Online dating...

We are all collectively shaking our heads at you.

There is more to a man then drink, though. I have ok interests [cricket, tennis, boxing, reading, international relations, travel and porno-I dont mention the last one]. :1orglaugh
I dont have OCD, you know I meant people.

I need to make myself less boring. Tips?
Ok, but please don't mention the fact that you refer to people as 'cats'. Who are you? The Fonz? This isn't the 1950s? This isn't even the 1970s pretending to be the 1950s!
Actually, trying to be a bit more like The Fonz would be a step in the right direction.

Of course I would exclude the bit where he hangs around in the men's toilets with high school boys.

Loads of folks dont drink. I am ok being in bars etc, just give me a coke [diet].
Coke [diet]?!? Well, there's your problem. You really aren't doing yourself any favours. But when buying a drink for a girl if she says "Coke [diet]" ask her "Why?" She will say, "because I'm watching my figure." Then you will say, "Well I can do that for you baby! Heyyyyyyyy!" :cool:
Online dating might work if you lived in a big city, but trust me if you're in a small community it's impossible.
maybe your too interested in looks:dunno:
just let it come naturally,online i dont think really works.:2 cents:
I met my current GF of 2 years online. I'll be real, I'm a good looking guy, in college etc, I when I started to look for a relationship I decided to take advantage of all my resources. So while I was out meeting people at socials, parties, work, etc. I was also looking online too. Right before I met my current GF, things were starting to peak, I went out with like 20 girls in 3 months. Almost every single one of the good looking internet girls ended up being drug users, high school drop outs etc. I also met people who were not over their ex, or hot in their profile face pic and then all fat.

Volunteering and Church will net you the best Relationship success. Good people usually go to both and thats what you want for a Relationship.

Now what I did to get my current GF, compliment her haircut..... Most girls are going to be receiving tons of boring cheesy emails with "you're so gorgeous, etc, etc." You have to have something that stands out, not generic, not something you spam send to every girl, and is short.

So my message to her went something like this.

Nice Haircut,

I'll be real, I clicked on your profile because you're a good looking girl then I looked at the rest of your profile and we do share similar interests. I've been hiking at most of the parks in central Cali and am heading to Bryant for spring break. Have you been hiking anywhere recently?

Thats not what I sent, but it basically something along those lines.

So further here is my opinion of online dating,
young people
It is generally filled with social outcasts, most of the hot girls are people fresh out of a relationship and not use to meeting people elsewhere, people new to the area, people to busy to go out and meet others.
You want to target the later hot girl types, remember a lot of people are available because no one wants to be with them, yeah the competition is strong, but be unique and be real with what you are looking for. If you got a gut then chances are your match will have to have something similar.

For your profile picture have a friend take one where you are outside doing some activity, don't
Take a picture with you having a phone against your face...girls do this a lot
Take a picture with you in front of your car unless you want to pick up dudes
Take a picture with you looking all hard, sensitive, in your room holding a camera.

Girls do check out guys pictures, like we do for looks, but they often subconsciously look for ways you could lead them to fun things, then various other needs, job, education, a friend, someone to talk to etc.

Ok now for older people, anyone 35-80, the pickings can get slim, online dating isn't as common, divorcees, more social outcasts etc. The good news is people are more willing say communicate with whatever messages comes along. Bad news, more people are desperate, out of shape.

So anyways, remember search in other places besides the internets, target the these people "fresh out of a relationship and not use to meeting people elsewhere, people new to the area, people too busy to go out and meet others (careful of people who place job above everything). Don't settle, and keep yourself well prepared, in shape, etc.
Informative post.

I just unsuscribed now. My town has 140,000 people-I dont know too many people anymore, so I tried net dating.

It hasnt worked. I dont socialize as much as I'd like [no friends who want to club/party/visit bars], so am resigned to a life of singleness.



I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I will go with you, it will be like Rodney Dangerfield in "Back To School"!
I was considering retrying this online dating thing, but previously poor returns make me reluctant.

You get out of it what you put into it IMO.

For example if you don't have many positive qualities about yourself to begin with and that bears out in you normal dating, online dating won't change that reality very much for you.

And if your aims are shallow and superficial, you will likely find the same lame dates online as You Might gravitate to 'in person'.:2 cents: