Official checked Star Member thread


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I seen her post here before...or maybe it wasn't her but stating it was her?

I know she's wicked busy right now getting her new site up and running. I'll send her an email to remind her to come back and say hi. :)


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Please welcome one of the newer babes on Freeones to the message boards! Isobel Wren!


Closed Account
Welcome Isobel Wren to the freeones. :wave:

Enjoy your stay with us. :hatsoff:
Welcome Isobel. Glad to have you aboard. :wave2:
Either Original Pornstar or not... Whatever.... if its labeled "Official checked Star Member" I got feeling that I just Talked to a hot Pornstar and that enough to :rubbel: :D


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Babe Nerdy Nora has signed up to the message board! Hopefully she'll post something soon!
Georges you asked that same question just over a month ago (post 260) and got a very reasonable answer.

Working on it! Unfortunatly, the more popular they are the busier they are and the harder it is to get in contact with the stars themselves. But hopefully a little magic will be worked in the near future. :)

Devon Michaels was on your previous list and became an OCSM less than 2 weeks later.
I think it's obvious Petra works hard at this and what more can you ask than that?