OMG, POOR CASTER.....She is confirmed to be intersexed!

One thing I don't understand is WHY people don't get educated in schools on this topics. Intersexualism occurs in at least 1 in 2000 newborns, making it as common as cystic fibrosis and even more common than cancer. You ask pretty much anyone about Semenya's case and all they can say is they don't know how the hell that could happen, and some actually think this is funny as seen here:(. For them XY karyotype always equals man with penis and XX woman with vagina. While it is true that in most cases this is the case, there are to many cases that fall in a grey area between the sexes for us to dismiss it as something too rare and "weird." Because of this ignorance, this people have to live in secrecy or otherwise face social stigmatization.

One thing I forgot to mention is that even though Semenya has three times the levels of testosterone as the average female, she may not be as sensitive to it. Semenya has gotten beaten by other women in the past, does this means we need to test those women for maybe three testicles??:rolleyes: Some women with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, for instance, may have levels of testosterone similar to those of Arnold Swarchenegger, yet look stunningly hyperfeminine..moreso than your average woman. It's all about the degree of sensitivity.:2 cents:


great thread with some insightful comments. well done. :thumbsup: :wave2:
Can you imagine growing up your whole life thinking your a man, only to find out your a total cunt.

Oh wait....
i think they shouldn't have played all of her questions out so publically. seemed like she was hung out to dry needlessly.
Her name's an anagram of "Yes a secret man". Just one of those things.

The athletics governing body has treated her appalingly. Shame for her.