Obama's 'Useless' Twitter Town Hall


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.

I'm not sure what to make of this: both the event itself and, that the guy doesn't seem to be able to do anything right (and, by guy, I mean his advisors).

IMO Dubya was utterly useless, but at least he was surrounded by a highly astute, adept, intelligent and focussed team. 'Bama seems to be surrounded by intellectual cripples.

His legacy as the Lame Duck president seems almost assured, and I'm not sure it's deserved in terms of his actual potential, although it most assuredly is (as of now) based on performance.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
His presidency or the Twitter town hall meeting? :dunno:

You left it a bit ambiguous...

lol, both! and i gave him a chance ...employment data out tomorrow -- might bide him time --- equities have been on a roll !


Hiliary 2020
I think he's going to need a fucking miracle at this point.

or just another really shitty choice of an opponent.


Vito Corleone impression?
or just another really shitty choice of an opponent.


Vito Corleone impression?


Hope and change got the young folks fired up against an old guy.

Now we're seeing the same ol' same, except a more rapid dive into debt.

Hope and change got the young folks fired up against an old guy.

Now we're seeing the same ol' same, except a more rapid dive into debt.

Don't be so pessimistic. Businesses are hiring and things will be rolling again by the end of the summer...in full swing by 2012 and all should be well with C/S again. :D

Just look what happened under Reagan after u/e was over 10 pct. for 10 months... and the national debt increased exponentially. Now that didn't turn out all doom and gloom did it??:o

Even though Reagan ushered in exploding debt that was decried for saddling our children blah blah blah....President Clinton was able to turn that around for us and by the end of his presidency it was actually going down.:dunno:

So do us a favor will ya? :spin: that :( into :)
When will people learn that the president can't actually do anything except decide who we go to war against (and even that has to be "granted" by Congress)...

The economy rises and falls based on the action, or for the past 2 years, -- inaction of -- Congress.

It would've been nice to actually have this President decide economic shit and Congress follow, but when have we seen that? We didn't see it in Healthcare, green jobs, the BP disaster (except for the $20bil that Obama forced BP to pony up), tax breaks and loopholes for the rich/companies, farm subsidies, ending our dual occupations....sigh...


what the fuck you lookin at?
Thread could have just as easily been titled:

Obama's 'useless' and we all would have gotten the idea.