Obama's Change Slogan


What you have in your personal life which has changed since Barrack Obama becomes US President.


Hiliary 2020
I've become more of a loner.

I still get my share but now when it comes to chicks i just screw em and leave em.
I say , "get out of my bedroom poontang before you suck my life dry".


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I stopped believing in change.


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Did I mention I stopped shaving my pubic hair? I braided it into two and now I call my penis the viking.
Much much better off financially than the last year of Bush.

The crime rate has dripped a bit in my area, as it has nation wide.

Somewhat less worried about a terrorist attack. I know they're going to happen no matter who the president is but they're less likely to happen with a skilled diplomat in office than a taunting wannabe cowboy.

Much less worried about a nuclear holocaust.

Prouder of my country than I was from 2000 to 2008.
Lost my Job. Seen crime go up in my area. People are constantly getting their cars broken into and seeing things stolen. Plus a LOT of copper being stolen.

I had a friend who had a chrome fire ring stolen.

Also, increased cost for health insurance.

And I hate the world so much more.

Ok only a little more.
Let's compare and contrast......

Lost my Job. Seen crime go up in my area. People are constantly getting their cars broken into and seeing things stolen. Plus a LOT of copper being stolen.

I had a friend who had a chrome fire ring stolen.

Also, increased cost for health insurance.

And I hate the world so much more.

Ok only a little more.

Lives only a few blocks from the White House......

Much much better off financially than the last year of Bush.

The crime rate has dripped a bit in my area, as it has nation wide.

Somewhat less worried about a terrorist attack. I know they're going to happen no matter who the president is but they're less likely to happen with a skilled diplomat in office than a taunting wannabe cowboy.

Much less worried about a nuclear holocaust.

Prouder of my country than I was from 2000 to 2008.

Really living in Canada....or perhaps France. :confused:
Not much.

Granted it's not all Obama's fault, he was put in one of the worse situations a president has faced ever, and there were a lot of things he just had no chance of changing or it was impossible to do so, and we would probably be worse off if the Republicans were in power or will be in power, but:

1. Obama has made his share of mistakes to and has screwed up things or has been lackluster in others.

2. Saying he is better than the Republicans would have been isn't saying much.

2. It's poor consolation considering people like me and I are still struggling and on the edge of disaster if one more bad thing comes our way we will be pushed right off that edge.
After the government is through with my paycheck all I have left over is some "change." :dunno:

What policy has cause this change to your paycheck since Obama took office?:confused:
What policy has cause this change to your paycheck since Obama took office?:confused:

It's kinda misleading but the OP seems to be asking what has generally changed in your life since Obama took charge rather than what changes have you felt as a direct result of his policy making.

For me life has gradually got worse but it seems to go down on a scale so doesn't really surprise or upset me anymore, got a damn sore throat as I write this as if I didn't have enough on my plate :crying:
What you have in your personal life which has changed since Barrack Obama becomes US President.

My taxes have gone up.
I now pay for healthcare.
My children's debt has quadrupled.
There is more welfare and illegal immigrants flooding my communitu ruining the schools and flooding the emergency room. My police force has doubled to stop illegal immigrant crime and I have to pay for it.
My entire state will vote Republican.
I have an out of touch socialist as president.
My friends and neighbors who want a good job, can't find one.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I hope he didn't use the Wind of Change
I've changed from chuckling to laughing hysterically at the sight of Democraps.