OMFG Noah's Ark FOUND!!!

As believers in the literal truth of the Bible, they knew it was there.

Even so, the explorers who say they found seven large wooden compartments beneath snow and volcanic debris near the peak of Mount Ararat can be forgiven their excitement.

'It's not 100 per cent that it is Noah's Ark, but we think it is 99.9 per cent that this is it,' said Yeung Wing-cheung, a filmmaker working with the 15-strong team of fundamentalist Christians exploring the Turkish mountain.

They said wood taken from the site, which is more than 13,000ft above sea level, dates to 2,800BC. If it is the ark, the discovery would be the greatest in the history of archaeology and bear out one of the most famous stories in the Bible.

The team of Turks and Chinese researchers from Noah's Ark Ministries International in Hong Kong say they made the discovery on Ararat - the biblical resting place of the ark - in October



So to just break it down for you if you don't wish to subject yourself to the Daily Mail's moronic article, is this; some evangelicals (who aren't biased at all by the way), found some wood on a mountain and they're 99.9% sure it's Noah's Ark.

So there, take that Skeptics!

I bet if they look carefully enough they'll find an olive branch somewhere there too. And the pot of gold that God put at the end of that first rainbow.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
And just like every other biblical find, that 0.01% is gonna be right.
Let me know when they find a wooden boat with the skeletal remains of every species on earth. Two skeletons each.
If it really were Noah's Ark, then there should probably be some remnants of the refrigeration system that Noah would have had to have used for keeping the polar bears, penguins, narwhals, snow foxes and the like alive. Maybe if they found the doors of an ancient industrial freezer right next to the wood, I'd be more inclined to believe it.


Closed Account
If it really were Noah's Ark, then there should probably be some remnants of the refrigeration system that Noah would have had to have used for keeping the polar bears, penguins, narwhals, snow foxes and the like alive. Maybe if they found the doors of an ancient industrial freezer right next to the wood, I'd be more inclined to believe it.

they used to use salt, they didn't have refrigerators

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Excellent. Wood on a mountain was all I needed to push me over the edge.

I'm a full believe in Christianity now so when does somebody explain to me how that Jesus fuck walked on water?


My Penis Is Dancing!
Everyone knows that Indiana Jones found the Ark just before the outbreak of World War...wait. What? Wrong Ark? Oh, fuck you, then.
Excellent. Wood on a mountain was all I needed to push me over the edge.

I'm a full believe in Christianity now so when does somebody explain to me how that Jesus fuck walked on water?

He gave everyone he was with hallucinogens (take, eat), and then TOLD them he was walking on water.

Far out, dude. :cool:

I bet if they look carefully enough they'll find an olive branch somewhere there too. And the pot of gold that God put at the end of that first rainbow.

Typical self-fulfilling prophecy garbage.

Excellent. Wood on a mountain was all I needed to push me over the edge.

I'm a full believe in Christianity now so when does somebody explain to me how that Jesus fuck walked on water?

Everyone knows that Indiana Jones found the Ark just before the outbreak of World War...wait. What? Wrong Ark? Oh, fuck you, then.

All this blasphemy going undefended. Threads like these just aren't the same anymore. :bawling:
If it really were Noah's Ark, then there should probably be some remnants of the refrigeration system that Noah would have had to have used for keeping the polar bears, penguins, narwhals, snow foxes and the like alive. Maybe if they found the doors of an ancient industrial freezer right next to the wood, I'd be more inclined to believe it.

I'm not an old testament or marine biology expert, but does a narwal need to be on an ark to survive a flood?


Postal Paranoiac
C'mon, BB...they found those same wooden boards back in 1975. Someone just keeps burying them. Probably some extraterrestrial Trilateral Commission George W. Pluto.