One for the Pro's to identify

Anyone have any idea who this woman is, where to get more. I've been searching for years for more pics of this lady, but haven't found any. The best I've come up with is that it is a lady called Becky, who starred in the Ugly George gonzo movies from back in the late 70's / early 80's but I've never been able to confirm. Any help would be much appreciated.


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I also know her as Becky or Necky Becky

I am fairly sure this is "Necky Becky" The guy with her is Ugly George I believe. He used to go about NYC and find willing women to participate in his "home movies" He had a cable access show at one point too. This is from the early 80's or thereabouts. I think an AKA may have been Laurie something or other.

I'm not shure one can find more pics with her under name "Laurie" :rolleyes:

That's all I know about her :dunno:

And yes, the same woman.