Yes, they are the french ghetto trash that need a bullet in the head or to be stabbed in the neck in all honesty. They think that by acting like that, they will get respected by females. :wtf:They are just a bunch of gutless uneducated trashbags that are not salvageable and not even rescuable, they are scumbags that pollute the streets, harass other people permanently, steal and create troubles. I have beaten very seriously a douchy ghetto guy six years ago, when I went out of a nightclub when I was accompanying a female friend and some friends because the guy was harassing us too much and wanted to touch the woman I was with. Don't be astonished one day that a person goes to extreme for instance buys a gun and starts to shoot these fuckers in the head.
The gutless ones are the Europeans men for letting them into their country and gangrape, harass, pimp, exploit etc. your sisters, daughters, cousins and mothers.
I've also seen asian and pakistani guys get into the act. These people absolutely have no fear of reprisal, thats why they let themselves video tape them attacking your girls. Where are the men in Europe? I don't know if this happens in your country, but until this stuff is nipped in the bud, just about all European men are the laughingstock of the world. To let this happen in your home country is a vile, disgrace.