half full blonde or redhead
RKO!!!05 Banned Apr 15, 2005 #802 Blonde Brunette or Blonde? (I made a poll on this and Brunettes came out on top)
dirac Apr 16, 2005 #804 women with handbags (at least give them some power! ) in-side-out or up-side-down ?
RKO!!!05 Banned Apr 16, 2005 #805 up-side-down, get a better chance to see a woman's arse!!!!! hehehe,lol Bend Over or Stand Upright?
dirac Apr 16, 2005 #806 Stand Upright, Bend over is far too embarsing wonders of science or tradition?
RKO!!!05 Banned Apr 16, 2005 #807 wonders of tradition, I never liked science at all to be honest. R.E or P.E,lol, hehehe?
dirac Apr 16, 2005 #808 Hell its gotta be P.E. cuz its just funnier Parents night or Pleb bashing day (you as a pleb!)
RKO!!!05 Banned Apr 16, 2005 #809 Ooooooooh,lol, Parents Night would be boring, yet being a Pleb would be humiliating and embarrassing. . . . . . . . .neither,lol, but if I really had to choose, I guess I'd go for Pleb Bashing Day, because it sounds more fun. Theme Park or Fun Fair?
Ooooooooh,lol, Parents Night would be boring, yet being a Pleb would be humiliating and embarrassing. . . . . . . . .neither,lol, but if I really had to choose, I guess I'd go for Pleb Bashing Day, because it sounds more fun. Theme Park or Fun Fair?
TallCowboy Apr 16, 2005 #814 Night it is so peaceful and relaxing 1 nite stand or a quicky with friend
TallCowboy Apr 16, 2005 #816 Whiskey (Jack) please but not with these pain pills Million Dollars or being a working stiff
jod0565 Member, you member... Apr 16, 2005 #818 Underneath, I can take it easy more - let her work for a bit. Self gratification or coitus.