ignorant Americans tell everyone in the world how they should live without coming from their viewpoint" are more than ready to complain about "How Americans live wrong and their lives and views are screwed up."

Interesting results so far though. ;)


Re: 2 "Rules," plus 2 Considerations ...

2. Please drop the "Xenophobe" and other non-sense

Some Americans are merely stating that since you are not an American, you are far more likely to not have certain perspectives that an American does. At the same time, there are plenty of American citizens who are wholly ignorant of American civics and show no respect for the history behind our government, so I have to say it doesn't always matter. I.e., both (among other) viewpoints have their place, but don't drop to calling it "hate" because I find most people who complain about "hate" are actually ones who use it as an excuse to "hate" others. So drop it.

As long as the moderators don't ask/tell/order me to do otherwise, I will use any word or terminology to describe another member's online actions anytime I feel like it.

Just as you can.

Have a nice day.