I just don't think it's right that the United States should continue to suck up all the glory, honor and benefits of being Israel's BFF. We need to stop being greedy. So I say we begin transferring the burden... I mean, the
honor, to someone else. Sounds like we have some Europeans here who want us to do more... so why, instead, don't you lads and lassies start doing more? Hmm?

So from now on, whenever Israel needs money, troops or someone to run cover for them on the U.N. Security Council... it'll be
your baby. Although I figure by the time the Eurozone gets done bailing out the PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain), you guys might be a little light on coin. But just remember, if you're not bunch of
closet Muslim, Hitler loving, Holocaust denying A-rab lovers, you'll go to China on your knees and beg them for the money
that your laws will dictate that you loan to Israel... just like we're doing now.

Running short of 18 year old boys that you can send to fight wars for your new buddies? Tough! Draft your 18 year old girls. No reason in this day & age why they can't carry a rifle too!
And if you find that you need our help to pull this off, maybe by then we'll have a new sheriff in town. A completely different kind of sheriff than what we've had in the past hundred years or so. One more like the early Presidents... one who, like those early Presidents, has read the Latin classics and wants us to follow the example of Rome in its earlier Republic days. So if you need troops from us, the price will be $100,000 per soldier per year. And you will pay. One way or another, sufficient funds will be collected. Read
Empires of Trust if you're curious about the possible collection techniques that might be necessary. Or just watch
Goodfellas: "Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me! Place got hit by lightning? Fuck you, pay me!"
But this mamby pampy thinking, that somehow some piss-ant country, that doesn't amount to squat in global terms, requires us to always be putting their interests before our own... that B.S. would stop if I and people like me had our way.
Despite the fantasies I see written in this thread, as was stated before, not every Jew is a Zionist. And Jews, as a group, (probably more so than the average dumbass American) are not one issue voters. To think that a liberal Jew would have voted for a piece of uneducated, redneck trailer trash, like Sarah P@lin, is really an insult to them all. Unlike more than a few disloyal, traitorous Americans (especially those of the Evangelical Christian stripe), there are Jewish people who see
this nation as their home. And, again, unlike more than a few Americans,
their allegiance is to the United States of America - not Israel or any place else. Those loyal Americans, I would gladly welcome. But
anyone who places the interests of another nation before this one, I would happily ride out of town on a rail!