Obama tells Israel: Go back to 1967 borders

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
No opinion, really. But as with most things concerning Israel, I always ask myself the question, "wonder how much this is going to cost me (the American taxpayer)?"
A brave move which would show a huge compromise on the Israelis part which would be the most workable solution, Netanyahu will never go for it though. Hopefully boths sides are sick of living how they are and will realise living in peace and harmony is far better than worrying about whose prophet trod on which stone and so forth, imagine if Christians started sticking their oar in over places like Bethlehem etc.

There are two key factors in the peace talks for Israel / Palestine:

- Israel needs to first stop the hardcore settlers going after land they do not own, better step down from land they robbed during the last years.

- Hamas / Fatah need to step down from their primary objective: Wiping Israel / Jews from the face of the earth

If these issues would be settled, there would be a real chance for peace in the area

Hamas (not Fatah) have refused to recognise the state of Israel and have not threatened to exterminate all of the Jews as a people, that was Hitler and trhe Nazis


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
There are two key factors in the peace talks for Israel / Palestine:

- Israel needs to first stop the hardcore settlers going after land they do not own, better step down from land they robbed during the last years.

- Hamas / Fatah need to step down from their primary objective: Wiping Israel / Jews from the face of the earth

If these issues would be settled, there would be a real chance for peace in the area
A brave move which would show a huge compromise on the Israelis part which would be the most workable solution, Netanyahu will never go for it though. Hopefully boths sides are sick of living how they are and will realise living in peace and harmony is far better than worrying about whose prophet trod on which stone and so forth, imagine if Christians started sticking their oar in over places like Bethlehem etc.

Hamas (not Fatah) have refused to recognise the state of Israel and have not threatened to exterminate all of the Jews as a people, that was Hitler and trhe Nazis

hamas, hezballah, and all the other known terrorist groups have a few explicit goals in life:

1. to either convert all people to Islam or kill em.
2. to wipe out all Jews. period.

time and time again, in the news, in books, in classes ive taken this is the goal ive been told about. so yea
hamas, hezballah, and all the other known terrorist groups have a few explicit goals in life:

1. to either convert all people to Islam or kill em.
2. to wipe out all Jews. period.

time and time again, in the news, in books, in classes ive taken this is the goal ive been told about. so yea

Neither statement is remotely true. You are showing how clueless you are, Alicia. :1orglaugh

Connor Macleod

Staff member
hamas, hezballah, and all the other known terrorist groups have a few explicit goals in life:

1. to either convert all people to Islam or kill em.
2. to wipe out all Jews. period.
Neither statement is remotely true. You are showing how clueless you are, Alicia. :1orglaugh

When a terrorist group actually says outright that one of their goals is to wipe Israel off the map, I think wiping out all Jews is implied. I'm gonna have to agree with dom on this one.
When a terrorist group actually says outright that one of their goals is to wipe Israel off the map, I think wiping out all Jews is implied. I'm gonna have to agree with dom on this one.

Not really as one is a country and the other is a religious group, there are more jews outside of Israel than in so have Hamas threatened to kill all Jews worlwide? The UN was supposed to create the states of Israel and Palestine but the Jewish extremists jumped the gun and stole the land they wanted without international or legal recognition, this is why there will never be peace in the region. At the moment there is only one group being starved into oblivion and it aint the Israelis, ps I take it you didn't consider the Irgun a terrorist group eventhough they ethnically clensed arabs out of their homes following British withdrawl. To quote the first Prime Minister of Israel Ben Gurion himself
"Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country ... There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that? They may perhaps forget in one or two generations' time, but for the moment there is no chance. So it is simple: we have to stay strong and maintain a powerful army."

hamas, hezballah, and all the other known terrorist groups have a few explicit goals in life:

1. to either convert all people to Islam or kill em.
2. to wipe out all Jews. period.

time and time again, in the news, in books, in classes ive taken this is the goal ive been told about. so yea
The Irgun were a terrorist group who killed scores of innocent people and achieved independence for Israel through plain and simple terrorism, all their leaders were Russian who ethnically clensed Arabs out of the lands they were born and raised in, the Palestinians payed the price for what the Europeans had done to the Jews, German and Italian forces (as well as anti-semites throughout Europe) killed far more Jews than muslims ever could.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Not really as one is a country and the other is a religious group, there are more jews outside of Israel than in so have Hamas threatened to kill all Jews worlwide? The UN was supposed to create the states of Israel and Palestine but the Jewish extremists jumped the gun and stole the land they wanted without international or legal recognition, this is why there will never be peace in the region. At the moment there is only one group being starved into oblivion and it aint the Israelis, ps I take it you didn't consider the Irgun a terrorist group eventhough they ethnically clensed arabs out of their homes following British withdrawl. To quote the first Prime Minister of Israel Ben Gurion himself

The Irgun were a terrorist group who killed scores of innocent people and achieved independence for Israel through plain and simple terrorism, all their leaders were Russian who ethnically clensed Arabs out of the lands they were born and raised in, the Palestinians payed the price for what the Europeans had done to the Jews, German and Italian forces (as well as anti-semites throughout Europe) killed far more Jews than muslims ever could.

I'm not naive. Atrocities have been committed by both sides.

Although I think almost anyone would be a better president than Obama, he is doing something that LBJ and the later presidents never did. He is standing up to the Israelis, or at least it appears that he is. We need to tell them AND the Palestinians that enough is enough. Make peace or stand alone. We will not import, we will not export, we will not give aid. Your only option is peace, because the past 40-something years has shown us that your ways are not working.
I'm not naive. Atrocities have been committed by both sides.

Although I think almost anyone would be a better president than Obama, he is doing something that LBJ and the later presidents never did. He is standing up to the Israelis, or at least it appears that he is. We need to tell them AND the Palestinians that enough is enough. Make peace or stand alone. We will not import, we will not export, we will not give aid. Your only option is peace, because the past 40-something years has shown us that your ways are not working.

I agree, the extremists on both sides are pulling the strings and all these 'religious sites' and who owns them are at the center of many of the troubles. The whole region would have been better as one secular country that protects the interests of all muslims, jews and christians with freedom to travel anywhere they want, all this jewish area/town or arab area/town is ridiculous as you get small pockets of land belonging to one group neighbouring another small pocket of land belonging to another. Obama has the power (or does he?) to stop this pro-Israeli bias which if a major factor is muslim resentment of the US, he needs to force Netanyahu back to the negotiating table considering Netanyahu told him to get lost last year when he refused to stop building illegal settlements on occupied land, he practically humiliated Obama who is supposed to be the most powerful man on Earth. Everytime the Israelis blow up a load of Palestinian homes it's the US that ends up paying to rebuild them through aid which they alse give to Israel, both sides are milking the US dry.

Give up the Golan Heights? No way. This Arab Spring crap is simply laying the foundation for the next Arab/Israeli war.
as long there are extremists on both sides who dont want peace, this conflict will go on long after we are all dead. cant ever forget that peace couldve been done a long time ago if Yitzhab Rabin wasnt assassinated by one of his own who was opposed to the comprimise he made with Yassar Arafat


Hiliary 2020
Its just a show, Obama does not make these kind of decisions, no president does.

If the US really cared they would simply back off of that area, stop giving any of them any kind of support and let them solve their own problems.
LOL Natanyahu's already shot Obama down before they even meet. Obama might as well just stay at home.

Israeli PM Rejects Obama '1967 Borders' Speech


Fury as Obama tells Israel to return to 1967 borders in speech urging Middle East to seize 'moment of opportunity' in wake of Bin Laden's death

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ity-Osama-Bin-Ladens-death.html#ixzz1Mt6b1eTo


Border: Obama said he backed Palestinian calls for the border to be re-drawn as it was in 1967 before the war
bout time someone showed some balls and told israel whats what

dat a boy O!

Yeah, great job... picking on the smallest country in the region surrounded by people who openly call for and work towards it's destruction, and BTW it's our strongest ally in the area.

Good job Hussein! :cool:
Yeah, great job... picking on the smallest country in the region surrounded by people who openly call for and work towards it's destruction, and BTW it's our strongest ally in the area.

Good job Hussein! :cool:

if israel would chill the fuck out and stop encroaching on palastinian territory there would be no issue

they just cant keep their money grubbin hands to themselves and respect the border

and israel aint innocent either

they were shootin rockets over the border totally unprovoked

so i say good job Mr.BHO

nice of someone not too look the other way on israels misgivings

nice way to reverse this trend that has been going on for decades

and I have always liked the name Hussein:2 cents:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Better be nice to the Zionists, Barack. If you make them mad, they won't let you be President anymore. :nono: