Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his home

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

Nobama had no credibility to begin with. Wait, that's a little harsh. He lost his cred when the whole Jeremaiah Wright/William Ayers/birth certificate/Acorn/insert scandal here scandals arose. I'm surprised he doesn't have to go to Lane Bryant every day to get new Mom jeans because his pants are constantly bursting into flames.


Closed Account
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

Nobama had no credibility to begin with. Wait, that's a little harsh. He lost his cred when the whole Jeremaiah Wright/William Ayers/birth certificate/Acorn/insert scandal here scandals arose.

No credibiltity because of those 'non issues' that were well publicized ,yet he still became President of The U.S.? That statement has no credibilty.
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

i think it is obvious from your post that mr obama should invest more money in education, to improve not only spelling and grammar in american schools but also to teach kids that racism -white or black- is idiotic.

If Professor Gates of Harvard has "grammer", he would NOT have to use vulgar languages against the police who came to the house to investigate a possible break-in.

Not only Professor Gates used inappropriate "grammer", but he was yelling and screaming at the cop.

Professor Gates' behaviour is unbecoming of a Harvard scholar and when is a Harvard scholar has such poor language skills.

This incident would have been subsided if Professor Gates calmed down and sat on the chair in his house and waited for the Harvard Police to come to identify him as the owner of the house.

Case closed.
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

Obama has lost a lot of credibility over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his home

Race is a very hot button issues in America.

We chose a President for all Americans , not just African-Americans and any local police matter should NOT be commented by the President of the United States.

Obama's handling of the economy is an E-, a failing grade and adding a proposal to Universal Health Care with a trillion dollar deficit.

Time after time, Obama is actually acting "stupidly" (quoted from Obama) to meet with black athletes, to go to Broadway to see black Broadway shows and promote blacks to many Federal appointed jobs. The President of the United States should NOT just meet with African-Americans.

I think it is time for us to pause and ask ourselves who did we vote for in Novemeber. A President for all people, or a President for 17% of all Americans.

He must wake up to realize that it is not a good idea to express an opinion of a local police matter when asked about it ? What kind of leader is that?

Would Obama "have" commented on this local matter if Professor Gates of Harvard "had been" a white dude and had been trying to enter into his own home?

The other issue is the white woman happened to walk by is the one who called police believing "black" can not live in a upscale neighborhood and called the police.

Also the police continued to pursue Professor Gates after he presented his Harvard I.D. and stated this is his own residence.

Anyone will have been angry with the cop questioning "the house owner" if he is breaking into his own house.

This is a local issue and Obama should stay away from derogatory statement before knowing all the facts.

Let Governor of Mass. requested for an investigation of the incident before President Obama makes any comments.

President Obama becomes the focal point of the racial divide in America when he was giving the speech on his pet project: Universal Health Care!
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

Obama has lost a lot of credibility over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his home

Race is a very hot button issues in America.

We chose a President for all Americans , not just African-Americans and any local police matter should NOT be commented by the President of the United States.

Obama's handling of the economy is an E-, a failing grade and adding a proposal to Universal Health Care with a trillion dollar deficit.

Time after time, Obama is actually acting "stupidly" (quoted from Obama) to meet with black athletes, to go to Broadway to see black Broadway shows and promote blacks to many Federal appointed jobs. The President of the United States should NOT just meet with African-Americans.

I think it is time for us to pause and ask ourselves who did we vote for in Novemeber. A President for all people, or a President for 17% of all Americans.

He must wake up to realize that it is not a good idea to express an opinion of a local police matter when asked about it ? What kind of leader is that?

Would Obama "have" commented on this local matter if Professor Gates of Harvard "had been" a white dude and had been trying to enter into his own home?

The other issue is the white woman happened to walk by is the one who called police believing "black" can not live in a upscale neighborhood and called the police.

Also the police continued to pursue Professor Gates after he presented his Harvard I.D. and stated this is his own residence.

Anyone will have been angry with the cop questioning "the house owner" if he is breaking into his own house.

This is a local issue and Obama should stay away from derogatory statement before knowing all the facts.

Let Governor of Mass. requested for an investigation of the incident before President Obama makes any comments.

President Obama becomes the focal point of the racial divide in America when he was giving the speech on his pet project: Universal Health Care!

Negative rep for simply repeating your original post.
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

Obama's latest comments saying he is sorry his comments added to the tensions and that he called the police officer to let him know that, but that he thinks both Gates and the police overreacted are a real breath of fresh air in politics.Someone who is willing to admit error and tries to move things forward and make progress.He invited both (gates and the cop) over for a beer.His "Cred" should go up with his honesty here and trying to be constructive and get the issue of race and how different groups see that issue out in the open.Thats constructive leadership!:thumbsup:

Been a while since we had anyone like that in the white house.
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

I think the fact he made an off the cuff response without knowing the facts, immediately assuming the black guy was right and the white guy was wrong is kind of a microcosm of what is generally wrong in the whole area in America. People don't care about facts and truth anymore... they see everything through their own perception, and only use facts when convenient to their mindset/agenda. I thought he was supposed to be "smart" and "compassionate." If he was either, he would have kept his mouth shut for a variety of reasons. I will just his small kudos for apologizing for saying the cops were "stupid."
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

If Professor Gates of Harvard has "grammer", he would NOT have to use vulgar languages against the police who came to the house to investigate a possible break-in.

Not only Professor Gates used inappropriate "grammer", but he was yelling and screaming at the cop.

Professor Gates' behaviour is unbecoming of a Harvard scholar and when is a Harvard scholar has such poor language skills.

This incident would have been subsided if Professor Gates calmed down and sat on the chair in his house and waited for the Harvard Police to come to identify him as the owner of the house.

Case closed.

Can I ask why a professor any professor should be held to such a high standard, especially when he is in his own home? It's not like he was shouting and screaming on college grounds, if he was then I would agree with you, it would be totally unprofessional. But, the man was in his own home and he was angry from what I can tell. Who can blame anyone for going off the rails a bit.

It always makes me laugh, when stories such as these come out that are such non-events that are blown up way out of proporton to what actually happened. Then it seems to be everyones duty to step in and have their say on the great controversy just to do nothing more than to score cheap political points, I guess that's politics for you. This man is either a friend or aquaintance of Obamas now it's pretty obvious that the press knew that and that's why he was asked to comment on it, so he did. He criticized the way the police in this caseacted big deal, isn't it his right to do so? It's not like he was bad mouthing the entire police force, just those involved in this specific case. I'm sure if he was not asked the question then he wouldn't have commented but he was, so it's obvious that he had to give an opinion.

Has he lost credibility? Not that I can see, maybe those who hated him before hate him a little more now. But that's it and that doesn't really hurt his credibility now does it?
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

O's cred has been lost on the world stage. The pres of the US is watched all over the world, all the time. This would not have been anything but a minor event, except the pres made a comment other than "no comment".

He brought the stupid attention on himself and deserves the stupid press he is getting. I am not suprised because it would be a comment given from a person that has community organizer experiance only.

A experianced person in the pres position would not let himself be dragged down into this position by making any comment about a petty event.
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

O's cred has been lost on the world stage. The pres of the US is watched all over the world, all the time. This would not have been anything but a minor event, except the pres made a comment other than "no comment".

He brought the stupid attention on himself and deserves the stupid press he is getting. I am not suprised because it would be a comment given from a person that has community organizer experiance only.

A experianced person in the pres position would not let himself be dragged down into this position by making any comment about a petty event.

At the moment his credibility abroad remains high. An enduring feature of the American media/mindset is the belief that stories within America play out the same way in other countries.


Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

Obama sure knows how to keep the press corp on his side -
Simply make the idiots laugh (appease them) and they won't be as likely to ask the tough questions. Get it ?

It's sort of like parents these days that try ever so hard to be best friends with their kids as opposed to being good disciplinary role models :

"Now be a good boy or girl so I don't have to put my foot down and actually be a responsible parent; OK, we'll go to McDonalds"(for the fifth consecutive day). You promise to be gooood though.:shy:
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

At the moment his credibility abroad remains high. An enduring feature of the American media/mindset is the belief that stories within America play out the same way in other countries.

It would take more than a trivial event such as this to shake his credibility (and with it the US's credibility)
In fact it shows how his opponents are really having to scrape the barrel and reduces their credibility rather than his.


milf n' cookies
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

The whole thing was/is blown out of proportion. End of story IMO.
All thanks to B.O., the lame ass media who blindly follow B.O., and the jerk off who was arrested! Job well done by all three! :thumbsup:

B.O.'s comments were 'stupidly' made but this is nothing new with this guy. :mad:
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his


The President of the United States invited both parties to the White House !

BOSTON–Black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. says he will accept U.S. President Barack Obama's invitation to visit him at the White House along with the white police officer who arrested the Harvard professor.

Gates told the Boston Globe in an email late Friday that he spoke to Obama and said he would meet with Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley. Gates said he hoped his arrest by Crowley leads to greater sensitivity on racial profiling and that it was time to "move on."

Obama extended the invitation Friday in phone calls to the two men as he sought to calm a national debate over racial profiling.

A joint statement by three Massachusetts police unions said they appreciated the president's "sincere interest" and added that Crowley had a friendly and meaningful conversation with Obama.


Hiliary 2020
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

The only thing that was blown out of proportion was the media"s "racist cop" angle which they plastered all over the world .
The Obama comment was not blown out of proportion.
If anything it was downplayed.
Now the President and the media realize the general public saw it for what it really was, both the incident and the comment, didn't like it , and are trying to make nice nice.
Like kicking someone in the balls then patting them on the head and saying "Hey Your'e alright".

If I was the cop I would tell him, thanks for the invite but I don't like hanging out with racist presidents.
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

The biggest problem was people automatically assuming it was about race. That was pretty silly. Still, the arrest itself WAS stupid, even if race didn't have anything to do with it. The cop got off a little easy in my opinion.


Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

Standard police protocol relating to this Gates fiasco: Arrive, Locate, Isolate & Verify.
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

My crystal ball says this guy will be pumped full of air to be another symbol by GOPers who'll try and build him into another patsy to rally around ala Werzelbacher the "plumber". I'm thinking the over-under on patsies that will be made rich by GOPers off of Obama controversy during his first four years will be 10.

Correct me if I'm mistaken but Sam the "plumber" wasn't a licensed plumber nor fixin' to buy a plumbing business as he alleged and this cop went on a break-in call, ended up arresting the resident and his arrest was tossed. What am I missing with the canonizing of these two??:rolleyes:

Police officer who arrested Gates to address FOP

Sgt. James Crowley's hastily arranged appearance at the Fraternal Order of Police convention in Long Beach underscores that the episode remains raw for law enforcement.

Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

My crystal ball says this guy will be pumped full of air to be another symbol by GOPers who'll try and build him into another patsy to rally around ala Werzelbacher the "plumber". I'm thinking the over-under on patsies that will be made rich by GOPers off of Obama controversy during his first four years will be 10.

Correct me if I'm mistaken but Sam the "plumber" wasn't a licensed plumber nor fixin' to buy a plumbing business as he alleged and this cop went on a break-in call, ended up arresting the resident and his arrest was tossed. What am I missing with the canonizing of these two??:rolleyes:


Why does a dumbass need to be anything more than the dumbass he is? :dunno:
Re: Obama has lost a lot of creditibilty over comments on Prof. Gates' arrest at his

Why does a dumbass need to be anything more than the dumbass he is? :dunno:

One guy creates a fantasy about himself in front of the whole world on t.v. about his career and ends up on the talk show circuit and writing books.

The other joker arrests a professor for acting an ass in his own home, the dude ends up :glugglug: at the WH....

The world is upside-down.