1. Someone on this thread was making an assertion that currently other countries, such as Russia, only spend a paltry amount on defense. I was providing an article disproving that notion.
You haven't disproved anything with this article. If you read the article that you posted, you would see that Russia has plans to increase its military budget over
ten years time (2011-2020). The planned increase will take their military budget to 20 trillion rubles. Trident1, 20 trillion rubles = $656.32 billion. So over ten years the Ruskies plan to spend slightly more than we spent in ONE year. And their plan is just that: a plan. What they can and can't do depends on the price of oil and their share of those revenues. One year Russia is bathing in money. And the next year, Russian women are selling their bodies on street corners to buy bread and soap.
The data that I posted was pretty straightforward and pretty self-explanatory: the United States spends more on global military expenditures than the next 14 nations combined. and at 41.5%, it is quite close to half of the total money spent globally on military expenditures. That's factual data provided by the CIA. I'm not sure how you're going to (successfully) disprove that.
I believe in a strong military... I always have. But unlike some of you fellows, I'm not prone to hyperbole and Chicken Little fears that a sensible international downsizing and cutting WASTE would mean that the the U.S. Army could be beaten by the Congolese military. I believe that was you who said that, yes? And just to make sure that you weren't joking, I actually asked you if you were serious... and you said that you were. I gave you an out. Dude, why didn't you take it???
It's OK though. The military is your sacred cow. I understand. And you're willing to do and say anything to protect that sacred cow. Really, it's OK. It's just what people do. Just don't try to pass yourself off as a "fiscal conservative"... because I don't think that you are (just going by what you've posted here). You obviously believe in throwing money at problems, whether real or imagined. If you can't throw money at it, you then claim that complete and total failure will be the result if even one dime is not given to Sacred Bessy. And your admission that you're more than happy to waste money (as long as it's for your sacred cow) means you can't wear that "fiscal conservative" badge.
You can still be a "social conservative" though!

Get off this porn site, get those pics of them
nekkid wimens off your computer, stop drinking, start going to a good, evangelical church, listen to the words of Brother Pat Robertson and Pastor Will E Worm and maybe we can get you a "social conservative" badge. You can even back slide every now & again and keep that badge!