Online dating...

I've dated some beautiful & nice women from craigslist, but nothing ever worked out past casual sex... Which is OK with me, but I want a long-term thing so it's not necessarily what I was lookin' for. If you know how to pick between spam and real posts/e-mails on/from craigs', it's actually really easy to meet girls. If you just want to get laid, don't post in casual but in LTR and act like you want a LTR & it's actually really easy to get laid 2-3 dates later.

Never bothered with the pay sites due to my unwillingness to pay to find someone unless I'm having FUN in the process, so I can't say I know your pain, but... I can imagine how much that sucks...

Also, a friend told me OKcupid is a good place to meet single women without paying or spam... Haven't tried or looked into it personally though.
With each year that passes, the ~stigma~ of online dating fades away....:dunno:

I think the best bet to find HOT + NORMAL women is meeting them through sports. Join a running club or a tennis club :thumbsup:
I am giving this a re-try, but so far same result. I reckon in recent times I've spend about £200 on such suscriptions. Nothing. Should have just paid for an escort and got my end away.
I dont think you have made it clear what you are looking for. Do you want someone to hook up with or an actual relationship? Depending on what you want you have to choose what site is more focused on the same
Ideally, an actual relationship.

Well then I wouldnt focus to much on the sexual aspect of it to soon anyway it seems like you just want to hook up and your not gonna make any relationship work going into it like that.

Have you tried Match? I have a few friends that have had luck with it

If you just want casual sex Adult friend finder?
In conclusion, after trying another site, spending hard earned money I cant afford to waste, online dating is a joke. I had 1 date, she didnt think it'd work out.

I will never try it again. I have tried 3 sites now. No more.
Post a photo on your profile shirtless and smearing poop all over your chest.

I bet you'll get a lot more responses.

Chicks dig crazy.
In conclusion, after trying another site, spending hard earned money I cant afford to waste, online dating is a joke. I had 1 date, she didnt think it'd work out.

I will never try it again. I have tried 3 sites now. No more.

You must persevere.
I dont get my current 15 month drought. I'm ok looking, 6ft, 215lbs, 2 degrees, nice middle class guy, chivalrous, good values, clean cut-non smoker, non drinker. Yet post uni have got zero play.

My hygine standards are exceptional, cats thing I have OCD I'm that meticilous. :D

How do I make myself sound less boring?
My hygine standards are exceptional, cats thing I have OCD I'm that meticilous. :D

How do I make myself sound less boring?
Don't mention the fact that you have OCD.
Don't mention the fact that you refer to people as 'cats'.
If you weren't referring to people don't mention the fact that you hold the opinions of cats in high esteem re how meticilous[sic] you are.

Oh & have a drink & be less clean cut.