Tell me about it. I think I'm just going to start using O'Malley for all my Irish*t, too many cats here on board....
mmmhhhh, i'm confused.
means "Orange Cat" really THE orange cat with the all to small avatar (would look better without cat :tongue,
or still thomas o' ??
sh*t, too many cats here on board....
Hey thar n00b .... repeat after me: (you too, Jack Sparrow)
There can NEVER be too many cats.
Now repeat 1000 times, or face a spanking. And when I say spanking, I mean violent forced sodomization.
@PK. sorry, nothing irish. he's a beery belgian...
OK, but i'm not a noob -yet:
if 'n"<1000
..........ECHO "There can NEVER be too many cats
..........ECHO "in my house, but the kitty's scaped all to the board"
then 'n'+1
else exit
sorry, my lazyness came through
There can ALWAYS be too many cats.
You're not my dad!!!!!
LMAO! :1orglaugh:1orglaugh
I guess what TOC is trying to say here is:
"Leggy, I AM your father"