Old Job-former workmate wants to bang

from an old job of mine there is a chick a bit older than me (5 or so yrs) wants to bang (i guess as fuckbuddies).
she is a bit bit BIT on the chubby side. she on again off again emails me asking me to come over her house to hang out and talk to see what's up with my life and things.we've talked on the phone just shooting the shit. and it has gotten to a little phone sex talk but not much more
but her real reason is to have sex or to blow me. i would do it every now and then just for the fuck of it...but she wants a little more (like going out to eat or movies or such) so the fuckbuddies thing in her eyes is beginning to turn into wanting more. i want no part of it. ill bang but thats it.
both are single.
what do you think?

:2 cents:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Why wouldn't you go out to eat with her, or go see a movie? Is she that bad of a person? Is she too hideous to be seen with in public or something? Me :confused:
ooh ooh do it make her your sugar mamma they are the best, and no one sucks a dick like a fat girl.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Make sure you tell her your commitment level to begin with, if she is still interested then heit it. :hit:
You're thinking waaaaaay too much about this. You have a "friends w/benefits" arrangement and you should just have fun with it. You have your own place and can "become busy" if you think she's crowding your space.

It takes more than just going to a movie or dinner to convert a friendship to a relationship....keep that in mind.


what the fuck you lookin at?
if shes a former co-worker...whats the fucking problem :dunno: nail that shit man!!!
Is this a trick question?

"A girl wants to have sex with me, should I do it?"

The answer to that question is always...yes.
Is this a trick question?

"A girl wants to have sex with me, should I do it?"

The answer to that question is always...yes.

no, no its not, if a 15 year old girl wants to have sex say no. :tongue:
if your intentions are absolutely nothing else than sex, then run for the hills when she asks for anything more. dont tease her at all. itl just make her think there is hope.


Fuck that fatty, big girls need love too
i wanted to get some reaction to the question first.
i am still friends with alot of people from the job,and this chick has a BIG MOUTH and will pretty much tell everyone.
she is a gossip girl and i don't want to seem to the other friends that im some desperate fuck banging the fatty.i figure im helping her out and getting my rocks off too at the same time.
she knows im not interested in anything more but always brings up,going out here or there or doing "date" things. i wanna like one night stand this situation...but a bunch of times not just once.if that makes sense

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Anybody who watched The Sopranos, and remembers the best (IMO) episode ever from that series (Pine Barrens), knows where I'm going with this.

If this girl's name is Gloria and she offers to cook you a London Broil, walk out the door backwards. "What do you think, I'm your hoor?! You think you're just going to come in here and fuck me and then leave?!!!" *Whaap!*

If you go down this road, don't turn your back on that big steak, dude. :1orglaugh


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
If you're not directly working with her, and therefore won't get you fired. Bang her.
oh i forgot she is "crazy cat lady" she has 5 cats and has spent well over $10,000 on various surgeries,medicines and other stuff related to keeping the cats alive even longer instead of putting them down when they may be suffering :rolleyes:

i don't think im gonna do anything. but things may change when she starts to call me like she usually does after not talking for months & months.
Make it clear to her that you just want to fuck , because maybe she really likes you and hopes is goint to change into something else. If you don't, and you fuck her, you will end-up making her feel bad about herself.
Make it clear to her that you just want to fuck , because maybe she really likes you and hopes is going to change into something else. If you don't, and you fuck her, You Might end-up making her feel bad about herself.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
OK so You Might at least be considering this chick to give you a blow-job but you don't want to be hassled with the burden of maybe having to take her to a movie or dinner.

Pathetic. Just spank your monkey instead. You don't have to take it out to dinner or drive it home in the morning. The sexual-gratification result is the same either way.

No personal affront meant but, damn....I'm so glad I'm not you.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Make it clear to her that you just want to fuck , because maybe she really likes you and hopes is going to change into something else. If you don't, and you fuck her, You Might end-up making her feel bad about herself.

See, it's possible for us to agree on something. If he can't even be seen in public with her, one of them is screwed up (maybe both of them).

"Fuck buddies" and "friends with benefits" aside, somebody's got some issues if they have to keep it a secret.