Old Job-former workmate wants to bang

OK so you might at least be considering this chick to give you a blow-job but you don't want to be hassled with the burden of maybe having to take her to a movie or dinner.

Pathetic. Just spank your monkey instead. You don't have to take it out to dinner or drive it home in the morning. The sexual-gratification result is the same either way.

No personal affront meant but, damn....I'm so glad I'm not you.

I am changing my previous answer to ^^^this one^^. With all the information the OP keeps "adding" to the thread about her, it's pretty obvious he doesn't want to bang her or he's too immature to navigate the sitch.

So, yes, OP stick to wanking....:crash:
Best advice ...

just let her know your intentions.
Best advice.

If you just want to fuck, then tell her. Don't try to play along because you're just lying to yourself as well as her. Be honest up-front.

You Might be surprised.

like that one :1orglaugh

it's not that i'm immature as written in a previous post, i have been honest and said "you scratch my back i scratch yours"..... when either WANTS it.
she always brings it back to turning it into some "date" type of thing down the road. i know if i bang her once she is going to hound me for this going out idea,not give it some time to be a Friends w/benefits thing and then see what happens in the future she will jump right after the 1st or 2nd time. i have no problem doing it,but all the friends ofthe job live in the general area and i live about 45 minutes away...why would i be there...with her? if seen by anyone? i think just jacking it would be easier,less stress.

im not messing with her anymore. ill just be friends. case closed
Man,i used to just go for pretty girls but truth is theyre not the best in bed and its just to much drama with every guy always flirting with her.Go bang that bitch man close your eyes i guarentee itll be the best blowjob youve had in awhile.