Obama Goes Golfing After Terrorist Attack In Afghanistan Kills Six American Soldiers


Staff member

He is far more than you can or will ever be. If you cannot see thru the bullshit propaganda that is on you big boy. Bush will always be a cancer to anything he touches an old frat boy who has never accomplished anything and never will. W did more to set this country back than you could ever make up about Obama.
He is far more than you can or will ever be. If you cannot see thru the bullshit propaganda that is on you big boy. Bush will always be a cancer to anything he touches an old frat boy who has never accomplished anything and never will. W did more to set this country back than you could ever make up about Obama.

I'll see W's ill advised war and housing bubble crash and raise you Obama's health care clusterfuck and 9 trillion in debt all by his lonesome.


Staff member
He is far more than you can or will ever be. If you cannot see thru the bullshit propaganda that is on you big boy. Bush will always be a cancer to anything he touches an old frat boy who has never accomplished anything and never will. W did more to set this country back than you could ever make up about Obama.

Freeing Al Quaeda terrorist in exchange of Bowe Bergdahl under two mandates plus welcoming 100000 syrians refugees and giving them food, shelter, healthcare in priority before American war veterans and citizens is something only Obama himself could be proud of. Unemployment is still high, I am not even counting how much taxes the hardworking citizens pay for Obamacare which is leeched by unwilling to work douchebags and the worst neighborhood thugs http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-12-28/obamacare-sucking-10-americans-incomes and also the poor themselves will pay more for their own healthcare http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/obamacare-health-care-democrats-cadillac-tax-216966 https://newrepublic.com/article/126575/large-companies-exploiting-loophole-obamacare http://www.breitbart.com/big-govern...poor-spending-10-20-percent-income-obamacare/. And the supposed 5% unemployment rate isn't showing everything http://fortune.com/2015/11/10/us-unemployment-rate-economy/ http://www.moneycrashers.com/what-is-national-us-unemployment-rate/ I don't wear blinders unlike you who are a naive person, who can't see what's happening. Continue in that way, but don't get surprised when you will have to face the cold reality one day.
Freeing Al Quaeda terrorist in exchange of Bowe Bergdahl under two mandates plus welcoming 100000 syrians refugees and giving them food, shelter, healthcare in priority before American war veterans and citizens is something only Obama himself could be proud of. Unemployment is still high, I am not even counting how much taxes the hardworking citizens pay for Obamacare which is leeched by unwilling to work douchebags and the worst neighborhood thugs http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-12-28/obamacare-sucking-10-americans-incomes and also the poor themselves will pay more for their own healthcare http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/obamacare-health-care-democrats-cadillac-tax-216966 https://newrepublic.com/article/126575/large-companies-exploiting-loophole-obamacare http://www.breitbart.com/big-govern...poor-spending-10-20-percent-income-obamacare/. And the supposed 5% unemployment rate isn't showing everything http://fortune.com/2015/11/10/us-unemployment-rate-economy/ http://www.moneycrashers.com/what-is-national-us-unemployment-rate/ I don't wear blinders unlike you who are a naive person, who can't see what's happening. Continue in that way, but don't get surprised when you will have to face the cold reality one day.

Georges is a cotdam American treasure!


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Freeing Al Quaeda terrorist in exchange of Bowe Bergdahl under two mandates plus welcoming 100000 syrians refugees and giving them food, shelter, healthcare in priority before American war veterans and citizens is something only Obama himself could be proud of. Unemployment is still high, I am not even counting how much taxes the hardworking citizens pay for Obamacare which is leeched by unwilling to work douchebags and the worst neighborhood thugs http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-12-28/obamacare-sucking-10-americans-incomes and also the poor themselves will pay more for their own healthcare http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/obamacare-health-care-democrats-cadillac-tax-216966 https://newrepublic.com/article/126575/large-companies-exploiting-loophole-obamacare http://www.breitbart.com/big-govern...poor-spending-10-20-percent-income-obamacare/. And the supposed 5% unemployment rate isn't showing everything http://fortune.com/2015/11/10/us-unemployment-rate-economy/ http://www.moneycrashers.com/what-is-national-us-unemployment-rate/ I don't wear blinders unlike you who are a naive person, who can't see what's happening. Continue in that way, but don't get surprised when you will have to face the cold reality one day.

(I highlighted a portion of the text.

Georgie, you do realize that every veteran, first 9/11 responder and so on had full health coverage if it wasn't for your darling corrupt GOP cronies who are only big on spending for weaponry and forces to be hired, once they are used, they are obviously of no interest for the damn Republicans. Blame the right people, or stfu.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
(I highlighted a portion of the text.

Georgie, you do realize that every veteran, first 9/11 responder and so on had full health coverage if it wasn't for your darling corrupt GOP cronies who are only big on spending for weaponry and forces to be hired, once they are used, they are obviously of no interest for the damn Republicans. Blame the right people, or stfu.

I think Jon Stewart and the Daily show would disagree with your assertion. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/jon-ste...vocates-for-911-first-responders-zadroga-act/

Tri-Care, the DOD's answer for healthcare insurance is a joke now that StompyFootCare is in full effect. And don't fucking get me started on VA and their incompetence. They are almost as incompetent as the president. At least, once in a great while, they do something right.

Blame the right people or STFU.