Obama's Literary Agent


About an illegal person as president of your country. You should care.

You guys do realize that this birther shit makes you look like morons to the rest of us, right?

And maybe you guys should care more about what a destructive and blatantly inferior president that Romney would be. He'll be nothing more than a staff-dependent, RNC-dependant Yes-Man who can't even find a running mate because even the people voting for him know what a joke he'll be.

Will E Worm

You guys do realize that this birther shit makes you look like morons to the rest of us, right?

And maybe you guys should care more about what a destructive and blatantly inferior president that Romney would be. He'll be nothing more than a staff-dependent, RNC-dependant Yes-Man who can't even find a running mate because even the people voting for him know what a joke he'll be.

Obama has spent more time and money to cover this up than people are willing to admit.
Also, what America saw was a photoshopped certificate of live birth not a birth certificate.

Obama and his wife are jokes they need to go.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Meh. I'm waiting for the biography where he admits he's a gay reptilian moon Jew.
You guys do realize that this birther shit makes you look like morons to the rest of us, right?

This is not a "birther" issue. The folks at Breitbar do believe he was born in Hawaii. The question is, how come a mistake of that magnitude was not cleared up until 2007. Did Obama lie about being born in Kenya for some reason or did his publisher mistakingly assume he was born in Kenya. Either way, that needed to have been cleared up a long time ago to prevent any controversies.

And maybe you guys should care more about what a destructive and blatantly inferior president Obama has been. He has been nothing more than an Axelrod-dependent, DNC-dependant Yes-Man who couldn't find a better running mate because even the people voting for him know what a charlatan he was going to be.

Fixed. No need to thank me. :tongue:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
This is not a "birther" issue. The folks at Breitbar do believe he was born in Hawaii. The question is, how come a mistake of that magnitude was not cleared up until 2007. Did Obama lie about being born in Kenya for some reason or did his publisher mistakingly assume he was born in Kenya. Either way, that needed to have been cleared up a long time ago to prevent any controversies.

It is a birther issue, in that the ONLY people who still talk about this ad nauseum are birthers or birther sympathizers. Look, there are people who can't stand that Barack Obama is the President of the United States. I get that. And that's OK. But if there was any (legitimate) evidence that he is/was not eligible to hold the office, there are more than enough conservative, non-government groups that have searched under every rock and have found nothing... VALID.

The nation is facing probable recession next year if there isn't a compromise on the budget by the end of this year. The fiscal cliff, that everyone with eyes can see, is a real problem. Now THAT is a legitimate issue to be discussed. But those who want to continue talking about Obama's birth certificate or place of birth should not be surprised that sane, rational people (liberal, conservative and moderate) consider them to be paranoid schizos, who probably wear tinfoil hats and look for black helicopters in the night sky.