Orange Cat is constipated


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Try some fiber


  • tumblr_l9fb4pJuL71qzmowao1_500.jpg
    43.7 KB · Views: 158
mmmhhhh, i'm confused.

means "Orange Cat" really THE orange cat with the all to small avatar (would look better without cat :tongue:),
or still thomas o' ??

sh*t, too many cats here on board....


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
mmmhhhh, i'm confused.

means "Orange Cat" really THE orange cat with the all to small avatar (would look better without cat :tongue:),
or still thomas o' ??

sh*t, too many cats here on board....

Hey thar n00b .... repeat after me: (you too, Jack Sparrow)

There can NEVER be too many cats.

Now repeat 1000 times, or face a spanking. And when I say spanking, I mean violent forced sodomization.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
There can ALWAYS be too many cats.
@PK. sorry, nothing irish. he's a beery belgian...

Hey thar n00b .... repeat after me: (you too, Jack Sparrow)

There can NEVER be too many cats.

Now repeat 1000 times, or face a spanking. And when I say spanking, I mean violent forced sodomization.

OK, but i'm not a noob -yet:

if 'n"<1000
..........ECHO "There can NEVER be too many cats
..........ECHO "in my house, but the kitty's scaped all to the board"
then 'n'+1
else exit

sorry, my lazyness came through


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
@PK. sorry, nothing irish. he's a beery belgian...

OK, but i'm not a noob -yet:

if 'n"<1000
..........ECHO "There can NEVER be too many cats
..........ECHO "in my house, but the kitty's scaped all to the board"
then 'n'+1
else exit

sorry, my lazyness came through

I can accept code .....C++ for effort!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You're not my dad!!!!!


For the EMPEROR!!
All I know is it's getting like a menagerie around here, Spyder's. Cat's and Wolves. What's next??