% of Pornstars with Diseases


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Pornographic actors and STDs

Because of the nature of their work, usually involving sex without condoms, pornographic actors are particularly vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases. Data suggest that pornographic actors have a higher rate of STDs (except for HIV) than the general American population. Among 825 performers screened in 2000–2001, 7.7% of females and 5.5% of males had chlamydia, and 2% overall had gonorrhea. These rates are much higher than in patients visiting family planning clinics, where chlamydia and gonorrhea rates were 4.0% and 0.7%, respectively.... Between January 2003 and March 2005, approximately 976 performers were reported with 1,153 positive STD test results. Of the 1,153 positive test results, 722 (62.6 %) were chlamydia, 355 (30.8%) were gonorrhea, and 126 (10.9%) were coinfections with chlamydia and gonorrhea. Less is known about the prevalence and risk of transmission of other STDs such as syphilis, herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus, hepatitis B or C, trichomonal infection, or diseases transmitted through the fecal–oral route.[18] According to actress Chloe, "After you've been in this business for a while, you have herpes. Everyone has herpes."[8]

In the 1980s, an outbreak of HIV led to a number of deaths of erotic actors and actresses, including John Holmes, Wade Nichols, Marc Stevens, Al Parker. This led to the creation of the Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation, which helped set up a voluntary standard[19] in the U.S. adult film industry where erotic actors are tested for HIV every 30 days. All sexual contact is logged, and positive test results lead to all sexual contacts for the last three to six months being contacted and re-tested. The use of condoms became standard in films featuring homosexual anal sex. Thanks to accurate and mandatory medical tests HIV cases are nowadays extremely rare in the pornographic industry. Nevertheless, a few cases were reported.

In 1997, John Stagliano tested positive for HIV. He contracted the virus recreationally after having unprotected anal sex with a Brazilian transsexual in Rio de Janeiro.[20]

In 1998, a second outbreak occurred. Sharon Mitchell, Director of the Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation, announced on April 30, that Marc Wallice was HIV-positive. Wallice's career was effectively over, with rumors and speculation that he also infected several actresses, including Brooke Ashley, Tricia Devereaux, Caroline, Jordan McKnight, Barbara Doll, and Kimberly Jade. He denies the rumors, but they continue to resonate with many in the business; he had been caught with a fake AIDS certificate only months before the scandal broke.[21]

In 1999, another male performer tested HIV positive.[22]

In 2004, a male performer, Darren James, tested positive for HIV;[23] after engaging in a scene in the video "Split That Booty 2" in Rio de Janeiro.[24] By the end of the month it was discovered that three actresses who had worked with James shortly after his return to the United States (two of whom were involved in the same production) had also become infected with the virus. These were Canadian newcomer Lara Roxx, Miss Arroyo, and Czech-born Jessica Dee. Viral load tests showed that James was "Patient Zero,"[25] Following the release of this information the heterosexual porn industry voluntarily reduced their workload for the next 30 days, as various contacts with both individuals, as well as others within the industry, re-evaluated and expanded upon their original programs dealing with this possibility.

In June 2009, an unidentified female performer was announced as having tested positive for HIV.[26] After that announcement was made, Los Angeles County officials announced that there had been 16 previously unpublicized cases of HIV involving adult film performers which had not been publicized since the 2004 Darren James, and that a total of 16 men and 5 women who worked in the adult film industry performers contracted HIV between 2004 and 2008.[27] though officials later backtracked by stating that the agency did not know whether any of those people were performers. Sharon Mitchell, co-founder of the clinic that did the testing, has said that these people were either non-performers or aspiring actors who tested positive.[28] While there have been calls in the aftermath to mandate condom-only sex,[29] consensus in the industry currently appears to supports the existing format.[19] COURTESY WIKIPEDIA

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Adult-video performers are 10 times more likely to acquire STDs, and many contract numerous infections in a year, according to county health data.

Not if you compare them to people that do one night stands all of the time or like to fuck anything that walks The only reason there is data about diseases in porn is because performers are tested each month. If everyone was tested I would guarantee you more non porn people would have disease. Plus with all of the people that work in porn the rates for diseases is pretty low. Not sure why people like to talk about subjects they are not fully aware about.
Not if you compare them to people that do one night stands all of the time or like to fuck anything that walks The only reason there is data about diseases in porn is because performers are tested each month. If everyone was tested I would guarantee you more non porn people would have disease. Plus with all of the people that work in porn the rates for diseases is pretty low. Not sure why people like to talk about subjects they are not fully aware about.

:hatsoff:Agreed my dear !
John Stagliano supposedly got the virus while doing a double anal with a transvestite in Brazil. Maybe I wont go to Brazil any time soon!

I don't think it's the trip to Brazil that you should be worried about, but having an unprotected double anal with a transvestite. :tongue:
I don't think it's the trip to Brazil that you should be worried about, but having an unprotected double anal with someone you don't know. :tongue:

A small correction.

Mulani Rivera

Official Checked Star Member
"Since 2004, 2,378 people who identified themselves as adult film industry performers have tested positive for chlamydia in Los Angeles County. An additional 1,357 tested positive for gonorrhea and 15 for syphilis, according to data released Thursday by the county's health department."

And this was reported in june of this year. I make sure the male talent and myself are test but is still scary.


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I have to laugh at some of these comments. 90% of the men and women that work in porn do not have std's. People that shoot hardcore get tested each month. Frankly you are safer fucking a pornstar then picking up a chick at a bar. How many non pornstars get tested each month?

whatever makes you feel better, keep telling yourself that there unknown sweetie..


You know the statistics for normal folks in alot of places is rather high. Chlamydia, herpes etc which you could have and wouldnt know about. Everyone needs regular testing besides using contraceptives and even they arent 100 per cent full proof.

So yes I think the whole thing is hyped up because of the tabooness of the occupation and also cause some random joe dying of aids isnt going to make headlines
Not if you compare them to people that do one night stands all of the time or like to fuck anything that walks The only reason there is data about diseases in porn is because performers are tested each month. If everyone was tested I would guarantee you more non porn people would have disease. Plus with all of the people that work in porn the rates for diseases is pretty low. Not sure why people like to talk about subjects they are not fully aware about.
Yeah, no shit. If you don't know what the hell you're talking about shut your mouth and pick up a book...some people, I tell ya.:dunno:


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Ok, I admit if you go to a bar and pick up a woman it is risky behavior. I am sure that the type of woman who is willing to have a one night stand with someone has a high percentage risk of std's. If they were to do a study of these women, there would be an alarming amount of std's. That being said, that is a risk group.
Being a pornographic actress is a lifestyle choice. Having unprotected non condom sex with random people, having bodily fluids transmitted, bodily fluids in the eyes, nose, mouth, and the cross contamination of sexual implements is a risky behavior. I'm sorry, it just is. Once again it is the choice of the individual and that I applaud, more power to you. But to deny the fact that it is risky behavior is just silly.
I believe if you are a one night stand woman at the bar you have higher percentage of std's. I believe if you are a pornstar, you have a higher percentage of std's. It is all about the lifestyle and the activities involved.


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By the way, I started this thread because it was an aspect of the industry that I never thought about. The more I looked into it through research, the more alarming the statistics were.
When I read that Rocco said "everyone in porn has herpes", I know that is not true, but it rises the question of how many he has seen or experienced with sexual herpes. Same with Belladonna 99.9%, that is simply not true, unless she means cold sore herpes ie. shingles even then way too much.
Thankfully the rate of AIDS in pornstars is very very low! Most of the STD's that are reported are curable. I just hope that rate of noncurable diseases is lower than Rocco and Belladona are reporting. It would suck to get a noncurable disease at your workplace!
Most of the statistics are basically a witch hunt! I think the Pink Cross Foundation and the California Department of Health are a little far fetched. But it does make me think about it.
Well, I geuss time will tell what the California Department of Health does to regulate the porn industry, it is under debate right now.


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Genital Herpes Statistics

Genital herpes statistics can be important in learning the impact of this virus. Read the following genital herpes statistics to learn more. Some statistics include oral and genital herpes. Remember that both can cause outbreaks on either part of your body.

One in four adults have herpes.

There are approximately one million new cases of herpes each year.

More women than men have herpes.

Approximately thirty million Americans have the herpes virus.

There are about 500,000 new cases each year in America.

Approximately 80% of persons having a first episode caused by HSV-2 will have at least one recurrence, while only 50% of persons with HSV-1 will experience a recurrence.

Clinical trials have proved Valaciclovir (an antiviral therapy) to prevent or delay up to 85% of herpes outbreaks.

About 50 percent to 80 percent of the adult population in the United States has oral herpes.

Twenty percent to 25 percent of pregnant women have genital herpes.

It has been estimated that about 20% of the population have genital herpes and 90% have oral herpes (cold sores).

In women, the cervix is infected in about 80% to 90% of initial infections, and vaginal discharge may occur.

Some people may experience several outbreaks during a year, while others have only 1 or 2 outbreaks during their lifetime.

The average number of outbreaks is 4 to 5 a year.

During the active stage, 20% to 25% of people begin to have the active herpes virus present on the skin.

Genital herpes is more common in women (approximately 1 out of 4 women) than in men (almost 1 out of 5).

Genital herpes is the most prevalent viral sexually transmitted disease.

There are more cases of genital herpes than there are all the other viral STDs combined.

The more sex partners you have, the higher the risk of you getting, or having already caught, genital herpes.

Studies have shown that the vast majority (80-90%) of people who have genital herpes have not been diagnosed with the condition.

Every 30 seconds, another person gets genital herpes. The number of cases of genital herpes has gone up by over 30% in the last decade.

If the number of people infected with genital herpes continues to grow at the present rate, it is predicted that in time nearly half the US adult population will have genital herpes.

It is estimated that 99% of all HSV-2 infections are genital.


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Re: Belladonna Says that 99.9% of Porn Stars have HERPES
This is correctly quoted from me. Because we, the adult industry, are more sexually active than the average person, we are higher at risk. I was in the adult industry for 1 year when I contracted herpes. Every performer that I've told that I have herpes, has also admitted to having herpes. I have no worked with EVERY person in this industry, but I have worked with a lot of them. Most of the new people just getting in don't have it, but if they're in high demand, they're risks of contracting it will jump up considerably. I do not work when I have an outbreak and I've only had 1 outbreak a year since I got it and none in the past 2 1/2 years. I know there is still a chance of spreading the virus, but it is VERY rare to spread the virus without an outbreak. There are people in the industry who DO work with outbreaks, by choice and by ignorance. The fact of the matter is, herpes is not life threatening and it's definitely not going to stop people from performing, obviously. It is just an annoyance really and I believe if you're healthy and stress free you probably will never have an outbreak and unlikely to spread it. I probably won't look at this thread again, so please don't ask questions about my post... I came here to respond to this by request. If you'd like to ask me about it, you can post a comment on my blog about it at my website, or on myspace. Thanks!

btw. the reason I know it is rare to spread it when you don't have an outbreak is because I have been with my husband for four years and have had sex with him almost every day (not during the outbreak) and he just got tested a couple months ago and is negative for Herpes!
Last edited by Belladonna; 12-09-2007 at 06:46 PM. Reason: adding...
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Lost at Birth
interesting thread. there are some cavalier remarks here. theres also some impressionable young minds that read these threads and irresponsible commentary that could lead someone to a wrong decision involving a deadly disease.

some people say there's only one true way to prevent HIV and thats abstinence. WRONG. there are other ways you can contract HIV without having sex. i'm not going to list them, instead i'll rely on the fact that your health is important to you so you should consult your doctor about the many ways HIV can become the monkey on your back. plus, lets me real here, i'm not going to abstain and i doubt there's a high percentage of folks on this board who will. there's absolutely nothing wrong with sex. its a natural act. its also the most fun act. beats playing monopoly hands down. so lets be real.

some people say that routinely taking an HIV test will prevent you from getting HIV. WRONG. HIV test can only work towards informing you whether or not you have HIV, not prevent you grom getting HIV. Yes, its a good step in helping prevent the spread but it doesnt make you Superman/Greenlantern/Batman and impervious to HIV. again, talk to your doctor about this, not a porn forum. we're taling about your health, dont be stupid.

some folks say condoms will prevent you from getting HIV. WRONG yes, condoms are currently the most effective protective form against contracting HIV but its not 100%. its still the best weapon we have according to the medical community. so i'm going to put more trust in the medical community than posts on a porn message board. call me crazy. go ask talk to your doctor about it, you'd be surprised how willing they are to discuss it.

some folks believe common sense will keep them from getting HIV. WRONG. I feel as though i'm one of the most common sense person around but hey, in the heat of the moment, i've still pulled out mister happy and fucked that girl silly without protection. my sex life started at the age of 14 and now a little over a decade, i've had sex with approximately 250 girls. i'm way more sexually active than any friend i know, and yet, i wasnt always safe and making the best decsion. fortunately i never contracted any disease. i got fucking lucky despite being pretty fucking stupid. go ask you doctor about unprotected sex, they'll be very happy to share their educated opinion on the matter.

fact is there is no 100% method to prevent HIV. there are, howver, some options we have to decrease are risk significantly. If you are going to choose just one, then condoms is the way to go according to modern medicine. If you are going to choose just two the Condoms and common sense are the way to go. If you are going to be smart about your health and take full advantage of the safety net science provides then Condoms, common sense, and testing is the trifecta. ask your doctor what the very best combination of methods are in preventing std's in a sexually active lifestyle.

jane and kimora are correct about testing in the industry. they have a safety net that the folks they participate with have to take the test too. we as civilians dont. i can take a test and go fuck some girl tomorrow that has HIV and guess what....that test doesnt do shit for me. go ask your doctor if that by taking an hiv test you are now immune to hiv, you may be dismayed by the answer.

i commend the sex industry for demanding tests, thats great. they should demand condoms as well or at least take some step in explaining to their audience that tho condoms were not used in the film, the general public should use condoms. why? because the general public isnt required to take a test every 30 days ensuring your partner had a clean report with their last test. go ask you doctor about how hard it is to contain the spread of hiv in the general community.

another thing. HIV tests do not test for other STDs. One of my favorites is Sasha Grey, i love watching that girl in a sex scene. But i also heard her say in an interview before she even left her teens she had contracted a couple of STDs she got in the industry. I've also read this of several other younger stars that i like to keep up with. go ask your doctor about the hazards of STD's and what you can do to avoid them.

i guess what bugs me in this debate just like every other debate in humanity, is how over the top we will go in our arguments to prove our point. is the adult sex industry a playground of safe and happy sex? no, but to read some of these posts you'd think it was. is the general public a safe and happy playground then? no. but to read some of these posts you'd think it was. go ask your doctor if you are the one human being on the planet who can't contract an STD. i already know the answer but ask your doctor anyway.

would i have sex with a porn star? yes i would. yes i have. did i feel unsafe? no not anymore than having sex with a stranger cos thats what it was, sex with a stranger i picked up at a bar. it was just a random thing, we practised safe sex, i did get tested later and have been tested several times since then. because i've had sex with many girls since them. i try to act as responsibly as i can for having a very active sex life. but i've learned you can't rely on the other party to be acting as responsibly so take advantage of every protection you have. ask your doctor about these protective choices.

all in all, STDs, HIV etc... they are a fact of life. they are here and they are not friendly and in fact some can kill you. whether you are in the adult industry or not, there are some ways to help protect you against them. and if you want to laugh in the face of modern medicine and not use any of them, then try to remember that cavalier attitude when the doctor says congratualtions you are the proud parent of bouncing baby std.

i would think the main reason for arguing in this thread or even fucking participating in this thread would be to help ensure that others reduce the risk of getting an STD. i would hate to think participating in this thread or any argument of this subject is just too defend a particular industry, or attack a particular industry or just prove your point and rattle your saber. but then again, i've been accused quite often of being naive when it comes to putting hope in human behaivor.

don't bother us with facts, our minds made up.

i know this is a long post, but STDs are a very serious subject matter and i think some of the frivolous responses in this thread need to be countered. oh yeah one more thing......go ask your doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!