Welcome to freeones Emma Ambrosia you're so sexy babe 
+6, see you around the forumsWelcome aboard Emma Ambrosia :hatsoff:
Thanks! How do I link my babe profile like that? Or does it do it automatically when I type my name? Let's see: Emma Ambrosia
(Pardon my silliness)
Thanks for taking care of our OCSM's Adam, way to go :roaldYou got it, Emma. Automatic fanciness, brought to you by FreeOnes.
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/cammicams said:CammiCams[/URL][/B], post: 8920819, member: 952545"]Thanks babes!
What a treat! Guess who just signed up as an OCSM! The one and only Dominica C!
Give her a warm welcome!
You have to check out her new site here: http://www.dominika-c.com/?foxref=iiPv23Uh
See her babe page full of hot stuff here: http://www.freeones.com/html/d_links/Dominika_C/
And her board profile where you can add her as a friend is here: http://board.freeones.com/member.php?957734-Dominika-C