Rey C.
Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
No what we need is to stick our proverbial heads in the sand, pretend there's no bad guys out there or criminal regimes, become isolationist, and bring back limp dick Carter's defense spending which will turn our military into a force that the Congo could beat. Yeah tha'll work just fine fellas.
There are some posters who were clearly not of age in the 1980s.
Well, I was of age in the 1980's and I still don't accept that if we don't have military spending that now accounts for 41%+ of the world's total that we would then have an ineffective military that could be beaten by the Congo.
BTW, as of 2008 the U.S. was at 41.5% of total global military spending (according to the CIA World Factbook), while Communist China stood at 5.8% and the Russians at 4%. So we account for almost half of the military spending in the entire world. All being paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. We protect every place from Korea to Japan to Germany. Our roads and bridges here are falling apart. But because we're Goodtime Charlie around the world, other countries take their money and build new bridges, schools and whatever else they want to do with all that SPARE CASH that we've freed up for them! Do you seriously think that by shaving a few percentage points off of that global total that the Russians and the Chinese... and the Congolese
You don't really believe that hyperbolic statement that you made, do you?