Official College Thread

I finished Uni 3 years ago. It was ok. I do miss it some days, but then again I'm in a very busy full time job right now so I dont have time to do a lot of the stuff I associated with Uni like all day binge drinking.

For the record, I ahve letters before and after my name lol.
Business Technology Information and Communications Systems (yes that's actually what's going on my diploma). So far this week has been hectic, I should be studying for my Database test tomorrow, but dammit FreeOnes is just too tempting! :mad:
i just finished with collage with a degree in history and education. although i may go back next year for a post grad degree
Majoring in physical education

yes there are plenty of hotties around. However I am 28 and most are 18-20 but they are still fun to look at and most are pretty nice and conservate. Even partied with a few.

The night calsses are cool though, older women average ages of 25-40, and a bunch of nurses who wear their uni's to school.
I miss college/university. I earned my degree in 1993. University must have changed, though. Very few of you people posting here can spell worth a SHIT - even the English students! LOL ;)
Yep. I thought the same thing, Foxy. lol The occasional "fuck up" can be excused, but some folks just must not even proofread their posts -- ever! lol

But back to the topic... College/university life is the you people here who are in school, really enjoy it as best as you can! Once you start working in a career, you'll find so little time in your day (at least compared to university life).

Carpe diem!!!
Readin your posts, ive gotta gripe, nothn to do with classes. I attend a University, if you even wanna call it that, with about a 5 to 1 guy to girl ratio. The chicks that are there are in the afternoon classes and the decent ones have dudes. Its a lose/lose situation.

As for my major. Ive got an associate degree in Electronics and Computer technology and workin on my bachelors in technical management. Thatll be done in Feb. and im only 20. I think im growin up too fast!
I hate to ask what Uni you go to since your in Ohio. But if your referring to the same one I go to then your badly mistaken. Its a 3 to 1 at my university. Girls over Guys.

And most of them don't have "dudes".

I don't proofread my posts, but I do try to type well enough that it isn't something to worry about. If I got back and re-read my post its usually missing words that are the problem. Not Misspelling.

In my college English class we learned why we speak the way we do... Language is constantly changing. Because most people actually spell some words wrong it might change to where we are the ones spelling things wrong because we are still doing it the old way.

Just something to think about...

Even though English has a lot of Latin roots (Through French)... English is a germanic language.

Anglo Saxons took over "Angland" and made a lanuage called "Anglish".

Time changed the A. And then a Frenchman took over. And the dialect got a more romantic sounding... Then it evolved from there to a more "Empirical" type of language... during the age of reason.

English is constantlly changing. Soon we may be the wrong ones.
Goblin, my guess is your at OU or BG, am I correct? Im at DeVry. Like I mentioned before, they call themselves a University but I wouldnt say so...
Well said, Goblin. Read more here: and

Missing words are a common mistake of everyone - I suspect they're thinking quickly and the mistake is a typing one, and not of knowledge. But still, I see loads of spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and piss-poor puncutation everywhere online. It's a shame! lol :eek:

Goblin said:
Even though English has a lot of Latin roots (Through French)... English is a germanic language.

Anglo Saxons took over "Angland" and made a lanuage called "Anglish".

Time changed the A. And then a Frenchman took over. And the dialect got a more romantic sounding... Then it evolved from there to a more "Empirical" type of language... during the age of reason.

English is constantlly changing. Soon we may be the wrong ones.
LMAO Well, I must confess that my undergraduate degree is in English Literature. :) So, yes I tend to be anal-retentive about English spelling and grammar, even on message boards. lol :nanner:

foxycougar said:
You didn't get that memo? lol
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I hate my school. no middle ground.

you're either lanky, or repulsively fat. no in between.

there are some hot girls, but they are far and few. i'm starting to notice a trend here: they only come out between the hours of 11-2 monday through thursday.
I must be lucky... I walk across campus thinking "Damn... Now I know why everyone drools over college chicks so much."

You would be hard press to find a girl I wouldn't bang at my school.