HSAS H.H.R.A. or F.I.A?
HeartBroker Aug 5, 2006 #1,442 HHRA (like I know what the hell it is!!) Bridge On The River Kwai, A Bridge Too Far or The Bridges At Toko-Ri ??
HHRA (like I know what the hell it is!!) Bridge On The River Kwai, A Bridge Too Far or The Bridges At Toko-Ri ??
bigbadbrody Banned Aug 12, 2006 #1,451 Aces, Jokers get the shaft from the deck. Killing in the name of or People from the sun?
bigbadbrody Banned Aug 13, 2006 #1,453 i'd have to say the Moon, because I have never seen Mars before. Lisa Simpson or Meg Griffin?
jod0565 Member, you member... Aug 13, 2006 #1,454 Meg Griffin Playing doctor or going to the doctor for an anal cavity search?