what the fuck you lookin at?
I guess not officially, but I'm done fighting with this fucking machine. I've decided to bite the bullet and take it to have it repaired. I talked to a guy at a local computer repair place a couple days ago. And got a quick idea of price. their labor rate is 60 plus the part. I hope to god it's just the laser that needs to be replaced and not the whole fucking drive. I'm guessing around $100 which is the same as everywhere I've looked including online. Sony can suck a dick they aren't getting their greedy paws on this console just to rape me. Anyway, the place I'm gonna take it is just down the street from my work and open 7 days a week. Obviously the most convenient option.
It's just not worth the rage each time the fuckin thing freezes on my during a game. If I take it in tomorrow I'd expect to have it by next weekend. Though I'm sure the fuckin holiday will fuck me and I won't get it till the following week. If it were spring, I'd say fuck it and not worry about it, as I have my new biking hobby. But it's gonna be a long boring ass winter with no games! So it's either this or get pissed off everyday. Buying a new PS3 is out of the question!
It's just not worth the rage each time the fuckin thing freezes on my during a game. If I take it in tomorrow I'd expect to have it by next weekend. Though I'm sure the fuckin holiday will fuck me and I won't get it till the following week. If it were spring, I'd say fuck it and not worry about it, as I have my new biking hobby. But it's gonna be a long boring ass winter with no games! So it's either this or get pissed off everyday. Buying a new PS3 is out of the question!