Very true.
Most homes nowadays have two parents who work, and alot of kids are left essentially raising themselves. There are countless children without fathers in the picture (my neice included, and her father is my own brother!) They just don't have anyone to show them the right way. And the boys are smart, they know how to talk to a young, naive girl, how to get her to do what he wants. They know girls just want love, so they use that to manipulate them into getting laid. Fucking sucks.
I can't speak for every other guy, but I know that when I was 12, 13, 14 years old, I didn't know SHIT about girls. Fuck, I
still don't know shit about girls. The only thing I knew was what everybody else was telling me. All I heard was that every other guy (besides me) was having sex with girls, so I honestly believed that I was the only guy who wasn't getting laid. When, in all reality, 99% of the guys who claimed that they were having sex were nothing but huge liars. So, I was believing a huge lie. Not to mention, all of the girls my age who were hearing the same bullshit were also believing a huge lie, which made them think that they HAD to have sex with guys because they thought that everybody else was actually doing it.
God, I hate society. I also hate spaghetti. Just uh...just thought I'd throw that out there.
My neice has dated guys and claimed she "loved" them after only a few days of dating. I'll ask why she loves him. Her response? "Oh, well he's super cute".
My cousin is going into high school next year and she's already mentioned that she loves her boyfriend. Obviously, she doesn't know what love is, but she is so brainwashed by what everybody else her age is supposedly doing, so she has convinced herself that she's a big, grown adult who is experiencing love. When, in all reality, she is just happy that she can say that she has a boyfriend.
But I'm glad I'm super close with her. I've talked to her about sex. I'm only nine years older than her, and she thankfully still thinks I'm really cool, and looks up to me...she knows not to give it away to any guy who says he loves her, I just hope that she can keep that frame of mind when Johnny takes her out for Mcdonalds and tells her that she's the only one for him and they should celebrate with a blowjob in the backseat of his parents car.
Well, to be fair...
In that situation, Johnny getting a blowjob would be well deserved. I mean, he
did take her to McDonald's!!!
It's sad, but I'm willing to bet that girls have swallowed cock because of shit like that. Hmm...maybe I need to change my approach. Instead of trying to be a respectful, romantic man, maybe I should start taking bitches to Arby's and talking them into milking my balls afterwards in the parking lot. Also, maybe I should actually start calling women bitches, as I just did. I heard that works.