Offically given up on PS3


what the fuck you lookin at?
I guess not officially, but I'm done fighting with this fucking machine. I've decided to bite the bullet and take it to have it repaired. I talked to a guy at a local computer repair place a couple days ago. And got a quick idea of price. their labor rate is 60 plus the part. I hope to god it's just the laser that needs to be replaced and not the whole fucking drive. I'm guessing around $100 which is the same as everywhere I've looked including online. Sony can suck a dick they aren't getting their greedy paws on this console just to rape me. Anyway, the place I'm gonna take it is just down the street from my work and open 7 days a week. Obviously the most convenient option.

It's just not worth the rage each time the fuckin thing freezes on my during a game. If I take it in tomorrow I'd expect to have it by next weekend. Though I'm sure the fuckin holiday will fuck me and I won't get it till the following week. If it were spring, I'd say fuck it and not worry about it, as I have my new biking hobby. But it's gonna be a long boring ass winter with no games! So it's either this or get pissed off everyday. Buying a new PS3 is out of the question!
so your against YOUR PS3, not PS3s in general?

i mean i know onlines been down today cause of maintenance, but i was about to wonder what the beef was. why dont you just send it to SONY? warantee out?


what the fuck you lookin at?
so your against YOUR PS3, not PS3s in general?

i mean i know onlines been down today cause of maintenance, but i was about to wonder what the beef was. why dont you just send it to SONY? warantee out?

warranty is out after a year. Maybe 2? I dunno, either way, it's been longer. I'm not happy about fixing it, but I can't go all winter without video games, I'll go insane.

You just don't have good luck with video game consoles. First the XBOX 360, now the PS3. Time to give the Wii a shot.

I don't have good luck with electronics period. Really first to go was my computer, porn killed that, so at least I know why that took a shit. Next was my 360, then my tv, and now my PS3.

Fuck wii. The games and graphics are garbage on that console. Wouldn't matter anyway, if I had one of those, it would die too.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Sell you one of my xboxs cheap :D

free? I still have mine laying around. Makes a fine paper weight. I wish the fuckin place I took it would call and let me know whats wrong with my shit! I'd really like it back by saturday night so I don't have to suffer all fuckin weekend AGAIN! If only it was spring, then I'd just dive full force into my new mountain biking addiction and have no problems going video game free. But with the weather turning to shit, I need an indoor hobby.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It really sucks to be you, Legz.
free? I still have mine laying around. Makes a fine paper weight. I wish the fuckin place I took it would call and let me know whats wrong with my shit! I'd really like it back by saturday night so I don't have to suffer all fuckin weekend AGAIN! If only it was spring, then I'd just dive full force into my new mountain biking addiction and have no problems going video game free. But with the weather turning to shit, I need an indoor hobby.

Probably cheaper than your going to spend getting that POS ps3 fixed.


what the fuck you lookin at?
It really sucks to be you, Legz.


Probably cheaper than your going to spend getting that POS ps3 fixed.

the mountain bike thing? Not really. Bike cost me $700 which is actually quite cheap if you looking at quality bikes. Then there's all the upgrades which really add up fast! It certainly is more fun and far less irritating!

the mountain bike thing? Not really. Bike cost me $700 which is actually quite cheap if you looking at quality bikes. Then there's all the upgrades which really add up fast! It certainly is more fun and far less irritating!

Just wait until you get a flat tire and didn't bring a patch kit. Holy fuck it sucks.

the mountain bike thing? Not really. Bike cost me $700 which is actually quite cheap if you looking at quality bikes. Then there's all the upgrades which really add up fast! It certainly is more fun and far less irritating!

I was replying to the free comment.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Just wait until you get a flat tire and didn't bring a patch kit. Holy fuck it sucks.

Meh, I can walk it back to the car. Longest trail is a 7 mile loop. So no more than a 3.5 mile walk at most. Would ruin the ride, yes, but not terrible.

I was replying to the free comment.


Well got it back tonight. They said they cleaned the lens and it plays games fine now. If it happens again then i'll need a lens replacement. They only charged me $40 to look at the thing and clean the lens. And quoted another $40 for a new lens. So we'll see. Figure, at best I probably bought myself a few more weekends till it starts acting stupid again. Time will tell I guess. :dunno: Still $80 when it's all said and done is far less than I was expecting!
Well got it back tonight. They said they cleaned the lens and it plays games fine now. If it happens again then i'll need a lens replacement. They only charged me $40 to look at the thing and clean the lens. And quoted another $40 for a new lens. So we'll see. Figure, at best I probably bought myself a few more weekends till it starts acting stupid again. Time will tell I guess. :dunno: Still $80 when it's all said and done is far less than I was expecting!

:nanner::bigjump: you are now BACK on the PS3 bandwagon
I love mine... had it for years, light gaming, and the best thing it's hooked up to my 55" Sony HDTV, and I stream Netflix movies and shows to it all the time.:cool:


what the fuck you lookin at?
back at the fucking shop. I don't understand why they didn't just replace the fucking laser last time they had it. It was already taken apart once, why not fix it then? Fuckin pathetic. Now I have to wait another week again! Problem being that I'm on vacation next week.
Do you have the old fatty,or the new slim?If you have an old one,I would just say,if you can afford it,just nut up and get a slim.
For anyone who doesnt know. This is the one guy (there were more if my knowledge is correct) who smashed his PS3 in 2006 after getting it on release day he was near first in the queue. Obviously his pimping be true!



what the fuck you lookin at?
Do you have the old fatty,or the new slim?If you have an old one,I would just say,if you can afford it,just nut up and get a slim.

already have the slim
Glad it's just a laser or lens problem. After my receiver died, I switched to an open - style entertainment center. There's no back to the cabinet and no glass doors, but air circulates over my electronics now.