Obama, Hitler Billboard "Not Disrespectful" Tea Party Leader Says

One of the most sensible, intelligent posts I've read around here in a long, long time. Bravo! (I'd give you rep if I could, but I have to spread some around first.)
^^Certainly an example of reading what you want to see so much that you are oblivious to the gaping holes.:rofl:
going completely against what true civil rights leaders such as Dr. King espoused, namely to be treated as individuals equally.

Here's some trivia for you: What was Martin Luther King Jr. doing when he was assassinated? Was it promoting atomistic individualism? Or was it promoting "collective" bargaining rights?
Here's some trivia for you: What was Martin Luther King Jr. doing when he was assassinated? Was it promoting atomistic individualism? Or was it promoting "collective" bargaining rights?

How did he success in getting black American's rights? It was using basic logic and convincing white Americans of his rational argument that the Constitution was created to treat every citizen as equals in the eyes of the law. Can you even use the word "logic" connected with activist groups these days? (hint, the answer is NO... they are about power for their groups at the expense of other individuals).

HM, you are rarely ever going to agree with me and that's ok. But keep in mind that when you create a monster because it furthers your goals at the time, don't be surprised when that same monster turn on you one day. ;)
Yeah becuz our congress allows us to wage war on the world! Our congress can't agree on anything except taking forever on every law
There are a lot of false facts in your post but the biggest error is using deficits as an indicator of socialism. Deficits occur regardless of the economic system be it Capitalism, Socialism or Communism. If deficits are a sign of socialism than Ronald Regan would be the biggest socialist ever.

Nice try, but Reagan's spending was for a purpose that government is actually supposed to be spending money on - defense of the country. He didn't tax and spend just so he could throw the money away on wasteful programs.

You are correct that deficits occur, but they SHOULD NOT occur just because the president feels it is his duty to redistribute the wealth of the nation. THIS is what socialists do. Reagan was hardly a socialist.

Even though your post went nowhere, I should probably congratulate you on it's having been nominated for the LPOTW (Liberal Post of the Week). ;)
WTF? "for the good of the people"???:eek::eek: WHO THE FUCK ELSE SHOULD A G'MENT BE MAKING DECISIONS FOR THE GOOD OF??????????

I agree with you..the race baiting has gotten old.

I think his point was that Barrack Hussein Obama and his lefty friends want to take it upon themselves to make FAR more decisions than the government has any business making.

Naturally, any decisions they do make should be for the good of the people, but there are quite a few decisions they would like to make that should be the business of the people themselves. We don't need BHO sticking his nose into every area of our lives, and he would if he could.

At least we can agree on the race baiting. It has run it's course.
How did he success in getting black American's rights? It was using basic logic and convincing white Americans of his rational argument that the Constitution was created to treat every citizen as equals in the eyes of the law. Can you even use the word "logic" connected with activist groups these days? (hint, the answer is NO... they are about power for their groups at the expense of other individuals).
Some would say those groups are merely about equal circumstances where practical and lawful.:2 cents:
HM, you are rarely ever going to agree with me and that's ok. But keep in mind that when you create a monster because it furthers your goals at the time, don't be surprised when that same monster turn on you one day. ;)

Yeah...I'm reminded of that every time I read GOPer's hypocritical responses to Elena Kagan's nomination and everyplace I read where ginning up teabaggers may backfire on GOPers.:crash:

Nice try, but Reagan's spending was for a purpose that government is actually supposed to be spending money on - defense of the country. He didn't tax and spend just so he could throw the money away on wasteful programs.
You didn't just say that with a straight face did you?? There was no more greater disclosure of wasteful spending than was found to occur in Reagan's military budgets.:2 cents:
You are correct that deficits occur, but they SHOULD NOT occur just because the president feels it is his duty to redistribute the wealth of the nation. THIS is what socialists do.
So what do you call a trillion dollars of war spending...billions more in tax "rebates" without one red cent being allocated to pay for it?

I think his point was that Barrack Hussein Obama and his lefty friends want to take it upon themselves to make FAR more decisions than the government has any business making.

Naturally, any decisions they do make should be for the good of the people, but there are quite a few decisions they would like to make that should be the business of the people themselves. We don't need BHO sticking his nose into every area of our lives, and he would if he could.

At least we can agree on the race baiting. It has run it's course.

Well, I'm not going by what you say he meant to say. I'm going by what he said.

But now it's on you. Show us where it is the case the Obama wants to make our decisions for us and then demonstrate how that is different from many other like circumstances that already exist in various other forms.
Barrack Hussein Obama
I love when people refer to him by his full name. I can taste the disdain, as if you're reminding people "look at his last name osama obama hmmm....islam!!"
Nice try, but Reagan's spending was for a purpose that government is actually supposed to be spending money on - defense of the country. He didn't tax and spend just so he could throw the money away on wasteful programs.

Yeah, America was really in trouble and desperately needed all that military spending at the time to pull through. :rolleyes:

As far as what Reagan's job was supposed to be it was nice of him to go to ridiculously overboard lengths on the "provide for the common defense" part of his job yet warp the whole "insure domestic Tranquility", and "promote the general Welfare" parts of his job where he turned them into "benefit my cronies and a small elite number of people at the expense of everybody else".

It’s the government’s job to take car of the people, especially when they are the only ones that are big enough and have enough power to reasonably make sure that it gets done in a fair manner that helps everybody. It might be hard for people like you to admit, but there are a lot of things out there that are both important, big, and complicated enough (like health care for everybody, regulating and protecting people from big business, education, the military, fire departments, social security, ect…) that the only entity that can do it is the government. We don't live in a nineteenth century agrarian society anymore.
I love when people refer to him by his full name. I can taste the disdain, as if you're reminding people "look at his last name osama obama hmmm....islam!!"

The Fuhrer of the New Black Panthers said the President's first, middle, and last name during one of his rants to his idiot audience. Was there disdain? Nope just the typical "He one of us!!!" attitude.

So your point is..............moot.
Yeah, America was really in trouble and desperately needed all that military spending at the time to pull through. :rolleyes:


Ever hear of the Cold War? Or how it almost went hot in November '83? Reagans spending was justified.

Had we continued with Carter's limp dick syndrome we would've been in real truoble.
You've basically just said that we needed to ruin ourselves (Reagan's reckless spending) in order to save ourselves (win the cold war--yay!)...:rolleyes:

We can't afford anymore "John Wayne Machismo" presidents like Ronny and Dubya who spend their way to pyrrhic victories...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
It's not so much the time as it is the place. It's perfectly acceptable right now - if you happen to be living in the Muslim world.

Possibly it is, though I don't know that for a fact... and I doubt that you do either. Course, it's likely in some Muslim dominated areas. Just as it's likely that the exact same things could be uttered at some Tea Party gatherings and they'd get a similar round of applause. :dunno:
You've basically just said that we needed to ruin ourselves (Reagan's reckless spending) in order to save ourselves (win the cold war--yay!)...:rolleyes:

We can't afford anymore "John Wayne Machismo" presidents like Ronny and Dubya who spend their way to pyrrhic victories...

No what we need is to stick our proverbial heads in the sand, pretend there's no bad guys out there or criminal regimes, become isolationist, and bring back limp dick Carter's defense spending which will turn our military into a force that the Congo could beat. Yeah tha'll work just fine fellas.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

There are some posters who were clearly not of age in the 1980s.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I don't have a fixation. To translate "limp dick Carter" means Carter was a pussy.

It also means he has erectile disfunction, but to be fair he is pretty old.