Online dating...

As you know by now I am single and hating it. So anyway, I tried a few sites as a full member and to date its been BS. Send like 400 messages [right now my 'type' is over 18, under 45, female with a pulse] and received a half dozen replies with resulted is SFA.

Is there a method to online dating?

A type of message ladies prefer?

I use a decent, well constructed message, introducing myself, my likes and dislikes and sign off with a polite "hope to hear from you blah blah".

Anyhow, I am getting super annoyed. Its been months man, like 6, and I need to tear something out the frame before I decide to pursue a rap career-with my ghetto suburban existance. :rofl:

Jokes aside, I'm horny and need an option to work. :thefinger
Or is it smarter to halt the decline of my reserves by ending such a noble search for a nice gf, and simply pay for a whore?


Lost at Birth
dont know where you live, big e. but, there simply has to be some cheap bars to visit with remotely attractive women you can pick up just to bang. hell they are probably there for the same reason.

you're intelligent, witty and have a personality, lower the standards a bit, avoid those poshy fake hip popular places and take a plunge to slummin it. may be the best damn lay you ever had, who knows?

sorry, i don't have a clue about online dating, and don't know of any stories about it. i would say this though, don't base your opinion and your chance on finding anyone based on what their commercials tell you.....cos buuushit makes the commerce go round.

now get out there and bring us back a really perverted story about it! i'm cheerin for ya bud!
I live in a smallish town. The few people I know in it are not the bar/club type. Uppity guys who take ish too seriously.

Is it socially acceptable to go to a bar alone?
Well, well well... Here's something I know a lot about. And even though I may sound a bit jaded I have one thing to say about online dating

IT SUCKS!!!!:thefinger:thefinger

Over the past maybe 10 years I have tried all different ones..Yahoo Personals,, LavaLife,, was originally a dating service before they moved to online) and eHarmony. And I can truly say all these sites are the pits, they are full of complete and total bullshit, girls that are not interested and don't give the courtesy to reply, or my favorite the scams. And what I mean about scams is you think the girl is responding and everything is cool and then all of sudden they are in some foreign country like Nigeria and they are looking for money. These sites just prey on singles that become so lonely and desperate that they will try anything. And they have done nothing but disappoint me, the biggest bullshitters of all was eHarmony, I spent $250 for a year and not a peep. Oh and that was the other side of it all, these sites claimed that if you didnt get a response of any kind that they would take some sort of action...yea right. I don't buy of this BS anymore. I hate to say it the best option of all is to go out and meet people, its the only way that at least works for me. The other option at least meeting live people is that site. I belong to a few of those groups and met some great people and made some new friendships, and I'm sure if I pursued it I could hook up as well. But I have a girl right now that I met in of all the SUPERMARKET!! The only other safe option if you are looking just for some trim is to save your money and go to the BunnyRanch, at least there its legal and the girls are clean and friendly.


But I have a girl right now that I met in of all the SUPERMARKET!!

Yea, Entr3prise, find a babe on aisle 6 and ever so recklessly push your shopping cart round and round on aisles 5 and 7 .... sooner or later, she'll have to exit "6" and there's your golden opportunity ... just t-bone (broadside) the hell out of her and her shopping cart.

It's always something to help a lady up whenever we can :lovecoupl

All kidding aside -

Have you considered adopting a cute puppy and walking the pupz along a pedestrian or jogging thoroughfare or where young eligibles might frequent ? Or is your small "township" so minute that it doesn't incorporate such a thing ?

I'm telling you, the puppy idea works ! It starts the conversation and that's the most awkward impediment, breakin the ice.
You could try a free dating site called and see if you have any luck.

PoF is pure bs. Used it twice, not a peep.

Without being too base here, I need a carefree, gutter dirty, night of sex.

But ideally, I'd enter into a relationship with a sweet girl who enjoys baking and Emily Dickinson, wears pink pullovers and sports glasses. :bowdown:
Yea, Entr3prise, find a babe on aisle 6 and ever so recklessly push your shopping cart round and round on aisles 5 and 7 .... sooner or later, she'll have to exit "6" and there's your golden opportunity ... just t-bone (broadside) the hell out of her and her shopping cart.

It's always something to help a lady up whenever we can :lovecoupl

All kidding aside -

Have you considered adopting a cute puppy and walking the pupz along a pedestrian or jogging thoroughfare or where young eligibles might frequent ? Or is your small "township" so minute that it doesn't incorporate such a thing ?

I'm telling you, the puppy idea works ! It starts the conversation and that's the most awkward impediment, breakin the ice.

Thanks about the puppy advice, I may try that.

As far as my experiences with online dating, sucks too. I did meet and go out with several ladies I met on yahoo personals, one or two dates at the most and that was it, didn't even get laid, well, a few of them I'm glad I didn't, but some others :( I wish I had. I've tried Yahoo, seems to be the one with the best results, got several dates, did get some replies to my messages, but most of them seemed to have been sent to a brick wall. Match didn't land me any dates, just a few replies but nothing else. The fish one got me one date, and the bitch....I rarely ever call a woman that, but she pissed me off later on by making me waste my time (told me she had a boyfriend after all the day we were supposed to go out). E-harmony keeps matching me with fat chicks (I'm only 155 lbs) and even when I subscribed and sent a message to a lady that I liked, I did get some replies but the process is too lenghty. Only went through the whole process with a couple of them but not even a date. Needless to say, if those are the best known, I'm hesitant in trying any other that's not as well known or maybe a bit risky like adult friendfinder, any experiences with that one? About the billing and stuff?


Lost at Birth
hmmm, yeah small towns can be a disadvantage at times, but a haven in other times.

so this is going to sound fucked up, selfish and totally done for the wrong reasons but here goes... volunteer for something. i met a girl volunteering for putting together holiday meals for the homeless once. it was the only reason i joined cos i wanted to meet her. yeah im selfish prick, i know. but i did do the work that goes with the volunteer part :)

anyway, i saw her at an urban professionals meet and greet and didnt get to meet her but someone said she did that meals thing so i volunteered for it. thing is, there were quite a few women doing that and a good many of 'em were hot. so even if i didnt already have a target, there'd be plenty of women to choose from. i did meet that one girl tho, and we hit it off and dated a for a long while and it was worth it, she was awesome.

so go volunteer for something. go to another town close to you if the town you're in has too many women you already know. i'd say go to church to pick up chicks but im soooo not a church person, but some of my friends swear by it and they've met some horny little sluts in church.....who knew???

bottom line, your chances of finding women will increase exponentially by getting away from the computer and getting involved in stuff. and hey, it actually felt good to do the volunteer thing when i did it so it was like a bonus. :) yeah, im still a wrongly motivated prick, but with the incredible sex i got from that girl, it was worth that trip to hell i may be making. :eek:
Go to a bar? I mean, how worse can they be if you are trying to find them on websites? is awesome. Always a good fallback.

Google the name David DeAngelo. He might be able to help you out.
Took advantage of that e-harmony free comm weekend, going on first (possibly last) date tonight....wish me luck! I hope she's not fater than me!! Didn't have time to exchange pictures but I really want to go see a movie tonight since I got the weekend off.


Maybe stop advertising your extreme need....Then try all of the above:p Good thing your using a persona or you'd be fucked! lmao.