OCSM's: has revenue increased since posting here?


Closed Account
This is a question I've had for the longest time. If the OCSM's wouldn't mind disclosing this information, have any of you ever noticed any sort of membership number increase since joining FreeOnes in the last 6 months?


Closed Account
That is what I was also concerned about. I am aware of the amount of pirating of DVD's. One of the worst things to happen to the film industry as a whole was DVD's. The film companies, Warn A Brother etc, have only themselves to blame. The quality of tape was lowered after DVD hit the market.

Markers could have been put on tapes to allow one easy searching. There were machines that could whip through a tape in seconds. One could keep a tape undamaged for years.

Still, to come back to this, it would be easy to see whether statistics have increased by what margin within the months after first posting here. That is if the OCSM has any say over her site. Some sites I believe are owned by, for example, Alsscan or DDF.

This would mean that there have been more membership applications as a result of being here on Freeones. It is time consuming posting here, plus there are only the odd OCSM's actually posting in the talk section any more, probably because of flaming and personal differences amongst themselves.

I just wonder whether it has been worth it for them.

Maybe it is just their presence here that helps popularity, which can be measured in other ways, like for instance the meter in the Freeones babes section. Or they could just enjoy being here.


Member, you member...
I personally believe that stars with free forums on their sites probably have seen an increase there.
Maybe not "paying" members.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
We ALL KNOW the best way for Freeones to increase revenue. It involves Petra and exposed bosoms....

Governments around the world ponder the solution to the recession, yet it was there all along under Petra's shirt.