Both are cool. It's really easy to get one. Not so easy to get the pinker stuff. Being of a small stature and 5'10.. I get way more stares from gay guys. Chicks? They dont wanna deal with someone who would actually win a debate. They always walk in with someone a foot or two taller with nothing to say except 'Yes honey, no dear, whatever you say'.. since when did the standards for babymaking material and husband qualifications sink so fucking low? Most of these guys cant decipher a joke in under 10 seconds. You could say whites are being outbreeded, sure.. but just what are we even BREEDING to begin with?
Ahem, anyway. Having to prove myself to a chick every fucking day, tell her what she should already know.. (You're gorgeous. You look fine. Why worry about what your purse looks like when your sweater is fucking hideous. You want truth or lies? Someone has to give truth instead of asskissing.) it's just.. bleh. Sometimes I want instant approval. Someone 'Fabulous' walks up to me, a compliment, bam. Sex&meal