I would never and have never eaten Lion. a new restaurant here in Tampa called Taco fusion was serving lion tacos but after huge protests they took it off the menu. they still have bear and gazelle and other wild game, but no more Lion.
I get hit on but probably no more than the average girl does. I don't dress like a bimbo when Im out and about as you can see so I dont have the "fuck me" vibe going. if Im out at night then it might be different but I only go out about 4 or 5 times a year to clubs or things like that. I do dinners out with friends more than anything. i also do a lot of night trips out to the islands on my boat where we build a big fire and cook out and drink we call them booze cruises lol
You can try and "dress down" all you want and I would never have guessed who you are if I saw you in public. I would just think you were an extremely attractive woman. I think it's the hair.
Yeah it's the hair.