offensive Words For Shemales

how bout pictures?
He = no boobs (unless it's because of too much fat food & alcohol) & a dick
she = boobs & a pussy

So you're not a he (anymore) and you're not a she either. I'd personally try to use something like he-she or heshe or whatever, but I can imagine people saying it...

His & her is easier though. Thanks to the furries (you know, those people walking around in fursuits & then fucking eachother while still in those suits) the word hir has become more & more popular & accepted, so I guess that applies in your case.

& you can't use photobucket because photobucket knows this is an adult site & it obviously doesn't want to be affiliated with or in any other way connected with any adult sites.
You come across as a very confused individual.

On one hand you say you'd “perfer to be called a woman or she” but then say that men who are attracted to shemales are “closet case homosexuals”. Then you attack those men saying that “most guys that are into shemales are a little fucked up and wierd and got major emotional problems with drugs/alchole?”

What does that say about shemales?!?
What does that say about how you judge men that like you?!?
What does that say about how you perceive yourself?!?

You have self-esteem issues & I suggest you seek counselling.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
What in the HELL is going on in here?

Anyway, what does it matter? I mean, who cares if the term shemale, trans-sexual, ladyboy (etc) is used? If you are a dude who chooses to have surgeries that make you into a half-man-half-woman, that is your choice. Nature didn't make you that way - you chose to be that way. So, what does it matter what people call you? You wanted to be the way you are, so you're going to have to deal with people using all sorts of terms to describe you.

This is almost as pointless as debating whether or not terms like fat, obese, chunky or lumpy are more offensive than overweight, plump or hefty - they all mean the same thing.

:2 cents:
that's right, and we all are going to die someday, so nothing matters anyway.
Ya, I only like being called a SHE. I dont like IT or HE because im delibereatly dressing up as a WOMAN and I live my life now as a WOMAN!

have some respect.

Luka Magnotta


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Ya, I only like being called a SHE. I dont like IT or HE because im delibereatly dressing up as a WOMAN and I live my life now as a WOMAN!

have some respect.

Luka Magnotta

But you were born a man, so you are a man; a man who has had surgery to look like a woman (I assume), but a man none-the-less.

If I put on a long, blonde wig, it wouldn't make me a woman. It would just make me a dude wearing a wig.

then why all the "dude" pics?

That's what I was thinking. If "she" doesn't want to be known as a man, why even acknowledge "herself" as being a man in the first place?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Driver, you can let me off right up here. Nah, that's OK. I'll walk the rest of the way. :helpme:
But you were born a man, so you are a man; a man who has had surgery to look like a woman (I assume), but a man none-the-less.

If I put on a long, blonde wig, it wouldn't make me a woman. It would just make me a dude wearing a wig.

That's what I was thinking. If "she" doesn't want to be known as a man, why even acknowledge "herself" as being a man in the first place?

That's quite simplistic...

What makes a woman or a man?

Brain sex?

In most cases, all this sex determination factors are congruent, but in a significant part of the population, it is not.

All fetuses, regardless of chromosomes, can develop into either sex.
Sex differentiantion is mostly produced by hormones.

Once a chromosomally XY individual takes female hormones, the cells in the body start behaving as a female. The breast tissue grows, etc. (whether you pass judgement on the individual for their desicion, scientifically the body is no longer male, albeit not completely female by reproductive means)
Once you remove the testes, as in sex reassignment, the individual is no longer male by medical standards, because the testes is what triggers virilization in males.

Even though we give more importance to chromosomes, and classify XY individuals as males, there are cases that because of insensitivity to male hormones, the person is born with a vagina and all female secondary sexual characteristics. Do you consider this people men??

Society doesn't like diversity, but nature loves it. Man does not always equals male, and female does not always equals woman. Our brain is what differentiates us from animals, therefore I give more importance to brain-sex/gender identity than any other sex-markers.:thumbsup:
"marilynmonroe" you seem like a mess!!!

Unfortunately, appereance makes all the difference. You keep posting your pics as a man..therefore I take it that you are not really transsexual, but a crossdresser; and you are just confusing people here with all this nonsense.

You seem pretty masculine, and you will attract guys that want those characteristics. If you looked like some shemales, that you cannot distinguish from biological females...that's a different story.
I'll tell you a story, for example...I dated a man that didn't know I was a tranny, then when I told him, he still liked me, we had sex, but he never aknowledged my male parts...he as into pussy. Eventually he left, because I couldn't give him that...yet.

Your statement that all guys that have been involved with shemales are closet cases speaks more of your frustration as a crossdresser, than the reality of many true transsexual women.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
That's quite simplistic...

What makes a woman or a man?

Brain sex?

In most cases, all this sex determination factors are congruent, but in a significant part of the population, it is not.

All fetuses, regardless of chromosomes, can develop into either sex.
Sex differentiantion is mostly produced by hormones.

Once a chromosomally XY individual takes female hormones, the cells in the body start behaving as a female. The breast tissue grows, etc. (whether you pass judgement on the individual for their desicion, scientifically the body is no longer male, albeit not completely female by reproductive means)
Once you remove the testes, as in sex reassignment, the individual is no longer male by medical standards, because the testes is what triggers virilization in males.

Even though we give more importance to chromosomes, and classify XY individuals as males, there are cases that because of insensitivity to male hormones, the person is born with a vagina and all female secondary sexual characteristics. Do you consider this people men??

Society doesn't like diversity, but nature loves it. Man does not always equals male, and female does not always equals woman. Our brain is what differentiates us from animals, therefore I give more importance to brain-sex/gender identity than any other sex-markers.:thumbsup:

I don't feel that it's simplistic to say that if a person is born with a male's body than that person is a male or if a person is born with a female's body than that person is a female. I was born in a male's body, therefore making me a male. I have a penis, I have testicles, I grow facial hair, I have the structural composition of a male's frame, I ejaculate semen, etc. I am male.

Now, are there cases in which people are born with both sex organs? Yes, but that's not some sort of diversity that is beautifully thrown upon us by nature; it's a genetic mistake that is made by nature - just as in retardation, elephantitis, Huntington's and even cancer.

Also, if you start involving a person's so-called "brain-sex/gender identity" into the argument, then I think you have to realize that such a logic will end up hitting a brick wall. That brick wall?


Personally, I don't really buy into the whole concept of sexual orientation (but that's a whole 'nother can of worms), but...for argument's sake, what if your "brain-sex/gender identity" is split down the middle, 50/50, and you exhibit mental, emotional and sexual tendencies from both of the sexes (both male and female) on an equal platform? Now what? Are they male? Female? Both? A whole new category? Do we finally give in and use that person's genetic, biologically given body and characteristics to decide?

Or, what if that same person was born with both sex organs and had a body that was biologically half-man-half-woman? Uh oh!!! Now what do we do?!?!?!


Or, even better...what about the pregnant man? Do we call "him" a man, just because "he" has a beard, no female shaped breasts and the sexual mentality of a man? Or, do we boil it down and realize that "he" is just a woman who has taken male hormone injections to alter their original biological makeup and has had surgery to make themself look like a man - keep in mind that "he" kept "his" uterus and all other female procreation related physical characteristics - I don't know about you, but I've never seen a man that has been born with the ability to give birth to a child.

This is why I don't feel that it's simplistic to use our naturally given, original biological makeup and/or DNA to decide whether or not we are a man or a woman. In fact, using a person's mental, emotional and sexual state of mind to determine their sex just makes things so God damned complicated, because in other words, it is just another way of saying "as long as you think you are a woman, you are a woman (or vice versa)", but that's not how reality works. Just because you think you are something, it doesn't mean that you are.
Do transsexuals get offended by words like Tranny, Shemale and Ladyboys? What do you like to be refered to as? I mostly say girls and women. Is this stupid?

I'm rather partial to referring to such hotties as T-babes. I don't know, or care, if that's a recognised terms or not, but to me calling a transsexual a "Tranny" is like calling a homosexual a "homo", and shemale is such a formal reference, like male or female :D

And good for you that you are happy being who and what you are, irrespective of birth gender. I would say though that the walking around with your penis tucked between your legs is not to my liking (but that's just me). For me, I prefer to see it cupped neatly in a sheer pair of panties, bulging in all its glory... ooh! a new topic for a thread :D
Maybe not a 'he' anymore but not a 'she' either.

Being a she or a he isn't necessarily as simple as being born with certain parts...I guess we've all learned that.

But I don't think a person becomes a he or a she either by simply changing parts. You may not be what you were but you're sure not what what you're claiming to be matter what you look like IMO.

Most of us get that people who desire to have their genders changed feel they are simply matching the physical with the psychological. **TS, gay, etc. blasphemy alert!! Please turn off your offended detectors** But just because matching the psychological to the physical is probably more painstaking and difficult, doesn't mean that isn't just as proper a solution as paying some one to inject you with feature changing chemicals and carve you into what you think you're missing. **End blasphemy alert!! Resume normal offense detection.**

Re: Offensive terms, I don't know what to call someone who has changed their gender id. I'd think transexual is appropriate but who knows. I just don't refer to people who change their gender as 'he' or 'she' though.:dunno: Those would be misnomers and misleading IMO.
I am as liberal as the next guy when it comes to tolerance and acceptance of other's sexual orientation, I have gay friends and I respect the gay community as much as any person can, be that as it may, I could never respect a transsexual, just because they don't have the courage to accept who they are. Homosexual men or women have accepted that they are attracted to the same sex and live their life accordingly, they don't try to change they're body in unnatural ways or falsify their appearance. Why can't you just accept the fact that you are a man and say that you're attracted to both men and women or just men and leave the whole "I'm a woman trapped in a men's body" bull behind?