Obama tells Israel: Go back to 1967 borders

I wonder if BHO studied history... Does he know Israel was attacked by ALL of it's Islamic neighbors in 67 and again in 73?

Israel made one mistake: after the wars, they should have expelled every "Palestinian" in their borders... would have saved them a lot of headaches in the decades to follow.:2 cents:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
It was well known that Barack Hussein Obama had and has a pro arab foreign policy at the difference of Bush.

As long as Barack Hussein Obama does what is in the best interest of the United States of America, to be honest, "Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn!" It is not our President's job to wipe the Israelis' noses every time they catch a cold. Nation building, Zionist saps, like W. Bush (and most of the others) have spoiled these people by kowtowing to their desires at every turn, and now they think that it is God's will that we spend our last dime to benefit them. If the Europeans want to open their Treasuries to do Israel's bidding, then be our guest.

If what's best for the U.S. ends up being bad for the Israelis (and good for the Arabs), then I guess it just sucks to be an Israeli, huh? :dunno:


Yes, that must be why he just killed the world's most influential and infamous muslim fundamentalist :rolleyes:

good golly miss molly, talk about taking a long detour off the reality superhighway :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Well, Col. Khadaffy is a tyrant who detested Bin Laden. :dunno:
Also, nobody has suggested that obama is a fundamentalist muslim.
As long as Barack Hussein Obama does what is in the best interest of the United States of America, to be honest, "Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn!" It is not our President's job to wipe the Israelis' noses every time they catch a cold. Nation building, Zionist saps, like W. Bush (and most of the others) have spoiled these people by kowtowing to their desires at every turn, and now they think that it is God's will that we spend our last dime to benefit them. If the Europeans want to open their Treasuries to do Israel's bidding, then be our guest.

If what's best for the U.S. ends up being bad for the Israelis (and good for the Arabs), then I guess it just sucks to be an Israeli, huh? :dunno:

No, he doesn't know do what is in the best interests of the USA because sacrifying the life of Israelis and making unneccessary casualties by trusting blindly and in total confidence the Hamas and the Fatah, shows that Daddy O is not only a naive person but also an irresponsible leader. Under Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr, it was never question of having a pro arab ass licking policy. I remarked that this kind of pro arab policy was used too when Madeleine Albreight was at the foreign affairs office under the Clinton's bitch presidency.
Wye Plantation talks gave nothing, Palestinians never respected their deal and never kept their word. Perhaps you should remember that is the only democracy in the Middle East which has always lent a hand and backed up USA despite it is one of the smallest countries of the World is Israel.
The unmanned and long distance guided reconnaissance small planes that the USAF and other countries use are the result of IAI industries. Israel also helps American strategic Industries with Elbit, Rafael Industries and they also have an Intel plant which is also studying and creating new processors.
For another note, Obama was elected thanks to the votes of the naive american jewish voters. By the way he wants peace in his way, he will never gets those votes back and when you are on a tie, hundreds of thousand of votes of people who are influent count heavily.
I still don't get why Daddy O was given a Nobel Prize because no peace talks or nothing exceptional was concluded by him.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I just don't think it's right that the United States should continue to suck up all the glory, honor and benefits of being Israel's BFF. We need to stop being greedy. So I say we begin transferring the burden... I mean, the honor, to someone else. Sounds like we have some Europeans here who want us to do more... so why, instead, don't you lads and lassies start doing more? Hmm? :) So from now on, whenever Israel needs money, troops or someone to run cover for them on the U.N. Security Council... it'll be your baby. Although I figure by the time the Eurozone gets done bailing out the PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain), you guys might be a little light on coin. But just remember, if you're not bunch of closet Muslim, Hitler loving, Holocaust denying A-rab lovers, you'll go to China on your knees and beg them for the money that your laws will dictate that you loan to Israel... just like we're doing now. ;) Running short of 18 year old boys that you can send to fight wars for your new buddies? Tough! Draft your 18 year old girls. No reason in this day & age why they can't carry a rifle too!

And if you find that you need our help to pull this off, maybe by then we'll have a new sheriff in town. A completely different kind of sheriff than what we've had in the past hundred years or so. One more like the early Presidents... one who, like those early Presidents, has read the Latin classics and wants us to follow the example of Rome in its earlier Republic days. So if you need troops from us, the price will be $100,000 per soldier per year. And you will pay. One way or another, sufficient funds will be collected. Read Empires of Trust if you're curious about the possible collection techniques that might be necessary. Or just watch Goodfellas: "Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me! Place got hit by lightning? Fuck you, pay me!"

But this mamby pampy thinking, that somehow some piss-ant country, that doesn't amount to squat in global terms, requires us to always be putting their interests before our own... that B.S. would stop if I and people like me had our way.

Despite the fantasies I see written in this thread, as was stated before, not every Jew is a Zionist. And Jews, as a group, (probably more so than the average dumbass American) are not one issue voters. To think that a liberal Jew would have voted for a piece of uneducated, redneck trailer trash, like Sarah P@lin, is really an insult to them all. Unlike more than a few disloyal, traitorous Americans (especially those of the Evangelical Christian stripe), there are Jewish people who see this nation as their home. And, again, unlike more than a few Americans, their allegiance is to the United States of America - not Israel or any place else. Those loyal Americans, I would gladly welcome. But anyone who places the interests of another nation before this one, I would happily ride out of town on a rail!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
For another note, Obama was elected thanks to the votes of the naive american jewish voters.

I suggest you perform a fact check on that one. The only way that could be even remotely true (given the voting age Jewish population in the United States vs. Obama's margin of victory) is if every Jew voted at least twice for Obama in the last election.

As I've already stated, not every Jew is a Zionist and not every Jew is a one-issue voter.
If what's best for the U.S. ends up being bad for the Israelis (and good for the Arabs), then I guess it just sucks to be an Israeli, huh? :dunno:

It's in our national security interests to have a stable middle east. That means several things:

1. Israel is safe.
2. No Arab/Israeli wars like '73.
3. Flow of oil is unimpeded.
4. Saudi Arabia is secure.
5. Egypt is secure (Suez Canal).
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Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
It's in our national security interests to have a stable middle east. That means several things:

1. Israel is safe.
2. No Arab/Israeli wars like '73.
3. Flow of oil is unimpeded.
4. Saudi Arabia is secure.
5. Egypt is secure (Suez Canal).

Hmm, seems like those things would be of great importance to China and Japan as well - not to mention Europe. In fact, in China's case, maybe more so. The share of oil that we use which is imported has actually fallen, while China's has increased. So why aren't the Chinese falling all over themselves proclaiming their love & support for Israel, as we seem to? I'll tell ya why, because unlike the U.S., commies or not, they're smart enough to take care of their own before they spend a hot second worrying about others. The U.S., in its continuing mission to be the world's policeman, now spends roughly one half of all the money that makes up global military spending. And what have we got to show for it, besides a huge credit card bill to China? We have a new distinction: from the world's greatest creditor nation to the world's greatest debtor nation, all in the space of a quarter century. Yay, us! :nanner:

And the next time I read a story about a home invasion in Arizona, a kidnapping in Texas or a killing by the Zetas on this side of the border, I'll try to remember that the Israelis are safe. IMO, U.S. foreign and domestic policy has been upside down and totally ass backwards for at least the past 40-50 years.
As long as Barack Hussein Obama does what is in the best interest of the United States of America, to be honest, "Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn!" It is not our President's job to wipe the Israelis' noses every time they catch a cold. Nation building, Zionist saps, like W. Bush (and most of the others) have spoiled these people by kowtowing to their desires at every turn, and now they think that it is God's will that we spend our last dime to benefit them. If the Europeans want to open their Treasuries to do Israel's bidding, then be our guest.

If what's best for the U.S. ends up being bad for the Israelis (and good for the Arabs), then I guess it just sucks to be an Israeli, huh? :dunno:




spot on old bean:hatsoff:
No, he doesn't know do what is in the best interests of the USA because sacrifying the life of Israelis and making unneccessary casualties by trusting blindly and in total confidence the Hamas and the Fatah, shows that Daddy O is not only a naive person but also an irresponsible leader.

That might be true if it he had such blind faith, but clearly he does not.
His meeting last Friday with Netanyahu went very well....

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who met with Obama for more than two hours Friday, issued a statement saying he was “determined to work with President Obama to find ways to renew peace negotiations.”

“I share the president’s desire to advance peace and I appreciate his efforts, past and present, to achieve this goal,” Netanyahu said in a statement released by his office.

The Israeli leader, initially angered by Obama’s call for 1967 border lines as a starting point for negotiations, has since told aides that he is reassured about Obama’s intentions after their talks Friday.

.....and his address to AIPAC yesterday also received a favorable reaction.

I would encourage naysayers to watch the video or read the transcript of that address......http://ironicsurrealism.blogivists.com/2011/05/22/transcript-obama-aipac-speech-may-22-2011/
......in which he firmly states that his support for Israeli sovereignty and the ability to defend its borders remains unwavering.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Because there are 0 Jews living in China.

There are also very few, if any, Evangelical Christians there. So in China, there is almost zero Zionist influence on that government's policies. On that, it seems we agree.

So it has less to do with stability in the Middle East and making sure that the supply of oil goes uninterrupted and more to do with the political influence of a special interest group on this nation's government. And that, precisely, is the part that most disturbs me. I have no issues or prejudiced feelings toward Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus... or Martians. But I don't want any of them posing undue influence over the government of my home nation. And I certainly don't like it when Americans seem to favor the interests of a foreign nation over those of this nation. That's the kind of thing that turns me into an "America... love it or leave it" type person.
So it has less to do with stability in the Middle East

No it's a combo of everything(regional stability, oil) including the Holocaust, and the huge Jewish population in the US. This country will never allow Israel/Jews to be run over ever again. Memories of WWII including countless centuries of oppression of Jews by non Jews shapes our relationship.

Will E Worm

Because there are 0 Jews living in China.

Jews and Judaism in China have had a long history. Jewish settlers are documented in China as early as the 7th or 8th century CE, but may have arrived during the mid Han Dynasty, or even as early as 231 BC.

Synagogues are found in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong today, serving both international Jews and native Jews. In 2001, Rabbi Shimon Freundlich from the Chabad came and settled in Beijing with the mission of building and leading the center of Chabad-Lubavitch of Beijing, an Orthodox congregation.

In 2005, the Israeli embassy to China held their Hanukkah celebrations at the Great Wall of China.

As of 2010, it is estimated that 3,000 to 2,000 Jews lived in Shanghai. In May 2010, the Ohel Rachel Synagogue in Shanghai was reopened to the local Jewish community for weekend services.

Jews in China

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
No it's a combo of everything(regional stability, oil) including the Holocaust, and the huge Jewish population in the US. This country will never allow Israel/Jews to be run over ever again. Memories of WWII including countless centuries of oppression of Jews by non Jews shapes our relationship.

Hmm, I don't know. I think it has more to do with the domestic and foreign political influences over the U.S. government (and no, I'm not one of those "Jews control the world" people - but I'm also not ignorant to the massive influence that both Jewish and non-Jewish Zionists wield over U.S. foreign policy). If it was more to do with oil and stability, we would focus on those issues more so than we focus on Israel. But that doesn't seem to be the case. And while the U.S. does have the (or one of the) largest Jewish populations outside of Israel itself, that population only comprises about 1% of our overall population. There are a lot more Blacks and Hispanics (legal) here than there are Jews. As for religious minorities in the U.S., there are about as many Hindus and Buddhists (combined) as there are Jews here. And as I've already stated, it is NOT the case that all Jews are Zionists. Nothing could be further from the truth. I'm talking about Zionism here, not Judaism. And therein lies part of the problem. When I've discussed this issue publicly and on forums, people tend to meld the two, so that my opposition to Zionism becomes anti-Semitism. I'm not saying that you're trying to do that, but we are discussing two different things: Judaism and Zionism are two distinctly different things. One I am opposed to and one I am not.

But to give preference to any one particular group, though it may be well meaning, has the tendency to overlook other disenfranchised groups throughout history. The Armenians have suffered at least as much as the Jews... yet their past suffering, to this day, goes largely ignored. What have we ever done for them? I'm truly sorry about the Holocaust - but that wasn't the only episode of attempted genocide in the past 200 years (although it is the one that people tend to focus on). I'm as sorry about that as I am about American slavery and the genocide committed against Native Americans. I'm sorry about what happened to the Armenians and what Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge did in Cambodia. But the U.S. was a key force in bringing WWII and the Holocaust to an end. We fought against the Axis powers. Seems like we already gave at the office.... about 70 years ago! We really didn't do jack in those other situations. So I'm not sure I understand why I, as an American taxpayer, am supposed to empty my pockets to pay off Israeli settlers who have moved into cardboard shacks on illegally occupied land. I don't understand why Israel has a special deal to receive interest payments on money that we have agreed to loan them, but they haven't received yet. How retarded is that?! That's completely ridiculous. It's not their money! It's my (our) money! And once they receive it, the interest clock should start ticking for them to pay us! That makes no sense. And in these fiscally dire times for the U.S., these things make me very, very angry.

I just wonder at what point the citizens of the United States are going to face enough austerity that they get tired of shelling out money to be the World's Cop on the Beat. When I heard about a bridge in Iraq that Bush's boys had built and rebuilt eight times, and then I hit a giant pothole while driving through Ohio and destroyed a $700 rim/tire combo, I hit the sick & tired of being sick & tired point right there! I almost wish Paul Ryan's proposal would become law. Then, within a few years, once things went from bad to worse for the average American, this "borrow to give" mentality, that these foreign special interests have established over our Congress Critters, would surely then come under intense public focus... and this B.S. might then be dismantled. But until there are thousands of grannies having to fight with medical billing offices cause their "vouchers" don't cover their breathing treatments, I figure this crap will continue on.