I have noticed that there has been a drop in shoe throwing, attempting to open locked doors, wars and jokes about pubic hair.
Whats that got to do with Obama? He doesn't run your country.
the group of people herding the flock of sheep is headed up now by a black man with a different accent than the old white man previously in office...
The satisfaction of knowing that Bush is OUT of office.
Mind clarifying?
I think what Bodie54 said is in line with the facts,don't you?
What you have in your personal life which has changed since Barrack Obama becomes US President.
I am a loser! He fucked up the nation and have most of the Democratic nation and conservatives against him!
We all knew that coming out of the Fall of 2008 there was going to be bad economic times. Didn't we?
What you have in your personal life which has changed since Barrack Obama becomes US President.
Much much better off financially than the last year of Bush.
The crime rate has dripped a bit in my area, as it has nation wide.
Somewhat less worried about a terrorist attack. I know they're going to happen no matter who the president is but they're less likely to happen with a skilled diplomat in office than a taunting wannabe cowboy.
Much less worried about a nuclear holocaust.
Prouder of my country than I was from 2000 to 2008.
My taxes have gone up.
I now pay for healthcare.
My children's debt has quadrupled.
There is more welfare and illegal immigrants flooding my communitu ruining the schools and flooding the emergency room. My police force has doubled to stop illegal immigrant crime and I have to pay for it.
My entire state will vote Republican.
I have an out of touch socialist as president.
My friends and neighbors who want a good job, can't find one.
Why don't you just throw in a pulled hamstring too...since you're making allot of that other shit up as you go and suggesting things that have nothing to do with Obama have changed around you.:dunno:
can't say I'm much of a fan of Obama, but it's worth seeing him in power just so I can read things like that from his detractors
What you have in your personal life which has changed since Barrack Obama becomes US President.
1. I have to pay less for my petrol bill.
2. I lost my job and a foreigner has replace me.
3. I have to spent more money because many things prices have gone up.
4. I do believe people in Chicago don't believe in Obama which was shown in the election.
5. My total income per year has dropped by a quarter.
I have noticed that there has been a drop in shoe throwing, attempting to open locked doors, wars and jokes about pubic hair.
Whats that got to do with Obama? He doesn't run your country.
This is how I see it... Republicans are more proactive in fucking things up and Democrats do nothing and run with the ball.the facts are one thing, the reality is another one. The fact that the republicans and the teabaggers have beaten the shit out of the democraps says one thing, that the discontentement about Obama's so called change is present. Backwards change and lots of false unfullfilable promises weren't what Americans needed.
I am a loser!
Speaking of doing nothing and running with the ball- how did that republican majority from 2001-2007 work out?