Obama's to take 20-day Hawaiin vacation on YOUR MONEY

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
From what I just read, Obama spent fewer days on vacation during his first term than any of the (so called) fiscally conservative Republican Presidents we've had since Jerry Ford. Poor ol' Jerry didn't even realize that he was President, so I don't count him.

I continue to get a kick out of the stupid shit that gets wingnuts wound up. While he's in Hawaii, I hope he gets his picture taken with a White woman in a bikini and flashes a gang sign. That should really make your heads explode! :rofl2:


Was King of the Board for a Day
I'm just angry I wasn't taken along to be Michelle's personal suntan lotion applicant. :mad:
The President is from Hawaii. Last time I checked, Hawaii was part of the United States. So what if he flies to his home and it just happens to be Hawaii? So what? We should have thought of this when we illegally overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy and annexed them. You know, at some point we would have a President from Hawaii?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'll keep my fingers crossed in the hopes that the wings fall off Air Force One halfway between LA and Hawaii.


Was King of the Board for a Day
I'll keep my fingers crossed in the hopes that the wings fall off Air Force One halfway between LA and Hawaii.

Honestly, a comment like that both surprises and shocks me. You may not like the man, but he is the President of your country. How do you call yourself a decent person, a decent American, or a decent human being for wishing such harm upon someone else?

This isn't meant as an attack on you, I'd be saying this to someone if they were saying the same thing about Romney.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

Like I care about any politician. I hope Legionnaire's disease hits the US Capitol building and clears out the whole bunch in one fell swoop.


Was King of the Board for a Day

Like I care about any politician. I hope Legionnaire's disease hits the US Capitol building and clears out the whole bunch in one fell swoop.

Good to know I can have a serious conversation with you. I don't care about any politicians either, but I've never wished for them to die. Be "dethroned", yes. Go broke, yes. Be tortured for doing nothing, yes. Never wished death upon them though.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I mentioned an airplane. I didn't mention wishing anyone dead. Except for the whole Legionnaire's disease thing. If Obama wound up marooned on an Island that would be just as good. He couldn't do any more damage.


Was King of the Board for a Day
I mentioned an airplane. I didn't mention wishing anyone dead. Except for the whole Legionnaire's disease thing. If Obama wound up marooned on an Island that would be just as good. He couldn't do any more damage.

I assumed when you wished for the wings to fall off Air Force One, you meant more harm than you claim. I apologize if it seemed I leapt to conclusions.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
It wouldn't break my heart if he wound up a paraplegic either. Or zombified. But I think his college professors already did that to him thirty years ago.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Hmm.. I kinda wish that Romney had won the election so that when he fucked up (as he inevitably would) and didn't improve this country any better than anyone else would, at least some of the republicans MIGHT see that Obama wasn't so bad.

But no. Sadly, no. Logic and reason are a completely foreign language to republicans.

Good thing this country is slowly but surely becoming more and more of a democratic nation. As the older generations die off, who are stuck in their old timer ways of judgments, discrimination, and unreasonable manners and behaviors, the newer generations, who are open to change, will thrive. I'm tellin ya, in 30 years I will come back here and say, "Told you so!"


Closed Account
Hmm.. I kinda wish that Romney had won the election so that when he fucked up (as he inevitably would) and didn't improve this country any better than anyone else would, at least some of the republicans MIGHT see that Obama wasn't so bad.

But no. Sadly, no. Logic and reason are a completely foreign language to republicans.

Good thing this country is slowly but surely becoming more and more of a democratic nation. As the older generations die off, who are stuck in their old timer ways of judgments, discrimination, and unreasonable manners and behaviors, the newer generations, who are open to change, will thrive. I'm tellin ya, in 30 years I will come back here and say, "Told you so!"

One good thing that happened from the election is that some republicans learned that the party has to change if they want to gain power back. I'm glad Obama won just to see what FOX News was gonna do.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Discrimination? You mean like democrats blocking passage of the civil rights bill or founding the KKK?


Closed Account
I do love how Republicans blame democrats for all the bad things that happen, but the poorest state (Mississippi) is also the most conservative state. I know why people in N.Y. are losing everything, its cause our taxes are so god dam high. What is Mississippi's reason for being the poorest state then?