Out of this World?????

Which Planet Would You Choose???

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Prince of the Rotten Milk
Saturn is the coolest, no doubt.
I heard the same thing...unfortunately Wikipedia still has the little guy on there so I included it :D

That's why wikipedia (and the general public) is dumb. Pluto is an annual solar orbiting comet.

So called Dwarf Planets are bullshit. They just made up the category so that people could insist that Pluto was a planet. The definition of a dwarf planet is in fact any solar system body roughly equal in size to Pluto- many of them being comets and asteroids that would never qualify as planets if not for Pluto.

Did you know that Pluto's "moon" has the same orbit as Pluto? The two bodies actually orbit around each other. You could say that Pluto is the moon of Charon, not the other way around if you wanted to.


Mars...travel time is better...I'd stock Mars with a compliant race of he-men to make sure millions of hot females immigrated to my planet, and I'd make all females 4'10"-6' 5" under 200 lbs automatic citizens...the rest would have to apply for a visa.
Cold drinks would be easy, as Mars is a bit cooler than Earth...breweries would be built first, then, after a few massive underground cities are cinstructed, I'd rent to the big conventions and soon control the Planet Earth through blackmail and mind control techniques.

Of course, I need to think about it first...I'll get back to ya, Sparky!:D