Let's see, where to start:
1. This isn't Miss FreeOnes.....there's NO PRIZE....just sayin'!
2. The ONLY person on here that I fully support in everything does not and has not shilled for votes at all in any contest.
3. I'm trying to play leader in the contest thread? :dunno: Why, because I was kind enough to point out the FACT that voting in the poll itself is the ONLY thing that counts.....as I was preplexed by the fact that people seemed to be posting their votes in the thread......and I wanted to make sure people realized that that voting in the poll is all that counts? That's all I posted in the contest thread......and that benefitted EVERYONE. So, I'm at a loss as to what I did wrong in there really. People don't follow the rules and directions very well on here.....and I was only trying to help. Feel free to point out where I am wrong in that.
4. I belong to a clique? There aren't very many people that I genuinely like on here as people.....and less that I genuinely care about.....so if I am a member of a clique.....someone must have forgotten to tell me, because really....I'm a lone wolf....and I only take my marching orders from J-O-N! PERIOD.
5. I don't make new OCSMs feel welcome? Who said I was talking about a new OCSM? I didn't mention any names. I didn't signal anyone out. I'm at a loss as to who you could be talking about that I don't make feel welcome. My problem is with patterns of behavior, not with any person in particular. Now, yes, of course I am aware of someone who has already engaged in that type of behavior.....but I didn't point any fingers. Have I gone to her thread and posted anything at all? Have I sent her any Tweets on Twitter? Have I posted anything on her Facebook page? Have I sent her any PMs? Have I posted anything to tell people not to vote for her? NOPE! Everyone is welcome on here, and I am generally a very positive person.....it's just sometimes, even when you clearly expect something, when you see it, it sets you off. That's all. That being said, I'm honest and I'm a straight shooter. I like some people on here better than others....and I don't hide that fact. I don't go around telling every woman on here that they are my favorite or they are the greatest. But I don't go around insulting anyone either. Furthermore, unlike a lot of dudes, just because you have two boobs & a pussy doesn't mean my jaw will hit the floor and I'll start drooling. If anything, I'm not fake. I play up the whole "fanboy" thing because I get a laugh out of it.....but pretty much, what you see is what you get.....and I try to keep it real. And no....I'm not a "hater" either. Who the heck believes in haters anyway? I dislike behavior.....not people! :2 cents:
That being said.....Andronicus is 1000% right......and I don't give a fuck anymore. Enjoy your pyrrhic victory....because I'm convinced you will get it....and good luck in the Miss FreeOnes contest too.
Finally, I'm sorry if I offended anyone with the "pathetic loser" comment that I made to describe people who allow themselves to be manipulated. I just have my opinions of things in general......and I was wrong for sharing them in such a public manner.....as this is not the venue for sharing that point of view. It would be kind of like going to a Klan meeting and telling them that they were all a bunch of racists and how I dislike racists. So if I offended anyone with that comment.....sorry.
Now, off to take another anti-anxiety pill. Ha ha ha! SERIOUSLY!
1. So you're saying it's OK to be a 'pandering, shilling, desperate loser' when a prize is on the line. That's still double standards in my book. If there is no prize at stake, Why become so agrivated that you threaten to leave the forum, if your favourite OCSM does not win this month. That's childish behavior and almost blackmail.
2. Now I could post an example of vote 'shilling' already currently happening for one of your group now for this contest. But, I'm not going to single out an OCSM for something that they would all do with the means at their disposal.
3. You answer questions meant for freeones staff in a patronising manner. You give info that isn't needed. Another example I think was in the nominations thread where you gave the wrong information, as you hadn't even read the 1st post properly before you start answering questions directed at freeones admin. Bottom line, it's not your thread to play instructor or mini-mod. Have you heard of the saying 'too many cooks spoil the broth'.
4. Yes, like I said it appears to me there is a Freeones clique and IMO you try to be a leading part of it. It crops in the members section and maybe in one or so OCSM threads. In the Babes and fetish section I would guess a lot of members would rather see OCSM links and posts rather than half a page flooded by a handful of members relaying their own daily business to each other(there's talk section, pm's etc for that). I also seem to recall you were involved in an arranged voting hullabaloo for MOTW. Pandering cliques are only positive, for the people inside them. On a whole they discourage new members and OCSM's alike from contributing.
5. You were singling out an OCSM, it was obvious who you were talking about. Disqualifying an OCSM from your OCSMOTW members thread wasn't exactly welcome behavior for starters. If you click on the current voters usernames for the OCSM you were referring to, you will find barely any of those voters so far (if any at all) have joined freeones after this contest began.
'A pyrrhic victory' eh? what victory and at what cost. :dunno: There's no such thing as a victory on an internet forum. I just don't like cliques, it's as simple as that.
I quite like the contest, it's run in a fair format to try to give every regular OCSM a shot, not just a couple of them.
Chill out, your fav will win this month as planned, then you can block vote for the next on your pecking order and so forth.