Obama tells Israel: Go back to 1967 borders


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
*Unbans Philbert cause it'd be really funny*
*Unbans Philbert cause it'd be really funny*

You always did get along so well with him, he added me to to his enemies list shortly after I'd just joined and I hadn't even mentioned Israel yet!

You insult yourself with every limp Jewish/Israeli putdown you come up with...sad and useless.
And where do you get that fantasy that you ever kept up with me in any "arguments" we were involved with? You use stereotypes and lame clinches to make silly and simpleminded points that any reasonable person sees right through.
Over and over...


Well, then maybe you should put the "Jews" on your ignore list...

Going by the general content of your posts, you have "nothing".

Will never happen.....

Big talk from Obama, I don't see him giving any land back to natived americans....

Oh, and why can't Syria, Jordan, or Eygpt (countries 10x as big) give up some land?
Someone high up in the Israeli gov't knew that the Liberty was a USN vessel. None of the pilots knew. Try being stuffed in a Mirage III cockpit flying 450kts and tell me someone can positively identify the Liberty as a USN ship. Impossible.
The Navy's response to the air strike was to launch an air strike of their own against Syrian targets (some being manned by Soviet advisors). The Navy believed the strike against the Liberty was done by Syrian AF jets.
When McNamara heard this he angrily told the Navy Commander to recall the Navy jets immediately as a Navy strike would kill Soviets and start WWIII.
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When I read the title I thought that Obama was suggesting that Israel actually travel back in time to 1967.

Then I realized that time travel hasn't even been invented yet, so I laughed at Obama's error.

But then I understood that the error was mine, because someone could have come back in time to this point and shared the secret of time travel.

Much to my dismay the topic had no relevance to time travel except in the geographic sense, and I have nothing to add to the discussion except that an alien invasion might encourage Palestine and Israel to put aside their difference and band together to kick some extraterrestrial ass. We really need an alien invasion.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
If I woke up one morning and saw a mushroom cloud over Israel, the first thing that would come to mind is to remember to put Portobellos on my grocery list.

From the sounds of it, you house is in a sweet spot.
I'm dead serious.

Read the Cranston Amendment and also look at the FACT that we pay Israel interest on money that we've agreed to loan them, but they haven't gotten yet. By the Cranston Amendment, we MUST loan Israel at least enough money to make the interest payments on loans they've already received from us. If you want to know why they've never missed a payment, easy answer: we loan them the damn payments too!!! I asked my banker if he could do a deal like that for me and he said he'd like to, but we'd both wind up in jail!

Several years ago, we also paid the Israeli squatters in certain West Bank areas several hundred thousand AMERICAN TAXPAYER DOLLARS each (for their little cardboard shacks) to get their asses off that land. They took my (our) money, and then as soon as they cashed my (our) checks, they promptly went back!

I don't care if you want to compare them to the NRA, Big Oil or the tobacco lobby, there is no lobby in this nation that holds more sway over Congress than the Israeli/Zionist lobby. Not one!

And before someone tries to use the old tried & true Hitler/Holocaust/anti-Semitism shell-game technique to confuse the issue, my feelings about Zionism and the state of Israel have nothing to do with ANY of those issues. Hell, some of the most hardcore Zionists are Evangelical Christians and some of the most outspoken anti-Zionists are Jews. So that's not it. I'm just tired of foreign nations having a sense of entitlement on my dime! And it never ceases to amaze me how so many who claim to be "fiscal conservatives" don't mind that Israel has a virtual blank check from the U.S. Treasury. As far as I'm concerned, those Americans who seem to favor Israel's interests over those of the United States should buy a one-way ticket to Jerusalem and formally declare their support of the other team... since they obviously don't care about the home team.

U.S. to help Israel buy four more Iron Dome anti-missile systems

U.S. army official says anti-rocket system 'highly effective' in combat; funds come from $200 million-plus Obama initiative.


And whilst the US does its upmost to help protect Israel from Iran..............
Will never happen.....

Big talk from Obama, I don't see him giving any land back to natived americans....

Oh, and why can't Syria, Jordan, or Eygpt (countries 10x as big) give up some land?

Of course that was taken away from them a long time ago where nobody from that era is even alive anymore, the Native Americans are treated better and are actual citizens, and for the most part everybody gets along in the situation now. The two situations aren't the same.

Israel not continually doing it's part to prod tensions and push anger along, let alone being willing to making some concessions, might not only help some things, but might also be a generally good idea in some respects.
The Palis should just move to Jordan.

Sure, why not, they lived for centuries in the space we now call Isreal.

In all seriousness, it's good that the US finally has a president who has a realistic view. With the "Arabian spring" the arabs have shown a changed attitude. Now it's the turn of Isreal to stop justifying their war crimes by referring to their position as being a sheep surrounded by wolves...
and I have nothing to add to the discussion except that an alien invasion might encourage Palestine and Israel to put aside their difference and band together to kick some extraterrestrial ass. We really need an alien invasion.

Didn't that happen in Independence day?
Sure, why not, they lived for centuries in the space we now call Isreal.

My father's ancestral land in Croatia was stolen. As a Krajina Serb his side of the family lived there for centuries until Aug. 1995 when the entire Krajina was cleansed of all Serbs and the land taken from them. Any chance of getting it back? No.
The same goes for the Palis.

On a side note the difference in Israel is that the Jews lived there for over 2,500 years.