I absolutely don't want my chair to suppress the smell of my farts.
In fact, I want a magic chair.
I want a chair that knows when a relatively odorless one is ripping - and I want it to rip loud. I want it to make women scream and I want it to make men cry. And, even better yet, I want the resulting echo to make it sound like the guy next to me did it.
However, I also want the chair to know when it is going to absolutely reek. That way, it can spread across the room, announcing its presence to everyone within. I want the fire department and the homicide departments to be called because of the mysterious smell. However, I don't really want the smell to spread slowly...I want the smell to spread evenly and quickly. I don't want to give others a chance - I don't want someone across the room to see the terror in another's eyes, knowing an all-powerful fart is coming towards them, giving that person time to leave the room. No, I want everyone to taste it at the same time
Is this so much to ask for? Does such a magic fart chair actually exist? If not...off to the laboratory!