Re: Olivia Parrish
You're welcome, and thank you for the continuing support brian & 645072!
Glad to be able to unearth a lost pic for ya 645072
Yeah that's the set, silver. You're right, it's pretty nasty. Maybe I lost it on purpose? lol!
For me Olivia very nice baby but her work with Max it was mistake!!!<-----Agree 123. As I understand it she was struggling mightily with drug addiction at the time :-(
what it was accused Max Hardcore?<------She accused him of rape. I think I hear where you're coming from 123, but as a counter position I thought (and correct me if I'm wrong) that after the court case she completely stopped making movies and at some point started working backstage as a makeup artist. So while her incident with him may have made her better known in a way, it's a bit hard for me to see, since she'd given up acting, how becoming better known from that fiasco benefitted her, either financially or in terms of publicity. I read somewhere on the net that she only recently appeared in front of a camera again for the first time in 5 years.