Obama hates soldiers, just so you know.

The guy is a little out there! I seldom get my news from a guy yelling at me wearing his baseball hat turned backward with a heavy metal intro on you tube.

I think some more legitimate sources would be more relavant to this post.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Everything is so damn expensive right now.

Books for school? Tuition? Housing? Cars? Stocks? Bonds? Hookers??? What items or sectors have experienced dramatic inflation since Obama took office? Even over the past 12 months, before he was in office? :confused:

Health care? OK, you'd be right about that one. So... ;)


Bush fucked up the economy. I was expecting Obama to start fixing it or at least try. Instead of running away like Bush.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Bush fucked up the economy. I was expecting Obama to start fixing it or at least try. Instead of running away like Bush.

What should he have done that he hasn't done? I have some issues with Obama too. But other than increasing the size of the tax cuts within the stimulus and cleaning out the (most) obvious pork, I'm at a loss. Some of the new, born-again (faux) fiscal conservatives believe that all of the companies that received bailouts should have been allowed to fail: GM, Chrysler, Citibank, etc. The banking system would now be completely frozen, unemployment would be somewhere north of 15%, most auto suppliers (including those of the foreign transplants) would be out of business. Some free market types are very much like Jehova's Witnesses. Even when they need a transfusion, they'll refuse it... and die.

But short term, the data that I read suggests that the recession is not deepening any longer (though that could change). Manufacturing activity is picking up gain. Car sales are beginning to pick up. Banks appear to be lending (at least commercially) more than they were 6-8 months ago. But there is no monetary or fiscal policy known to man which would turn around the largest economy in the world in six months. There is no magic wand to wave. The right moves can shorten a recession. The wrong moves can lengthen it. As to which way Obama and the Fed went, history will decide that - we're not there yet.
He keeps spending. That moneys going to need to be paid back in the future. I'm already having a hard enough time affording college.

so you want money from the government to pay for your collegge education, or you just want Obama to control the economy and make everything cheap?

There's already a system in place to do those things, it's called Communism.

Most Obama bashers seem to not want him to do that. Free market yadda yadda. Oh well. keep on truckin comrade.


so you want money from the government to pay for your collegge education, or you just want Obama to control the economy and make everything cheap?

There's already a system in place to do those things, it's called Communism.

Most Obama bashers seem to not want him to do that. Free market yadda yadda. Oh well. keep on truckin comrade.

Yea, true

I don't want control on the market. Just want things to be more affordable.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
You remind of the boy that lives 5 houses down my street. He also makes no sense but he's mentally handicapped. What's your excuse?

Damn....remind me never to piss you off, BB!!! :1orglaugh

Bush fucked up the economy. I was expecting Obama to start fixing it or at least try. Instead of running away like Bush.

Son....I don't blame you for being angry. If I was your age again (sure glad I'm not!) I'd be fucking pissed as hell. However, you can thank both political parties for the present deficit mess....Bush and his buddies for deciding to head off to the great Iraqi adventure with their gung-ho heads secured squarely up their asses and the dems who blindly went along with his request to do so. Obama was one of the very few who had the courage to vote against it. He was outvoted and overruled.

Simultaneously, a monster was being created by the "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" attitude that took place by all concerned in the financial sector regarding very risky credit policies, especially as it applied to home mortgages. Everyone, including the President, Congress, Obama, McCain, Wall Street....was asleep at the wheel while all this was going on because everyone was making tons of cash. So....boom....last September, this "perfect storm" of economic factors collided with disastrous results and, well, here we are now.....in the midst of the most serious economic crisis since the 1930s.

The seemingly insane "spend-spend-spend-spend" mindset that you currently see from the government (above and beyond what just the everyday normal spend-spend-spend mindset) is a manifestation of an old economic theory from a British economist named John Keynes.


This "Keynesian" philosophy basically states that governments can and should use monetary solutions (a.k.a. public spending) in order to help to ease the effects of economic down-cycles and, perhaps more importantly, to speed recovery. It was largely used for the first time during the great depression by FDR and has been a subject of great debate as it relates to its true effectiveness. Many believe that WWII was the only thing that spurred the global economy out of the depression but like I said it is highly debated.

Back in September, you may recall that it was the Bush administration who, endorsed by both John McCain and Barack Obama, asked for the first load of bailout money (some $700 billion as I recall). This was to prevent the financial system from failing and was nothing more than a knee-jerk attempt to stop the bleeding on Wall Street. It had nothing to do with the stimulus money that was later asked for by Obama and approved by Congress. Yes....it is a lot of money. Mind-boggling actually. Who will be forced to pay this back is obvious.....you and future generations. It would seem that there is not a very bright future for you and I understand your frustration. I have a 21 year old son who has the same questions you do.

Take heart for the future. All is not lost regarding the deficit. There were very high deficits in the past that were eliminated during the 1990s, so it can be done. We have to start somewhere however and simply allowing things to seek their own level while people end up in bread lines and soup kitchens needs to be avoided at all cost....which is exactly what we are paying for with all this money. It hurts a lot. Most of all, you and your contemporaries need to learn to avoid the mistakes of my generation that created this mess. Learn it well....please.

The good news is that the stock market had its largest percentage gain in history for the month of July. Housing prices are up slightly. These are very powerful indicators that the economy may be beginning to respond to this Keynesian approach. It's too early to tell for sure but if the market continues to trend upward (it was up 114 points again today!), we may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Obama isn't running away from the problem at all....he and others who support his approach, including republicans, are staying the course through very tough times until we can come out of this. It might not seem that way to you but the ends will justify the means if the Keynesian approach works. We should all sure pray that it does because, if not, we're all royally fucked.
i can't stand bush or his daddy,but do you really believe the dem's where blind to his woo-wing,i don't..money can make just about anybody "change clothes"
Bush fucked up the economy. I was expecting Obama to start fixing it or at least try. Instead of running away like Bush.

Actually, Clinton fucked up the economy by allowing banks to grant loans to anyone they wished. It just came to a head under Bush.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Actually, Clinton fucked up the economy by allowing banks to grant loans to anyone they wished. It just came to a head under Bush.

I already addressed this in the other rant/thread. If you guys want to discuss banking or the economy, you'll be well served to learn (at least) a little bit about how our financial system works, how Congress works and, last but not least, what the Federal Reserve's role is in the whole scheme of things.

Know why I avoid discussions about medicine, physics and what women really think? Cause I don't know jack shit about any of those things, so I stay mum.

I'm not sayin'... I'm just sayin' ;)
I can't watch some kid regurgitate the same old crap you heard before the election.Soon as he got into this 57 states nonsense that was it for me.And go ahead bash code pink, defend our illegal immoral based on lies disastarous invasion of Iraq.

I am not entirely happy with Obama but none of that stuff is why.My gripe is that apparently our political system is so broken that neithier party is able to stand up and do anything major for the american people on the major rip off system known as our health care system.If I have said it once I have said it a hundred times,the US spends double per capita on health care than any other country and we don't even cover everyone like they do.But I hear no one saying the very simple proposition that we can cover everyone and even spend less then we do currently.

I like this guy!!! :wave:


Are you Joking! The President meets the top generals all the time.

oh ok, I saw a commercial with a veteran where he said he's never met a soldier or even talked to the general. Is there only 1 general in the U.S. for the military? I get really confused with that system due to gaming.
oh ok, I saw a commercial with a veteran where he said he's never met a soldier or even talked to the general. Is there only 1 general in the U.S. for the military? I get really confused with that system due to gaming.

There are probably more generals in the USA than their are hairs on your head. The President meets with the Joint Chiefs of Staff among others.